Which Linux distro is this?
Which Linux distro is this?
It's a Unix system!
That's TempleOS.
Knowing this makes me feel like a more complete man, unironically thank you very much user.
IRIX + fsn
(Can be replicated through Fedora + MaXX Interactive Desktop + fsv)
technically it's "an OS"
>It's a UNIX system
If you wanna see other user interfaces from movies check out this website.
Unironically SGI IRIX
is there a .deb?
>Linux in the '90s
>appearing anywhere outside of a neckbeard's basement
it's IRIX my man
still outperformed by any celeron 667 mhz box
the n64?
no you have to build it..
i think they did it so you would learn shit... i couldnt get it running on mint
>wintel officemen actually believe this
are you using this source? github.com
Get motif window manager and install filesystem visualizer.
what desktop environment lets me browse /usr in full 90s 3D graphics?
he's not wrong though, SGI hardware was artfully over-engineered and peerless in the early '90s but it aged terribly and the post-1995 shit was just trash
>endless rehashing of the slow-ass R10K
>endless IMPACT rehashing
>retarded engineers pushing out $35,000 systems that couldn't do textured 3D in real time at more than 5 FPS without an additional $10,000 memory module
>2000s R14K/R16K shit still sporting off-chip L2 cache and getting curbstomped by $2,000 gamerboxes with GeForce 2s
any shitty late '90s PeeCee with on-die cache and 6-16MB of texture memory would have blown the IRIS Crimson that monitor was hooked up to right into the weeds, the only reason to buy an SGI system was IRIX and its software base, maybe some of the architectural quirks of the later systems that had pretty insane memory bandwidth
I'm definitely going to do this when I buy my Thinkpad. Thanks user.
Holy shit, that desktop looks so cool
It was liked by early startups like google and already used in a fridge or something. Linux was pushed hard before the dotcom bubble too.
It was still an amateurish piece of shit at that point and GCC was awful. Nobody was using it for serious work if they could afford not to, mostly just "hackers" and basement dwellers sticking it to the M$ IE botnet or whatever the fuck the hottest e-SJW meme was back then.
Don't forget hardware problems like combusting power supplies, faulty CPUs (mainly the R8K), and shitty plastics that break leaving a metal frame and no nice case.
yeah it's amazing how shittily built they are, even the working ones are still beat to hell and back with missing bezels, skins and whatever else, it took me years to find a nice enough system that lasted more than a few days before some incomprehensibly non-serviceable part failed
it astounds me that so many retarded 20-somethings on Sup Forums look at these systems as an example to follow that should come back, they're really nice when they work, cool to study and use and I love surrounding myself with them but there was a reason they died
>linux in the 90's
Unix in the 90's... fixed that for you
neckbeards wanting to graduate from mommy's old 486 probably couldn't handle the $15,000+ systems and $1,000+ per seat software licensing
though there were some neckbeards running on old hand-me-down gear they picked up from work/college and that group probably had a significant overlap with early shitnux users... maybe, lots of SysV fanboys hate shitnux with a passion
There's an ebuild on layman for gentoo but I'd rather not try it as it pulls in a number of gnomelibs with it as a dependency.