Fedora > 90% of Linux distros

Fedora > 90% of Linux distros.

Prove me wrong.

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False. It's better than 100% of distros

Yeah but 95% of distros are shit

>Sponsored by the NSA

I switched from Arch to fedora in September.

I miss the gargantuan amount of packages in the AUR and the lack of memory use.

Other than that, Fedora is fucking awesome, I really like it.

I like it. It's not perfect - Fedora should stop sucking Gnome's cock and ship the Workstation without the full Gnome application suite. Make it lighter. On the ride since version 24.

>in the top tenth percentile of distros
I think that's fair.

God fuck this new CAPTCHA.

Newbie here. I've been using some other distros as a hobbie (Elementary, Mint, Bodhi)
I'm willing to get rid of windows. Is Fedora really that good?



Fedora is okay. Make sure to get RPM Fusion, install some codecs, and get ffmpeg for full media support. If you don't you will find out that some YT videos won't play or don't produce any sound during playback.

The reason why the needed codecs are not in the main repositories is because of licensing and quality control issues.

Also beware the package manager may be a little slow.

>Prove me wrong.

Yes Fedora is comfy as fuck.

I dual-boot with windows though mainly because of Adobe

>entire system breaks without systemd since it's so dependent on it

you can change the init systems even on fucking ubuntu

>pclinuxos is better

I wish Canonical still sponsored Unity 8 development, it was the only cool thing that they had going forward

Pic related is running on my phone

Debian apt-pinning ;)

Reminder 27 is out as of yesterday.

Why is Debian such a piece of shit compared to this?

>try to install
>"lol you have to manually configure your drivers and network files"

Net install is the only correct way to load Fedora. Spins and the default GNOME workstation are bloated beyond belief.

Though yeah, the 6 month release cycle is good if you have recent-ish hardware, and the 3rd party support is up there with Ubuntu.

>install debian stable
>build my most used software from source
>get latest updates for software I care about while having an extremely stable base system

why wouldn't you do this?

Who says Fedora is less stable?

How often does Fedora crash? I'm curious about Debian and Fedora and have been planning on trying Debian on my next PC.

Sure. With Ubuntu and Debian being the other 10%.

Debian > Fedora tho.

My friend who loves redhat pestered me to try Fedora until I finally gave in. I installed from netinst, then installed xorg stuff and other relevant packages. After starting X, my mouse was not recognized and keys I pressed were only being registered half the time. I immediately installed Debian stable and never touched Fedora again.

Now, I'm sure I just didn't understand how X11 packages are laid out in Fedora land and that I missed installing something important, but the Debian way makes much more sense to me.

I recently had the opportunity to try out centos though, and the NetworkManager service is pretty slick.

\> not using Windows 10

Why even PC?


Literally Pottering's home base

Lol, no.

fedora is a shit distro and anyone who uses it is retarded nigger cattle

Yeah, I've only installed Fedora minimal on my computers recently. I got into the i3 meme as well.

Of course it is, there's shit like Satanic Linux and ten trillion "Ubuntu Gaymer" spins out there. Every mainstream distro falls in that upper 10 percent, retard.

You probably did not install the xorg-x11-drivers package before starting X. This is also important for laptops so that your trackpad/point and keyboard input is picked up.

Is there a guide I can read on setting up Fedora if you're a newbie?

Also, shouldn't codec be installed when you install vlc?


>Fedora - a distribution of NSA botnet.
Prove me wrong.

Can we get Bryan Lunduke in here with his fedora triggering comments?

He doesn't even know what Sup Forums is.

Are you retarded ? You're the one making a statement here, so you're the one who have to prove it

Fedora has been my main OS for like 5 years now
The installer is probably the best out of any OS, but I do find myself compiling a lot of software on my own.
I wish there was a better community repo than copr or even some kinda ports system.
Other than that it's pretty great

What are you referring to?

that doesn't make him wrong you dipshit

It cannot be better than itself

95% linux distro is shit

linux is shit in general

Because 10% of distros is mint and debian

- codecs and fonts fuckery
- need to add a third party repo for everything (e.x.: compton)
- slow package manager
Why use Fedora at all?
Now when he left openSUSE there also will be triggering comments about it
He knows.

>Install Kubuntu
>few to no problems
>Install OpenSUSE
>few to no problems
>Install Arch with KDE
>few to no problems
>Install Fedora with KDE
>3 crashes/minute

Fedora is absolute garbage.

I ditched fedora when NetworkManager/systemd/firewalld update niggered my possibility to access my SAMBA shares without actually shutting the firewalld service down.

Fuck fedora so much
>betatesting rhel for free
cuckold as shit

Alright people who don't use Fedora because it's shit

Which distros do you use and why

debian stable

>it's mainstream
if there's an obscure piece of software that someone builds binary packages for, high chances debian packages will be one of them - makes shit a lot easier. And has a lot of documentation both from it's maintainers as wel as outside sources.
>it doesn't come with a lot of preinstalled dookie even in a "full graphical installation with a desktop environment of choice"
>it's support cycle is a godsend
2 years between releases that hardly change at all in the entire support cycle of the release. debian is pretty much the definition of "trouble free" gnu/linux

and while I don't have a lot of use for it I do appreciate the support for many architectures. I run the same operating system on my computer as well as on my LEGO EV3 controller brick (ev3dev). Isn't that nice?

FreeBSD > 100% of Linux distributions.

You can just enable legacy captcha you know