Its a unix system, i know this

>its a unix system, i know this
what did she mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread: 3d file browser

Man,those DEs are getting out of hand

It was an SGI workstation running IRIX, which was the coolest OS to ever exist. It can't even be emulated. Those machines also cost as much as a car up to the price of a medium sized house. Poorfag Macshitters and Wincunts BTFO.

>You'll never meet that cutie hacker girl without her having 20 nose rings and being bi-sexual

why bother anymore Sup Forums

better dumb than a nose ring

Wasn't she like 12? I looked it up and the actress was either 12 or 13 during filming, depending on how much time was between filming and release.

>unix workstations from the mid-90's look more modern than the lunix distros that Sup Forums uses

You can buy SGI workstations on ebay for a couple hundred dollars.

Smoke weed and sex with her and possibly her friend also. Sounds good to me

>>its a unix system, i know this
>what did she mean by this?
Well the whole UI thing is bullshit. I guess the point they are making in the script is that even though she might not know this exact system, since it is a unix or unix like, she knows the basic directory structure and utilities so it's at least plausible she'd be able to use it.

The UI is real and it's retarded to use

but look at all these... these uh... people

That's a file manager / file system explorer.

Don't kid yourself, I've picked up SGI machines for pocket change, not to mention, free.
JewBay is a hipster trap.

I refuse to believe anyone would refer to themselves as a "Polyamorous queer autistic trans lesbian" unironically. I just... I cannot fathom it being something that exists and happens. If it is, everything I know about the universe is wrong.

>jbd, Liz, Sarah, and Danielle are all cute I don't care what you say
>Dana's photo suffers from poor lighting making her look like an old leather sack - I cannot pass judgment based on available info (even though the died hair is a red flag)

Fire up the ovens, guys. We have some undesirables to purge.

So... "Polyamorous queer autistic trans lesbian" is a man who wants to date women but be labeled gay for doing that?

Welcome to 2017.

like those two donuts would survive long enough at fat man's desk to be there for this picture

it's a movie, bro

>proudly bipolar

what the FUCK.

It's cool to be nuts.

It is an UNIX system. It's running SGI IRIX.

I don't think she knows what that means
I've run into chicks before who think bipolar means just bisexual

Man working for 'Google' doesn't mean shit you autistic fucks. I was a linux admin for Google and they just fucking run through those people. Truly a shit place to work.

>who think bipolar means just bisexual
I don't want to believe you.

Link? I'm curious, I'd like to see it in action


It might as well be the same thing since only bipolar women identify as bisexual.

I mean I know it's a little esoteric but people will commit microaggressions against me if I don't act like a condescending twat about it: 3d file browser

>calling yourself a communist while working at google


she meant the system ran unix.
also that 3d file manager is actually real, was actually released, and you can actually use it.

This actually makes me puke.

she likes gay bears

>proud bipolar
Just END this world.

>Proudly bipolar :gayflag:
Does she know what bipolar means

fuckin underage b&s. it was actually a very real product, pretty fuck sick for its time

>That's a file manager / file system explorer.
>I know this


This is what is called a "champagne socialist".

he fits right in though.

That makes it even better!