If you can't do your job using free software only (in the freedom sense) you are really bad and not an expert in what you doing
>hur duur I develop windows especific software.
No you don't.
Free software
You're a faggot
Linux is for computer enthusiasts who are lazy and can't actually stay with one good OS and actually do their jobs
Paid software has better quality because people are paid to develop it
Open source software is made by lazy enthusiasts who aren't payed and add shitty things that are useless and it takes a long time to do so
Free software that is closed source might just have a backdoor but if not it's still made by enthusiasts who are on the Windows side
Linux is for faggot Japanese ricers with autism that go by these shitty rules made by the same faggots as you
Image editing=Gimp, Krita, Darktable
Video editing=Kdenlive (please change your fucking name)
Coding=Vim, Emacs, Atom
Post moar.
dumb anime poster
There still is not a single good non linear video editor for Linux. The only barely professional option is Lightworks but it's not Premiere by any measure.
Also Eclipse is a bag of dicks, Jetbrains paid editions are way better.
>Open source software is made by lazy enthusiasts who aren't payed
>chromium is open source
>.NET is open source (made by M$)
>powershell is open source (made by M$)
.. insert here a large list of open and/or free software.
I work with free software and I get pay for it fagget.
ayylmao do you need an IDE for debug and develop java applications? OP theory is right you sucks.
That's it. Unless you're a "general" user or someone working in a technical or academic field, free software developers don't care about you.
I know how to do it manually with javac and jar you dumb fuck, there's a lot of easy build tools like mvn/gradle too. It's just 10x slower and hinders productivity compared to pressing a single key to run.
I use these:
Image editing and presentations = Inkscape and gimp I also love to do thinks using opencv
Coding =( Vim + Gradle ) my universal IDE (C++,C, Java,haskell)
Industrial design = Freecad + Openscad, I can do shit some solidwork fags coworkers can't even think
Blender = Artistic 3d design
>compared to pressing a single key to run.
You don't need an entire IDE for that, thats what I am talking about, I can deploy and test projects faster than you do in Vim using shortcuts too but you are tied to use whatever shit java brainlets sells you.
>Paid software
>Open source
And that's how you can tell that you don't know anything about the subject at hand.
It's free as in freedom, not free as in money.
There's nothing wrong about having paid products, but there is something wrong with you data being sold or used without your consent.
Free software is about being in control of your software, even if you don't have the knowledge to do anything with that control or just don't want to, with control comes true freedom, which is the real cause.
>The only barely professional option is Lightworks but it's not Premiere by any measure.
Why don't you start developing a professional linear video editor with the functions you need?
And you spent days setting up your .vimrc, I just installed Linux and unzipped IntelliJ in a folder and started working. Oh and vim keybinds work in IntelliJ with IdeaVim.
Yes, I am not an expert. I cannot be. Because there is next to nothing on Linux to design FPGA circuits, to get myself to expertify.
Some special cases can be found, but the area is largely sadly unresolved. So keep your remarks yourself and make the d***ed thing happen instead.
Anime is made with proprietary software
Friendly list of GNU/Linux software for winrefugees.
Chat, Voip (skype and others): Pidgin
RSS Feeds (can view and organize Youtube channels): Liferea
IRC: HexChat
Backup (file synchronization): Unison
System Backup: Systemback
Batch renamer: GPRename
File search: ANGRYsearch
Duplicate files removal: dupeGuru
Drawing: Krita
Image Editing (a.k.a. "photoshoping"): GIMP
Ebook Viewer: Okular
Image viewer, organizer, basic editing and video previewer: GThumb
Music Tags and metadata: Easytag
Music Player: DeaDBeeF, or Audacious with a Winamp skin
Media Center (online radio, watch and download tv shows and movies): Kodi (XBMC)
Video Player: VLC
Video editing: Cinelerra-cv or OpenShot
Video Transcoding: Handbrake
Video compositing: Natron
Screencasting: Open Broadcaster Studio
Password manager: KeePassX
Laptop powersaving: PowerTOP
Office Suite: WPS Office, or LibreOffice
Desktop publishing (like a pro): Scribus
Document processor (academic papers): LyX
Flashcards: Anki
Graphing calculator: GraphMonkey
Counter RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury): Workrave
Typing training: Klavaro
System monitor: Conky, GKrellM or HardInfo
Manage startup services: BUM
Virtual Machine: Virtualbox
To launch photoshop and play games: WINE ( + Wine Staging), with winetricks and playonlinux
DOS emulator: DOSBox
Commodore emulator: VICE
XBox emulator: XQEMU
Multiple gaming platforms: Mednafen, Higan
Nintendo: Dolphin, Mupen64Plus, DeSmuME
Sega: Reicast, Yabause, Exodus
Playstation: PCSX
OS X: Darling
Download Manager (download videos from youtube and other streaming and file sharing sites): JDownloader
Torrent: Transmission-gtk
Burning CD/DVD: Xfburn
File Manager: PCManFM
File manager featured in Jurassic Park: fsv (File System Visualizer)
Web Browser: IceCat. Secure by default, has firefox addons. Disable the LibreJS addon because it can be annoying for noobs.
Accounting: GnuCash. So you can keep track of the bucks you are saving when using free software.
Nigga, Studio Ghibli open sourced OpenToonz.
>Studio Ghibli
>into the trash it goes
I said anime not cartoons
Physics simulations: OpenFOAM
Isn't PCManFM quite buggy? Why not use Thunar?
God it sucks though. I'm always thinking I'm gonna make my own fork and fix it and I'm just too lazy to put effort into learning others code. I should probably write my own. It's just an IRC client. Nothing hard.
there's learning curves for both vim and a full fledged ide like intellij, just because vim has its learning curve look more like a wall and is mandatory as a result doesn't mean you aren't going to spend a shit ton of time getting used to intellij before you're actually productive in it at a useful level rather than just using it as a fancy text editor
pcmanfm-qt has been pretty reliable in my experience, I'm not sure if lxde is being actively developed any more but most of the commits on their github seem to be oriented around lxqt, but if not dolphin isn't too awful if you don't mind downloading a fuck ton of dependencies although thunar might also be acceptable
if you were considering making a fork I'd suggest trying to get used to a terminal based irc client like irssi or weechat instead, not going to be nearly as much effort and you'll get a better client out of it
it's a shame there's no real modern irc client outside of textual on macos though
Have you used Scribus versus InDesign? Scribus doesn't let you scroll through fonts or do very many things you'd consider Quality-of-Life. Definitely has a shitload of work to do.
You're a slut.
What am I going to use for reverse engineering? Radare? Objdump?
No thanks, I value my time
gedit my niggas
Get IDA then, you know is available you edgy cunt.
I use SpaceFM, lot of features and can be tweaked to my liking.
I made gay furry porn with Krita, so I think I am proficient.
>Poorly funded software
pick one
Also no inb4 in op.
Just poor form 2/10.
Question.. what does Richard Stallman do to make a living?