Mozilla Firefox 57

>"Recently Closed Tabs" is now two clicks away instead of one

Fuck you mozzarella! Bunch of incompetent so-called developers. FUCK YOU!

Other urls found in this thread:

Sorosfox is shit, but who the fuck even uses this shit? If I closed the tab that means I want it closed.

You are running a nightly, you complete idiot. There is no reason to kill a thread on Sup Forums to bitch about a NIGHTLY build.

Also, FF sucks monkey balls. Get a browser that respects your privacy.

I use this function often. Opera v12 had a dedicated button for it.

It's going to be the same on Fx57 stable released this day.

Hehe I'm a girl ;)

Yeah, that's a fucking tragedy.

male or female?

>on the internet
pissoff faggot

Oh fuck you, stop trashing developers when you have no sense of developing you wench.

Alternatively, CMD+shift+t
Thank me later
On a side note, what's the best anti coin mining extension for Firefox?

I don't want to open the last closed tab. I want a different one, so that shortcut is useless.

uBlockOrigin and uMatrix

Is greasymonkey a kill? What should I switch to?

ESR52, SeaMonkey, WaterFox or PaleMoon.

I meant greasymonkey alternative.

>not running in private mode 100% of the time
wew lad

I am

Post dick

That's not true private mode if it's still keeping your history and tabs during the session

I want to keep it during session.

Enjoy your botnet

har har

> Not using Brave at this point, the only no bloat no bullshit /gpol/ approved browser


ctrl + shift + t
only fags use gui

What if I want to restore the 15th closed tab? I'm doing this shortcut 15 times? Are you retarded? Moron!

>>"Recently Closed Tabs" is now two clicks away instead of one

isnt that round icon teh history icon? doesn't it show them when you click it? op are you retarded?

You have to do two clicks. One on the toolbar icon and another one on "Recenly closed tabs". Previously they were displayed on the main history page/popup.
Also learn to count you fucking imbecile.

yes yes i saw the jif nao i feel your pain

>most recently closed tab is still a single keyboard shortcut away
Why should I care?

>I use this function often.
Stop accidentally closing tabs, retard.

Eat shit and die already

Have you heard about a feature named bookmarks?

what happens when you click history from the menu bar ?

>I want to restore the 15th closed tab
Why do you close a tab if you're going to need it again in the near future?
Sounds like something a retard would do.


>hurrr don't use the feature. you're not supposed to
fucking retard


>i want to keep doing things the retard way even though there's a better way

you're probably one of those retards who have 500 tabs open at the same time, right?


im still using firefox 28 with noscript and cookie monster desu

idk why they decided to just straight up copy chrome entire gui

if i wanted to use chrome id just use chrome u fucking R E T A R D S



>btw im a girl

kys yourself roastie slag

>close the tab you need
>close 14 more tabs
>waaaaaaaaaah i needed that tab waaah why am i so incompetent waaaaah

You really are that fucking imbecile.

>that fucking imbecile
There's one specific imbecile?

Guise there's a keyboard shortcut for this.
On FagOS it's Shift+Command+T
I'd imagine on Winblows and Loonix it would be Shift+CTRL+T

the roastie knows who u are ur fuckin ded kiddo u better watch ur back u might die to passive aggression

No. They already have version 4 on AMO

>not using 52 ESR
That thing has half a year before its EOL, no reason to not use it. Also, this was always a better option

I am using ESR52.

And I was using an addon in the past, but they implemented that directly in the hhistory flyout, so why not? ESR behaves normally. v57 is complete junk.

Is it a botnet though? I've heard it had some telemetry on Sup Forums.

press alt

>gain time from faster pageloads
>lose gained time from Gnome-esque extra steps

still two clicks away

>twooo clicks r hard hihih OwO

fuck off with your dumb disguised tech support threads