>be brazillian
>no tech jobs because half the country is a shithole that makes mexico look like norway and the other half is saturated
fuck it all
Be brazillian
Does portugal have a program like spain does for ex colonials?
>Tech jobs in Brazil
That makes no sense.
I get a shitload of job offers all the time the problem is how much they are willing to pay considering the shit they are asking and certifications lel.
Minas, Sao Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul all have a shitload of job offers.
when did monkeys learn how to use computers?
I think Brazilians have an easier time going to Portugal
but honestly who would want to go
a solução é dedo no cu e gritaria
>HUE's only choices are Portugal and Angola
Kek should have chosen english bitches
Not really. Plenty of job offers in tech here in São Paulo and not bad ones. About BRL 110K/year, asking just some experience and a higher education degree.
With the new CLT it will probably get even better and PJ ones will convert to full CLT. But I don't give a fuck since I have a private retirement fund.
>high end brazillian code monkeys get paid less than pajeet code monkeys when you convert to USD
>With the new CLT it will probably get even better
oh boy, ignorance is bliss
Those are not high end positions, nor seniors, they are fresh out of college and first three years of career position, seniors make way, way more money but those numbers are not published. Rumour has it a senior position, with a decent network, working with web related technologies can get as much as BRL 390K/year. Also note that brazilians by the end of the year get double their monthly salary due to our labour laws.
Then again, if you were a smart individual, you'd know you don't need american tier salaries to have a good life down here in the jungle, as we don't have chinese nor russians neither boomers fucking up our economy. You can buy a decent house in a nice place for as little as 100K USD and spend 1K for groceries, healthy and fresh monkey soups. Something that your modern american could only dream of. But you are right, I know a few people that do remote work for platforms like toptal and a couple other working remotely for canadian companies that does get the american tier salaries and they manage to live even better, but overall, qualified tech workers have a nice life down here.
>asking just some experience
You need to get experience first to have some experience, you know.
>BRL 390K/year
That is like 100K USD, isn't it? That is literally American tier salary.
>You can buy a decent house in a nice place for as little as 100K USD
Is that supposed to be cheap? How nice are we talking about? I'm your neighbor from the south and if as an engineer you get 40K USD a year, you are already a minority among engineers, the average is on 25K, and me as a code monkey barely 10K, I could never afford buying a place for "as little as 100K USD", though a nice house in a nice neighborhood here does cost that and more.
I just bought a house at an auction for 12K in a red zone and I got a hell of a good deal.
What sort of positions would net you 390k soups in bananaland? Calling bullshit on that one.
No we encourage ex-colonies to BTFO and be independent af.
The only program that exists for ex-colonials is the one where they turn into ass bandits.
I don't need to live in a fortress to keep niggers from getting in and I can shoot them if they try, things that in hueland you can't do.
You got a hell of a good deal indeed, congratulations. But I was only putting in perspective for our (i suppose) american lad just how unexpensive Brasil is compared to developed countries, and our salaries are still high compared to the other fields, as there is ways to hit "american wages" levels working in tech here.
I'm talking countryside city nice. Really nice neighbourhoods.
I mean no offense, but using engineers as a point of reference is a little naive, we're not engineers and they belong to an entirely different job market under other rules, and since our economy crisis started, they've been getting fucked in the ass as engineers are the first to the slaughterhouse when the economy tanks. A fresh civil engineer nowadays can't even put himself in the market anymore. Where I'm working i'm taking home about 60K usd/year, but I'm not just a code monkey anymore, nor I could call myself a senior, i'm in between. Are you working on a shitty position in a corporation? A small company? A startup? It depends on where you are, figures like mine are common here in SP. The starting salary for a SAP consultant inside the company itself is like 6K (in brl) less than mine, and those companies offers a career path like any other decent company does.
It is possible, but it is hard, it takes time, patience, a plan, dedication and networking. I'm talking top positions inside corporations, successful entrepreneurship. I thought it was impossible until a close relative of mine opened up to me. It makes public sector jobs look like a fuckin' joke, and I thought those jobs were the cream de la creme.
Friendo, niggers are not the problem in brazil.
Everyone is the problem.
White, black, asian, all will point a gun to you and rob your everything.
It's a quite true multicultural country.
Except for the rich niggers that use "fancy social justice imported from the US" just to send people that offended em in facebook to jail.