Does this little beast works fine with Linux?
Xiaomi laptops are fucking beautiful.
Does this little beast works fine with Linux?
Everything works with Linux. It just depends on the DE you mean to install on the machine. The correct question is: "Does this work fine with Windows/Mac?"
It looks like a cheap asus laptop, why not get one of those instead
>chink laptop
I've heard about some laptops that doesn't work very well with linux, most of them because of video card "drivers"
Because it's not.
I'd rather get myself a panasonic lets note.
here's what you need to run LiGNUx:
>a basic closed circuit
There's some distributions that will give you more trouble than others. Debian for example will be ask for non-free firmware during installation and won't continue without it
Consider that I need it to work, not just only run.
>CTRL and Fn keys in the right place
Fuck Thinkpads, this should be the new Sup Forums laptop
They really should. I can't belive that it isn't.
>no Fn lock
>Xiaomi laptops are fucking beautiful
That's because they are MacBook clones.
I wouldn't trust them to have any less spyware built into them though
That's why I call 'em "macbook killers".
Works fine for me.
Recently stepped on it though, kinda bent now. I'm a fucking retard.
You should be banned from earth, you monster.
Yeah, well, guess that could be one solution.
even copies the bend-gate from apple
that shouldn't bend it, maybe if you are american
i'm brazilian
Just ordered an Air 13, considered the XPS 13 but it cost a fuck ton more and doesn't have a dedicated GPU. Only thing I'm worried about is that if anything breaks I'll have to ship it back to China.
fuck you, they're the wrong way round
those things don't have warranty lmao
New Lenovos are just as bad.
Though I undestand Sup Forums only wants 7 year old Thinkpads.
are these laptops a chinese botnet?
That should cover it
Also this:
Lisa knows her shit.
How much is the price in your country? And what is your country?
>linus shill tips
i hope you get cancer
This thing has only a 1080p display for like a grand, right?
It's like 1000 bucks, it only sells from China
just buy a thinkpad
Yeah... do it...
> buying a cheap chinkshit ripoff of the real thing
You probably buy fake handbags too ya flaming faggot
>being able to bear a 1080p resolution in 2017
meanwhile, XPS 13 has a 4k IPS monitor
What do you think, user?
It's running Windows just Chinese language applied. You can download a copy of Windows 10 and reformat it if you are paranoid.
I know its from China, I mean with the change and everything how much did you paid in total?
I'm in china I want to see if it's really worth it to buy it here
It's just a shame that display is wasted on Windows/Linux.
Higher resolutions just expose how horrible they look.
Beware of xiaomeme. They have excellent hardware but the rest is total shit. I own most of their home automation devices and sensors, and again the software part is half translated to english and half not.
They sell in markets like india and brasil where the consumer has zero rights. They have ZERO customer support except a forum run by subhuman indians on a powertrip. Basically only buy xiaomeme stuff if you are 100% confident that you can fix the mistakes or live with them.
Really does seem like a steal for the price. I assume if you re-install Windows in English you can use the key that came with it?
If Apple priced an equivalent Macbook even close to this the rest of the industry might as well just shut down.
The key is a single-language license that's locked in the bios. Even installing language packs won't allow you to use them. You will need a completely new license and reinstall windows.
The fact that "single language Windows" even exists in >2017 says all you need to know about the absolute state of Microsoft.
It's very uncommon and mostly restricted to use in China.
What would happen if you called Microsoft, told them you bought a laptop while on vacation because you needed one, and want it in fucking English.
> vacationing in China
I'm afraid you have bigger issues at hand my dude.
I'm going to Vietnam in a month or so and plan to stop in China for a week. Unsure between Shanghai and Hong Kong.
Replied to my own post accidentally
Well, considering the Deepin OS team gifted one to Linus, I'd assume they're at least compatible with Deepin OS.
What are the specs and pricepoint? Not gonna pay $1000 for a chinkshit with no proper warranty.
Chinese people have a habit fucking over white people and they're proud of it.
I want one with new amd apu
So Sup Forums claims to hate Apple, but when xiaomi blatantl copies Apple Sup Forums laps it up?
The second best question is: Can you run windows 7 on it?
The problem is the price, if someone do something similar cheap it's good
Yeah they can do stuff cheaply when they use inferior build quality and don’t spend any money on R&D
GNOME works fine on high DPI.
Yeah yeah,
it just werks.
>no warranty
>plastic look
>filled with chinese spyware
Good luck with that shit.
If would be glorious if the chinks made laptops with hackintoshing in mind: use the same chipsets/components as Apple so they're easy to get OSX on.
Are you saying Apple worth its price?
Apple has great build quality. Actually it's so good, that the price you're paying is much lower than it should be.
Remember it's just a cup of coffee everyday in a year is price of newest iphone.
Mbp? It's like two or three cups per day.
It's cheap, really.
>tfw saving for a xiaomi mi max 2
is xiaomi really that bad?
>still worrying about spyware
>not doing a full wipe
the fucking year are you on gramps?
Xiaomi is good, I have a xiaomi 5s plus.
Never had a better phone
>Remember it's just a cup of coffee everyday in a year is price of newest iphone.
>Mbp? It's like two or three cups per day.
Yeah, in terms of today's ridiculously-overpriced-everywhere pretend barista organic monk-blessed coffees --- "it's cheap, really".
Says more about the state of the coffee bubble though.
>buying IOT home shit
>not buying xiaomeme then replacing spymiui with aosp
>caring about outsourced indian support
>not reading english forums
It's like you got yourself anus enlargement.
you can switch fn and ctrl on thinkpads
some thinkpads support core/libreboot and respect your freedom
Seems like most people who own it and also installed Ubuntu saying it runs great.