How is this not a thing on this board yet?
Major legal action against Usenet forums in Germany

>pedo-enabling community gets shut down
Of course Sup Forums will oppose this

fucking germans. Killing 6 million jews and starting both world wars wasn't enough? I hope you assholes enjoy your country being raped by migrants.

>break the law
>police come after you


bin.* killed UseNet.

>have your piracy forums seated in germany
>get fucked over by govt
why are people still this retarded?

The people who ran these boards also ran ssl-news (a usenet provider). To use the forums you had to become a "VIP" by purchasing an ssl-news subsription

They were not just indexing usenet content, but were responsible for some of the uploads

So basically they were directly profiting from uploading copyrighted material, so this not surprising in the least

Who gives a fuck about German boards anyway? All of my providers and indexers still work.

>paying to pirate
>using protocols that are unsuited towards transferring large binary files

>Rightsholders claim that the Usenet portals have cost them many millions of euros in lost sales.

fucking jewniggers, isn't shutting down public trackers and denuvo enough?

until they own your soul nothing will be enough

Kill yourself

denuvo is austrian tho iirc

Who gives a shit.
>need to pay to access it so nobody on Sup Forums gives a shit
>not distributed/decentralized
If anything this should be a thread dedicated to finding good decentralized/distributed paradigms, software and methods to make uncensorable imageboards.

Hello pedo

Hello pedo

how is downloading a video game,pedo enabling?or am i missing a piece of the puzzle here?

How is this thread still alive?

Hello pedo

>uncensorable imageboards.
It would be swimming in CP

is usenet still the best for pirating shit?

I bought a block of space for usenet and found that every site or whatever they're called was nothing I couldn't get off of pirate bay. I never even downloaded anything.

Worthless shit, let it die.

It's better than public trackers with a vpn/seedbox and direct download but not as good as good private trackers I think. It can be a bit pricy because you have to pay for providers and indexers sometimes. But no ratio and great speeds.

Did you use good indexers like nzbd or nzbgeek? Because free indexers like binsearch our nzbindex are full of shit.

Where the fuck did all these normalfags and moralfags come from? Get the fuck off my website, scum

You can use a moderation system like nntp-overchan which works really well in practice.

>pay for internet
>pay again to pirate
Literally cucks all of you

I'm not paying for a fucking indexer on top of paying for the block.

>Think of the Children!

Well it's like buying for a seedbox and paying invites for privates / spending time to maintain ratio.

the downside with private trackers is that you have to maintain a semi-public identity as a criminal.. and a seedbox.