New OnePlus 5T reveal LIVE now:


Get in here folks

Other urls found in this thread:

> OnePlus 5T Launch Event Live

The phone we were all waiting for is going to be revealed in in minutes

They're showing Pajeets now

>First thing I see if Pajeet pandering

holy shit you cant make this up

>unironically buying chinkware

Do people buy things ironically?

Isn't India their biggest market?

that's their target audience

>trusting 1+

This chink can not public speak. And to think i was going to pay 40$ to see this shit

keep your racist dirty mouth to your containment board please

here's the dog eater.

Because it costs the average salary.

> the virgin phonemaker vs the notched Chad

chink website

Dam, so this is the phone that's gonna bring back the touchjizz meme back from the dead and shit all over apple AGAIN.

isn't the oneplus 5t just a oneplus 5 with a bigger screen? why even get hyped? shit is most likely worse than iphone X or note 8 screen.

Nah I'm not Swiss

He just said they wanted to copy apple and make OnePlus "more like a religion"

Inb4 no sd card slot once again and probably no headphone jack.

Keep your cellphone Chong!

This is going to be revolutionary, I feel it.
This will be the Thinkpad of phones, I can feel it.

There's a headphone jack, they made a whole post about it
no sd card though, and with just one usb-c port and no modular parts? doubt it. You're getting excited for their 5+

they'll show it now finally. Tune in anons

>"but sometimes we have to compromise"
>immediately catches his mistake and tries to backtrack
>camera shows the teleprompter

HOLY FUCK this is terrible

I'm an Indian. I'm tired of all the things people say about us. I mean, which other country is hated the most? North Korea? We're probably next to North Korea. Several people called me "pajeet", "who shits on the streets" "giv bob and vegana" as soon as I told them I'm from India. I'm now afraid of telling that I'm Indian. I feel ashamed. One person said "US should nuke India" on a youtube video about India and it got hundreds of likes or upvotes. Most of the things people say only apply to poor people and uneducated. People like me in the cities probably never saw anyone shitting on streets. I honestly never saw anyone shit on streets. At least from what I know, people don't shit on "streets" but in an open area like farmlands in villages. I keep my identity hidden and don't tell anyone that I'm Indian. I'm afraid they'll treat me differently. I keep trying to avoid those comments but they are affecting me. Not directly but indirectly. For example, read any Reddit threads about, you'll see hate comments about India. Fuck this shit

Designated. Shitting. Streets.

there's a difference between the at most endearing but generally counterproductive pajeet and the intelligent, useful sanjay; you read like the latter. pay no attention to insecure tryhard white boys

>replying to copypoopsta

innovation's being done, and certainly not by Apple

how new are you?

>Most of the things people say only apply to poor people and uneducated.

Total bullshit, Indian stereotypes are a cultural thing and it gets worse the higher up you go in their shitty caste system that encourages treating people like fucking garbage to show off your status.

You people intentionally walk into the path of others as a form of dominance, demand stupid shit you know you can't get as a way to barter even in places where the prices are set and there is no bartering. Its fucking obnoxious as fuck and nobody likes you people.

>Buying a phone with an outdated processor pmwhen sd845 is around the corner
>The only new thing of this chink phone is the screen
>No Oreo out of the box
>Backdoors everywhere
>Essential is cheaper and better

>sd845 around the corner

yea.. no


for 560$ you can kiss my ass

who do you think youre fooling? unless you have literally perfect pronounce and you managed to get rid of the spices odor, everyone knows youre indian

wait, I can only buy that on the 21st?

damn, I wanted to preorder it today

Yeah. Good luck getting to it without having physical access, soyim.

guess I do have to wait until the 21st..

Since when $559 = €559

From £450, so same as the OnePlus 5. No thanks.
So... where's the phone?

better than google

$649 = 799€

that seems like a decent deal to me

>spending over £300 on a smartphone, ever

they need more than one model

I would buy it. But I already bought one phone recently

Hello Pajeet who shits in the street. What will you do if we were to both meet? Will you stick out your hand and shake when you greet? I certainly hope not since you shit in the street. Curry and spices, toilet witch warding devices, we call you to ask of your hotel room prices. When stuck on an elevator with people like you, I can't help but fear which hand you use. When there is a spurt and a plop while you crouch on the seat of the pot. Where is the water you use to wipe off? Do you scoop from the bowl water like a playful sea otter while covering your ass in infectious shit water?

Just some things I think about when I call IBM tech support.

>no LTE band 13 (700 MHz C-band)
>can't use Telus or Bell 700 MHz LTE coverage
>nor can it use extended AT&T 700 MHz coverage with also uses 700 C band

in the garbage it goes

This or Nokia 8? Upgrading from a Lumia for Christmas

>I'm afraid of telling I'm indian
We can see your race from your shitskin. Nice pasta btw.

After taxes taken by our great EU, € = $.
>faster than Applel Face ID

Screen too big.

t. 3T manlet owner

They are about the same - same width, height gained by ditching front buttons.


After watching this video I kinda want to get one, even though I don't think it's secure at all.

Also I've just discovered they offer a 10% discount for students, which means I could get it for roughly 500€.. I think I'll cancel my iPhone X order if it doesn't arrive before November 21th.

>even though I don't think it's secure at all
They think the same, so it won't work for payments.

They're probably pre-recording your face while the screen is off.

Tfw no (you)s from your OC....

>no OIS
>no IP rating
>$600 bongbux

How will Pajeets recover from this setback?

>USB 2.0

Into The Trash It Goes!

>hey guys we made 4k even more stable than before through software improvements but we don't really have any hard facts to back it up so just take our words for it bro trust me

Is there any smartphone for 300 bucks with decent specs and a headphone jack that isn't 5 years old?

Eh, not really an upgrade but not a downgrade either. A sidegrade? Trading some things for the others. A month ago I'd be glad having a bigger display(because my previous phone had screen buttons and I used double tap to unlock) but I ended up liking front buttons and unlocking by front fp sensor more - it's just faster. I hope they scrap the T line altogether, it's meaningless and just makes people questioning their purchase.
>still no usb 3.0
>still no OIS
>still no stereo front speakers
>still no wireless charging
If the price for 5 drops then is going to be a smarter purchase than that.

Price went up from the 5 to 5T for the basic version.

They donated to f-droid, the fucking madmen.

All cheap smartphones have 3.5 jack.

Mi A1

Kinda my point. Got my Galaxy S5 for £280 3 years ago and it seems there's nothing out there now that is actually better, without being double the price.

OLED screens are hard to find on non-flagship phones and removable batteries have all but died.

Does the oneplus 5t have ANY water resistance? I was seriously about to pre order one but I need water resistance because I live in a rainy as fuck area and usually don't carry an umbrella. If not I guess it'll be pixel 2 for me..

>t. Rajesh Dikshitar

> no physical keyboard

>no gtx1080