You can only be a good programmer if you're good at math

>you can only be a good programmer if you're good at math

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kys weaboo

megumin !!

to get a degree yeah

>you need a degree to get a job as a Software Engineer

Megumin a cute!

sure as hell helps

explain basement dwelling neckbeards reverse engineers

Not true. Being a good writer helps a lot more.

t. Yukari

just lie on all your resumes and smooze your way through the interview (suck their cocks)

megumin is realy cute

You don't NEED math to be a great programmer, but it can sometimes make your life easier.

you don't need to be "good" get a passing grade

You don't have to be good at math to be a "good programmer" but you DO have to be good at math to be a GOOD good programmer

How the fuck does that work? There's not a single perspective where this would have made sense. Might as well have censored it with glare or some shit

It's anime user, calm down.

What is freelancer

except it does make sense go be dumb somewhere else

>t. brainlet

there's pictures with females (male) doing exactly that pose and it works

I want to fug Megumin

why doesn't he, like, turn his hand around?

welcome newfriend, i noticed you've refrained from using the term "soy" and "cuck" and just want to congratulate you on your reliable, however rocky, start, here

you dont need to.
since everything is already done with frameworks and javascript

Being good at math helps.
You call pull a lot of neat tricks to speed up shit.

ebin post upvoted friend
(thirty shekels have been uploaded into your poo account)

You can only be a good programmer when you are smart.

As a bonus being smart also makes you good at math.

All anime is based on real photographs.
That's the only way the "artists" know how to draw that shit.
No exceptions.

Exactly, notice the socks of that little girl. Pure coincidence.

I honestly don't know how you copy-pasters get by. Do you just resign yourself to the fact that there are some things that you're unable to do? What is that even LIKE?


Top kek

Does rustle still make art?

Btw the whole thing is a repost from a Sup Forums thread which in turn was reposted from Ylilauta, including the naked guy pic

Everything traces back to Finland :--DDDDDDD

search it on youtube and see what happens

It seems so

nothing ?

webdevs disagree

Math is not really that hard.


umm no sweetie le evil google is immideatly going to report ur ip to the fbi and they're going to van you within second

You don't need math if you just want to be a code monkey

Okay so searching for the abbreviation of Petrol Tetra Fluoride Compound will get me v&?