Iphone X doesn't work in cold xD


Pretty normal for consumer electronics to have a lower limit of 10 deg Celsius (condensation) or 0 deg Celsius.

No need to nitpick on trivial things WHEN THERE A HUGE FUKKEN BITE TAKEN OUT OF THE DISPLAY, HOLY F*CK!!!

All my android phones have worked at -15°C.

You see friend, most android phones have a built in warming feature. Samsung included it on their phones, and the chinkshit copied them.

See for yourself, it doesn’t work too well when you take it out on a warm day

No there isn't. The only way they could've not had a notch is if they had a whole top bezel instead. They did what they could with the current state of technology.


They could've made a tiny top bezel instead of the huge ugly dip like the LG G6, the LG V30, the S8, the note 8 ...
>the current state of technology
also not allow the use of a headphone jack, a fingerprint scanner, removable storage, an open source operating system and actual IP68 instead of crippled IP67?

You're cooling it wrong

*Blocks your path*

>headphone jack
Bluetooth DACs are better quality if you’re not a poorfag buying shitty headphones

>fingerprint scanner
Passcode is more secure anyway

>removable storage
You don’t need this. iPhones have more than enough storage for music, games, photos, documents and videos. If you need more than what’s on your phone, connect to your cloud provider of choice
>b-but muh golden ears FLAC
Fuck off autist. Tests have proven 320kbps mp3/256kbps m4a are fully indiscernible to FLAC.

>open sourced
Except those driver blobs, except all google services etc etc
Many custom Roms don’t work fully for most phones because “muh no open sores driver”. It’s also irrelevant for a phone. You can’t access any of the internal baseband firmware either. Get real.

How about don’t take electronic near water you retard?

Not to defend Apple here but you honestly should not use any phone past a certain temp if you care about your battery. Better to keep it on your body in extreme cold to keep it warm enough to use it without issues.

>Bluetooth DACs are better quality if you’re not a poorfag buying shitty headphones
Impossible, for bluetooth does lossy compression before going to the headphones.

Apt-X you faggot

Apple doesn't support Apt-X in any form retard.

Third party apps stoopid

My Axon 7 worked at -20 celcius

Third party apps for what?
Can't add Apt-x through a 3rd party app.

>Bluetooth DACs are better quality if you’re not a poorfag buying shitty headphones.
Said nobody ever.
Also, it's not a matter of costs: with 300 bucks you can either buy a pair of wireless Momentum 2, or a pair of HD 600. Every single time you compare Bluetooth vs wired headphones, in the same price range, the wired headphones blow the fuck out the Bluetooth ones in quality.

Every android phone I've owned has worked in the -10F and colder winters where I live.

Oh wow, you really showed me user. Gtfo fucking nigger
>Bluetooth DACs are better
Srsly? Do some research on the limitations of Bluetooth.
>Passcode is more secure
It isn't, anyone can see your passcode if they pay attention and a fingerprint scanner is very fast.
>You don't need removable storage
Let's not start talking about the things we need or don't okay. The reason why I love removable storage is because I can take it out of my phone, plug it into my pc, transfer over mutliple GBs of files 5 times as fast as I could over usb and plug it back in my phone.
>Not realizing everything should be open source.
Uh, every custom rom I've ever used worked perfectly without gapps.
>How about don't take your electronics near 80% of Earth
You realize water is everywhere right, I lost a laptop, 2 cellphones and one smartphone thanks to water. If everything was waterproof life would be a lot easier.

>I’m a clumsy autistic fuck so every one is


fbi, homeland security, cops .. can force you to unlock your phone with your finger

>Samsung copycat Xiaomi

when will you ever be in this situation realistically?

Apple did just put an update where you can force require a passcode if power button is clicked 5 times


>sopa de sapo

My Zuk Z2 doesn't have this problem.

*hand blocks the selfie camera*

>implying they can't force you to unlock it with your passcode/face/eyes/dick

How will iToddlers ever recover?


>sausage hands