More cores don't matter! :D
The Intel i5 is dead!
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Doesn't matter what some Irish idiot thinks all the evidence is pointing to the Ryzen being dead. Well, to be exact it was DOA.
fuck year moar cores for shit games that no pc gamer actually plays. if you play majority triple A shit might as well just buy a console.
>Older than my mom
Every fucking time.
This is about games going forward. More games are going to be multi-threaded. The i5 is already starting to bottleneck because it's 4 clocks and 8 threads are being maxxed to near 100%
Hi I am a cherry-picked false scotsman, nice to meet you
you talking about the one game that runs well on ryzen or the majority of older titles that people still play on intel?
>Ye olde 'modern games are hit' argument
Stay playing old games forever on your 4 core Intel setup brah.
he has such an obvious unabashed AMD bias I don't know wtf anyone would listen to him if they could get past his grating accent.
He's talking about futureproofing. ^ months back everyone was saying Intel was futureproofed for gaming on 4 cores. It's the opposite.
people still posting videos from this clown LAMOFOFOOF
>Stay blinkered
>Enjoy your 1-2 year Intel 'investnment'
whatever that means. I don't have a modern computer I'm just really vested in cpu shootouts right now because Im about to assemble a new pc.
Wrong. Coffeelake i5 flagship is actually great value, near equal to Ryzen 5 1600 and 1600X
I5 is 6 cores 6 threads.
Intel 4 core/8 threads is good for older and most current games. Going forward there will still be quite a few games that are not optimized for multi-threading. But it will slowly change. It's already happening and has been shown from past benchmarks at 720p on games that thread well. Clock speeds still make the biggest difference RIGHT NOW. But the margins are shrinking when up against multi-core CPU's. Ryzen lacks core clock speeds at present. Ryzen+ and Ryzen 2 will level the field with higher clocks on those additionalc ores and theads. Quad cores are already bottlenecking on some games due to high core usage (90% and above in some titles). Modern games will require more cores as GPU's go into 4K territory.
This is not a theory. It is just plain logic.
He already pointed out how the 8600K is already has high core % usage. The 8400 will be even worse in that regard. Right now if I was to buy a CPU I would get the 8700K. The 8600K and 8400 won't be worth it if you are invested in a 4 year + build.But really I would wait for Ryzen+ in February.
can you make a intelligible post next time?
>$300 for a locked cpu
the absolute state of intelshills
You should try to understand the context of why Sup Forums recommends high speed cpus over multicore is because of the games that a lot of people play here. war simulators that are poorly coded running one or two threads. dwarf fortress which only uses one thread. emulators. older games with mods in high resolution.
didnt even watch 2 seconds
Why can't you speak english like a normal person?
Ryzen+ is going to be a guaranteed disappointment. I doubt it will even reach 4.3ghz
This is about future proofing. Not which CPU is currently the best for playing CURRENT and older titles.
Look at the CPU % usage on the 8600K here. It's already capping out.
It doesn't really matter. It will be good enough and more future proof than a 8400 even though the 8400 will probably be the same price or cheaper.
you don't even need dual-core to play old (better) games :^)
If the 8600K is already running that high % then the 8400 will be even worse. It will HEAVILY rely on clock speeds to keep up.
that is a current game. do some unity benchmarks or indie titles instead of AAA garbage maybe?
Why? We are talking about the future here not every game based on shitty threading and reliant on high single core.
Spoken like a true tripfag. I mean, what can we expect?
Going forward consoles Xbox One X will mean a lot of games will become more and more focused on better threading and compute which will translate to better PC gaming on hardware that takes advantage of that. Destiny 2, Star Wars Battlefront 2, Wolfenstein II, AC:O etc all run well on multi-core and compute based GPU's. Volta will even be more compute focused. Intel got pusghed to release Coffee Lake 6+ cores early. It's all heading in that direction. I feel sorry for those who brought intel Kabylake because 'it's the best gaming CPU' this year.
Anyone who 'upgraded' to a 4 core solution this year made a big mistake.
why cant he speak normal english? do i need to pause and rewind the video to understand what he says?
We can expect you to learn to speak properly you moron.
Future gaming is not going to be SJW AAA shit like all these games here.
great for out of touch Scottish pajeet running benchmarks but for anyone who actually plays video games on pc will not touch for any extended amount of time.
Claiming its DOA despite how well its been selling in the market just proves your a shill. I could understand recommending intel over AMD if your use case is purely gaming, but both of them have a place in the market.
is ryzen + gonna deliver on those 15% IPC gains and higher clock speeds?
if it does it's gonna mop the floor with intel seeing as their 10nm process is coming out what q1 2019?
Kike killer left so I expect street shit gains
>Bugsoft game
Now try anything relevant.
If you don't actually understand what I am trying to say, it's time to expand your vocab and go back to high school.
>those skewed scales on the graphs
If I was building a new PC right now I would go with the 8400. The only concern would be temps as Intel stock coolers are so shit.
>41 FPS
>"practically unplayable"
That's just funny to hear now that I'm replaying Wind Waker, which caps at 30 FPS. And that's wonderfully smooth compared to Ocarina of Time.
Ocarina runs at 15-20fps.
delid this thread now.
Nobody has ever claimed it will have 15% better IPC. That would put it well above Coffee Lake, and that isn't going to happen. The claim was 10%+ better performance and was made by GloFo with regards to the process itself, which means it's almost certainly referring to higher clocks.
They could also make some improvements to the Infinity Fabric to help reduce latency between CCXs. IPC isn't likely to change though, because it's just a Skylake/Kaby Lake situation, moving the existing architecture to a new process.
Indeed, and while I played that, I never once thought it unplayable.
haha the intel niggers in this thread are so laughable. cant even understand the fucking video. If you look the i5s even the 8th gen are constantly on or very near 100% utilization in most games. they have almost no headroom for the future and are basically dogshit if you want to keep your cpu for more than 2 years. games going on from now will likely require 8 threads at least. "but look in this game from 2011 the 7600k beats ryzen" fuck off with the autism. more threads will always be more important than higher clocks.
Or perhaps you belong to a minority with your fucked up English and you should go back to school yourself. Even niggers speak a more intelligible language than whatever Irish tribe language you babble.
Guess it's not a joke when they say the Irish are the niggers of Europe.
>gets shown 4 core intel corelets are obsolete in the modern gaming world
>wtf I hate modern games now
>where's the csgo 144p low benches at?
How insecure must you be to say that? LOL
>hurr durr muy linguistic abilities is top notch, everyone else in Sup Forums are irish
So how come CPU % usage and FPS are lower for Ryzen? If SMT was switched off would CPU usage and FPS go up for the 1800?
Nvidia drivers hate Ryzen
.05 rupees have been deposited to your account
>If SMT was switched off would CPU usage and FPS go up for the 1800?
If you're using Windows' metric for CPU usage, then yes, since 100% usage for Windows is 100% of every thread used. A certain load therefore displays a higher CPU usage with fewer available hardware threads.
What about the 19xx series threadrippers?
Look just try to learn how to speak you dumb faggot. It's not like you have a proper impediment, you just have to realise people can't understand your unintelligible shit.
for me its not that I can't understand him its that its hard to tolerate his accent and I can only watch his videos in chunks.
I can't stand listening to 'muricans. So we're even?
In the bin
what a retard scaling.
>5 Ghz defeats 4Ghz
color me surprised
>I shall stick my head in the sand because I don't like the persons opinions.
So you might aswell get a dualcore? pls, I computer not just game.
Back to your r/realamd hugbox
Also i7 beats Ryzen
color me surprised
>Runs out of arguments so just throws insults
>In some scenarios where high clock and single thread counts
Which is actually a lot of scenarios, just like there's a lot of scenarios where high core count is favoured.
user, 8c/16t threadripper 1900x reaches 4.3GHz. zen+ gonna reach 4.5GHz with increased IPC
thank you for proving my point
How's the Volvo you king of the forest
I actually sold it in 2013 and bought a miata. Not too long ago I saw the volvo after 4 years almost and it's still in good condition at least from the outside.
You a fag or a hairdresser?
Stop posting and please reevaluate what you are passionate about. You don't belong here.
>He posts on 4chins