Can I use sd cards with higher capacity than the one described on the device's manual? Is there any side-effect?

Can I use sd cards with higher capacity than the one described on the device's manual? Is there any side-effect?

Idk, but bump for the best girl of GrabDropOut



They usually will just not work

My bad, Gabriel DropOut


It depends of the device. Some devices will not work with a 64gb microsd if the maximum allowed is 32gb, in other cases, it will work with no problem. The whole size limit is sometimes stated only because there are no bigger microsd cards released around the time the device was released.

i thought for a time there was a library or some shit that was only available to microsoft for reading card larger than 32gb. i might be wrong

Fuck you faggot

I think that bigger microSD cards by default come with a different file system. A Nintendo 3DS officially supports up to 32gb (or maybe 64), but if you format a bigger card to FAT32 then it works fine.

there's different card specifications. SDHC only specifies up to 32GB so a lot of older devices will get confused with newer SDXC cards larger than that. There was a similar barrier at 4GB between the original SD spec and SDHC, and other kinds of cards have made this exact fuckup.

Yes. The capacity limit is per partition. If you partition the card prior to inserting it, it'll read as multiple cards. Like say you have a phone that supports 256gb, and a 1tb card. Create 4 partitions, pop it in, and it should work. Some digital cameras are cranky and only read the first partition, but most other devices it should work as long as it's a format the device accepts. Worst case scenario, you'll be limited to the first partition. It won't flat out tell you to fuck off because the card is too big though.

Format = filesystem, just to be clear

Unfortunately SDXC cards use exfat, a microsoft proprietary standard, so probably not


They only say that because of how SD cards come formatted out of the box. If a phone says it only supports up to 32gb, it means it will only support FAT32 formatted SD cards regardless of size. It's just that 32gb SD cards tend to come formatted as FAT32 out of the box while anything higher will be pre-formatted as exFAT.

My tablet supports exFAT and will offer to format any unformatted SD cards to exFAT.

you can fdisk it to whatever you want



Is that fucking Moomin on the right?


it may cause nausea and sudden weight gain