is this /oursearchengine/?
Is this /oursearchengine/?
Other urls found in this thread:
no, i prefer google
What kind of Unown is this
/thread my ass, enjoy you're botnet
fuck how did you know?
thanks, i will. enjoy your subpar mediocrity of a search engine.
>still thinking google is a good search engine
Yes, but imagine yacy using the data pulled from searx.
>not being a normie
Why did this thread attract so many new/normalfags?
there was some user months ago claiming that he was gonna do that with his own searx and yacy instances
If the two projects merge say goodbye to the botnet, for good.
It is and hooktube is our new youtube
a-fucking-greed user
Tbh i recently just started using it today....
It's severely underrated
Since I found it, I only use YouTube for Filthy Frank videos.
Legit question
It's a evil q from Alola
this didn't deserve it's own thread, next time go fish for validation at the /sqt/ instead.
It's so undeserving of its own thread that you bothered replying :^)
Lifesaver. Thank you
hey. i know you want badly to contribute with a technical discussion on Sup Forums, but chiming in with "what should my opinion be about x" is not the best way to do it. so I'm just letting you know just how awful your piece of shit thread is and that you could probably do better
uhm.. make me, sweetie.