post tech snake oil and gore
Post tech snake oil and gore
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What is it supposed to be?
fake flash drive
Why though. What could you do with that thing other than just fill up a USB slot for no reason.
I'm not totally sure but it looks like some kind of shit they peddle to older people who don't know a lot about computers to make them think if they plug this into it their PC will magically run faster
Its shit chinks make from trash to scam people with
Why would they do that when customers would obviously complain and get the the scammer's seller account shut down? It's more logical to sell a low quality but working product than a non-working product.
If it's a scam anyway, why do they even bother to put so many components in?
oh boy, you dont know about scammers
Probably so if someone broke one they would see something other than plastic
20 cents of components. So if anyone takes it apart who doesn't know or understand electronics can think it's doing something important.
>so many components
>a led, 2 resistors and a capacitor
The markings to me suggest some kind of network dongle (WiFi/4G/etc).
Dude, the Chinese sell fake eggs in supermarkets.
Let that sink in: an egg costs something like $0.02 to produce yet they go through all the trouble of making a fake yoke inside fake egg white.
>tech snake oil
Every Big Clive video ever comes to mind...
Since we're on the time of car "tuners":
That's what it takes for a small light, you know. Proably under 1$ per unit in manufacturing, component price and bulk shipping to the West.
It has an LED so people will think it's doing something.
If they didn't include the LED people would probably think it's broken and demand their money back.
don't hate the player, hate the game
It has a MAC address, it is supposed to be a wifi dongle
its a wifi dongle , i had the exact same model , but it worked , i have the feeling the OP pic is a fake made from a defective dongle and a usb extension
> a flash drive with a MAC address
you tech illiterate faggots
need to leave. What the actual fuck are you doing on Sup Forums?
>fake eggs
But are they edible? Can they be eaten or is it something toxic?
making threads like obviously.
Economy of scale, dude. You can light an LED from a car battery with just a current limiting resistor. You don't need a 2nd resistor and a useless capacitor.
Nah that's just to make it look like it's made by Apple. :^)
>i have the feeling the OP pic is a fake made from a defective dongle and a usb extension
Why would you think that?
Even the real eggs in China are toxic.
>Can they be eaten or is it something toxic?
Both I think.
ie: they are meant to be eaten and many people will eat them....but also toxic.
A classic
>Go Networks
consistent quality
> hello, I'm new here.
The capacitor makes the LED stay on even when it's not powered. That way it makes the user think it has the ability to generate energy. My guess on the two resistors is that it's for power dissipation. The voltage drop on that LED is going to be about a couple volts. For every mW that LED absorbs those resistors you have to get rid of about 4 in those resistors. 2 can dissipate about twice as much heat.
There is a new egg build guid out there that instructs you to do the same thing.
It's a few years old but still pops up in YouTube if you look up pc build guides
It's modest compared to the amount of thermal paste Apple tells Foxconn to use for their Macbooks.
Nope, not an excuse.
>tech snake oil
Weren't the chinese selling plastic rice in africa?
not everyone has good games to play though
They were selling plastic powdered milk for babies in China.
Even if you're joking get off Sup Forums
>If it's a scam
>being this dumb
It's not. The current it draws from the electrical system makes the sparkplugs fire better.
I'll bet you wear magnetic bracelets too.
only if they have holograms and copper on them. they make you run faster
t. someone who knows fuckall about a cars electrical system
>basically a fucking LED
>many components
lol i trolle u xDDD
but seriously, this is what the official claim is by the creators, which is why they were allowed to sell it i guess.
You probably buy Alex Jones shit too
cot damn the Chinese are scum. Why are they even considered human?
>official claim is by the creators
They should be shot
and I browse Sup Forums also
Yeah, pic looks like some stupid reddit/9fag shit.
>has MAC ID
it's a fake wifi dongle.
pls be a joke
The chinese are based. Fucking brainlet.
fake wifi?
Someone in China selling those on the street won't ever get shut down. It's fucking China.
What's wrong with these ones?
t. chink
die and dont recharge
You can never shut down a market like that, it's just too many people and too easy to hide.
>Nickel Metal Hydride
Enjoy your memory effect
Plus, everyone looks the same so a police sketch of the suspect would be useless.
Chinkshit batteries. They work and might recharge once or twice but really you are just better off buying the Great Value shits from Walmart.
It's cheaper to invest few additional cents into thermal paste than to handle RMAs for overheating devices. Also even if the chinese slave doesn't put the paste in the middle of the die it'll still spread to cover everything.
That much goo does create a mess but it doesn't matter since apple devices aren't intended to be repaired at that level.
It's a real product but sold as a gag item.
please post more pictures
Is there any household items that can pass for dielectric grease?
God that pic must be at least 10 years old by now
China also has their weird ass laws where if a company changes its name after being sued, the case can not be revived again if it falters in court the first time because the entity 'does not exist'... So sue a steel manufacturer, for example, and they pay the court fees and what not and then change their name, if you can't nail them the first time you can't go at it again.
That's not how nimh works.
t.hybrid battery mechanic
chinks are basically low tier jews
Gold plated man! It's literally gold!
>400 bucks
Nimh has a high self discharge, nicad has memory burn. Nimh loses like 5% a day all by itself, so they are worthless for stuff like a TV remote.
elaborate user
5% is way more than reality. More like 0.5%
I've parked hybrid cars for months without turning them on and the batteries are still in the normal range of charge after this time.
No, the rice was contaminated and I'm not even sure if it was Chinese.
Well I knew I was atleast half right.
Duplicate reply my ass
Wait what? Is this real?
well, do you have a virus yet? t
>16v cap
Couldn't the alternator put out higher than this in some situations?
How many layers of irony are we on? At least I hope you posted this ironically.
>400 bucks
Bitch please, check out my AudioQuest Diamonds bud:
Hoping to upgrade to some WireWorld Platinum Starlights soon:
Only the best HDMI for me.
>HDMI to H20
>HDMI to Gardena
now that's funny
putting the no in innovation
I clicked these amazon links once when they were posted on Sup Forums in the past.
For about the next six months, every single time I opened facebook, there's an ad for audioquest.
Neva again.
i just clicked them to read the funny reviews. idgaf. madlad 4 lyfe yolo
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