Speedtest thread

How fast is your internet?

this fast $8/Mo

Where do you live?


not too bad

pretty okay

I mean, this would make me go gay, if i need to for these speeds.

Nice try NSA

hey. i know you want badly to contribute with a technical discussion on Sup Forums, but chiming in with "hey I'll show you mine, if you show me yours" micro polls is not the the best way to do it.

kindly, go fucking die.

These speeds actually turned me straight desu.

Wish I had more upload speed or at least fiber that isn't 25 Mbps.

Where's that user that had 3000 mbps down?

20 USD a month

what about 4?

Only thing I wish is that I had more upload

Verizon Unlimited plan. The first one before they only gave the Go and Beyond shit. I'm way beyond the 22gb limit but since I live in bumfuck nowhere I don't get throttled at all. Fucking Hotspot limit got me though, """600kbs""" is shit. Any way to tether without them knowing/throttling me?

$200 a month

fuck me

Where do you live user? If it's a small town then go as this user is and use pdanet+ and you basically have unlimited fast internet for your computer.

fast enough, I am lacking in the upload area tho

On uni wifi, faster on wired





fucking rubbish. "100/40" allegedly..


Feels good, friends!

80 dollarydoos, 1tb a month currently on old copper network and 100/2 plan. Going over to nbn 100/40 in 3 months time and unlimited data. No shaping even if using a lot of data according to one of the telco representatives.

My republic uses somewhat poor routing and they're lackingin cvc capacity currently so that's likely your speed woes.

how the fuck is your upload so high



Verizon FiOS is fiber.

They have 1gbps in most areas now too.

For new customers they only offer 2 speeds in my area, 50/50mbps or 1gbps.

Asiaman give it more cheap.

wtf 50/50 is only 30 dollars less than 1gbps
i wish i lived in a big city for stuff like this, the only isp in my area is cox and they offer up to like 200mbps

That's the new customer pricing, existing customer pricing is dicks.

I would have to pay more to "upgrade" to a slower speed.

I used to hate these threads

>Do you know how fast you were going, user

>I-I didn't know I was speeding, officer

check out these gnarly download speeds

