What is the Sup Forums-approved browser? Firefox Quantum is a piece of shit and chrome is bloated with botnets. What are good alternatives?
What is the Sup Forums-approved browser? Firefox Quantum is a piece of shit and chrome is bloated with botnets...
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You faggots are fucking pathetic. Pathetic.
You seriously expect Mozilla to keep supporting shit, old legacy (read: vulnerable) insecure XPCOM/XUL extensions forever? Christ, you’re retarded, literally retarded. If you don’t give a shit about your security then just go back to Firefox 56. Hell, go back to Firefox 3! It doesn’t matter, right?
Legacy extensions were KILLING Firefox like cancer. Every fucking FF release had to be vetted against thousands of popular, shitty add-ons. It took time, it took resources, it took manpower, manpower that could be used to, oh, I dunno, DO SOMETHING TO ACTUALLY IMPROVE THE BORWSING EXPERIENCE.
Boo fucking hoo, your animated SuperSexyHentai dickgirl new tab extension stopped working. Oh no! What’s, that? Your shitty outdated, slow, buggy awful Sup Forums X extension went kaput? WHO GIVES A FUCK. Just use the embedded extension like any normal non-autistic person. No one cares that Stylish won’t let you use futa dick as a scroll bar image anymore.
And you same idiots are the ones who come here bitching that Firefox was using 12GB of memory and 120% CPU time because your plethora of shit, unnecessary extensions were eating up 98% of that.
Fucking pathetic. Go fuck yourself. If your extensions were decent the developer would have already updated them. They’ve had 4 YEARS to migrate to the new WebExtension platform. Get over it.
How about you stop being a faggot and stop listening to us and actually choose for yourself
And yes, no one cares about your obscure, shitty, extension that you think a browser is "unusable" because it doesn't work.
Right now it's difficult to pick something good. Waterfox would be okay, but it has its own issues like webpage stuttering. I'll stick to 56.0b3 (last pre-57 update of Firefox Developer Edition).
You can also try SeaMonkey, it uses the same engine with pre-Australis Firefox UI and some good extensions are ported to it. But it's not e10s.
I'll move to the whatever browser pentadactyl (or vimperato) decide to support
Qutebrowser is the official Sup Forums browser.
And if you disagree, you're a normie and you should go.
I'm saving this pasta
You faggots are fucking pathetic. Pathetic.
You seriously expect Mozilla to keep supporting shit, old legacy (read: vulnerable) insecure XPCOM/XUL extensions forever? Christ, you’re retarded, literally retarded. If you don’t give a shit about your security then just go back to Firefox 56. Hell, go back to Firefox 3! It doesn’t matter, right?
Legacy extensions were KILLING Firefox like cancer. Every fucking FF release had to be vetted against thousands of popular, shitty add-ons. It took time, it took resources, it took manpower, manpower that could be used to, oh, I dunno, DO SOMETHING TO ACTUALLY IMPROVE THE BORWSING EXPERIENCE.
Boo fucking hoo, your animated SuperSexyHentai dickgirl new tab extension stopped working. Oh no! What’s, that? Your shitty outdated, slow, buggy awful Sup Forums X extension went kaput? WHO GIVES A FUCK. Just use the embedded extension like any normal non-autistic person. No one cares that Stylish won’t let you use futa dick as a scroll bar image anymore.
And you same idiots are the ones who come here bitching that Firefox was using 12GB of memory and 120% CPU time because your plethora of shit, unnecessary extensions were eating up 98% of that.
Fucking pathetic. Go fuck yourself. If your extensions were decent the developer would have already updated them. They’ve had 4 YEARS to migrate to the new WebExtension platform. Get over it.
You faggots are fucking pathetic. Pathetic.
You seriously expect Mozilla to keep supporting shit, old legacy (read: vulnerable) insecure XPCOM/XUL extensions forever? Christ, you’re retarded, literally retarded. If you don’t give a shit about your security then just go back to Firefox 56. Hell, go back to Firefox 3! It doesn’t matter, right?
Legacy extensions were KILLING Firefox like cancer. Every fucking FF release had to be vetted against thousands of popular, shitty add-ons. It took time, it took resources, it took manpower, manpower that could be used to, oh, I dunno, DO SOMETHING TO ACTUALLY IMPROVE THE BORWSING EXPERIENCE.
Boo fucking hoo, your animated SuperSexyHentai dickgirl new tab extension stopped working. Oh no! What’s, that? Your shitty outdated, slow, buggy awful Sup Forums X extension went kaput? WHO GIVES A FUCK. Just use the embedded extension like any normal non-autistic person. No one cares that Stylish won’t let you use futa dick as a scroll bar image anymore.
And you same idiots are the ones who come here bitching that Firefox was using 12GB of memory and 120% CPU time because your plethora of shit, unnecessary extensions were eating up 98% of that.
Fucking pathetic. Go fuck yourself. If your extensions were decent the developer would have already updated them. They’ve had 4 YEARS to migrate to the new WebExtension platform. Get over it.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Browser technology, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on The Russian Federation, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in browser warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire history of Sup Forums. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the internet and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my thesis on XPCO/XUL extensions. Not only am I extensively trained in browsing the web, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States browser technologies and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
this but unironically
fuck off and install gentoo pajeet :^)
>Firefox Quantum is a piece of shit and chrome is bloated with botnets
Opinion goes into the trash
>it's a (((brave))) shill on Sup Forums episode
>the absolute state of Sup Forumseddit
I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as Firefox, is in fact, Mozilla/Firefox, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Mozilla plus Firefox. Firefox is not a browser unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning Mozilla system made useful by the Servo engine, WebExtensions and built-in EME DRM comprising a full browser as defined by SJWs at Mozilla.
You faggots are fucking pathetic. Pathetic.
You seriously expect Mozilla to keep supporting shit, old legacy (read: vulnerable) insecure XPCOM/XUL extensions forever? Christ, you’re retarded, literally retarded. If you don’t give a shit about your security then just go back to Firefox 56. Hell, go back to Firefox 3! It doesn’t matter, right?
Legacy extensions were KILLING Firefox like cancer. Every fucking FF release had to be vetted against thousands of popular, shitty add-ons. It took time, it took resources, it took manpower, manpower that could be used to, oh, I dunno, DO SOMETHING TO ACTUALLY IMPROVE THE BORWSING EXPERIENCE.
Boo fucking hoo, your animated SuperSexyHentai dickgirl new tab extension stopped working. Oh no! What’s, that? Your shitty outdated, slow, buggy awful Sup Forums X extension went kaput? WHO GIVES A FUCK. Just use the embedded extension like any normal non-autistic person. No one cares that Stylish won’t let you use futa dick as a scroll bar image anymore.
And you same idiots are the ones who come here bitching that Firefox was using 12GB of memory and 120% CPU time because your plethora of shit, unnecessary extensions were eating up 98% of that.
Fucking pathetic. Go fuck yourself. If your extensions were decent the developer would have already updated them. They’ve had 4 YEARS to migrate to the new WebExtension platform. Get over it.
Everyone ITT needs to go back.
yeah, why shouldn't they support best shit they had
You two, I hate you. I hate you so fucking much. These are the two must useless posts that I have ever seen. I fucking hate these posts, I hate the person who made them. I hate the keyboard they were typed on by fucking assholes with loser autism. I hate the poor fucker who wired up that computer.
I am going to hunt down and kill ever fucking fucker motherfucker fucktard who ever had anything to do with those posts. You fucks are the worst kind of people. I am going to cut your computers apart while you cry li8ke a bitchy, I am going to pull up every last bit of wiring in you house, and all the houses around you. It will be impossible to do anything after I have finished with you. I will punch the Ethernet cord or router so hard that the signal goes backward. Then I will call your ISP and tell them how much of a faggot you are
I use palemoon.
I don't give a rat ass what's Sup Forums approved tho.
only if you go back first
Brave is the only /gpol/ approved browser. Been using it since SJWfox abandoned xul addons. Never looked back.
IE 5.5
if you like awesomeWM, you'll love luakit. well the three of you who use awesome.
>less extensions
>less UI customization
>less comtrol with lack of about:config like options
Fuck off Sup Forums you're out of your league
Brave is still shit on desktop
Ayy you nerds on Sup Forums sure know more than the cunts on reddit
So now that quantum is out most of my addons are fucked. Is there ANY way to enable legacy addons? Some line in the :config or even an extension?
If not I need some replacements for my addons.
Most importantly DownThemAll and Bazzacuda
I'm posting this in every faggy little phone/browser/mac/windows thread because it seems to be actual tech progress and people should know about it:
It's a decentralized, tor ready, peer to peer bit torrent style web network with a bunch of stuff already built. It already has a couple forum styles made, but not yet an image board.
I'm only just checking it out today but it seems really fucking legit. Sup Forums needs to be talking about this. It appears to have some pretty serious potential.
I really do like it. Only issues I have with it is lack of any DRM support as well as no easy way to sync to my phone/tablet. That and no adnauseum or https everywhere.
I'm testing Luakit right now and I'm already regretting not having used it before, thanks anons
well fucking said
it's pretty cool, especially for tiling
I'm a vim enthusiast and have been using i3wm for quite some time now, it fits perfectly into my workflow
Widevine CDM works with QtWebEngine and thus qutebrowser.
truth: the post
nightly exists...
You faggots are fucking pathetic. Pathetic.
You seriously expect Mozilla to keep supporting shit, old legacy (read: vulnerable) insecure XPCOM/XUL extensions forever? Christ, you’re retarded, literally retarded. If you don’t give a shit about your security then just go back to Firefox 56. Hell, go back to Firefox 3! It doesn’t matter, right?
Legacy extensions were KILLING Firefox like cancer. Every fucking FF release had to be vetted against thousands of popular, shitty add-ons. It took time, it took resources, it took manpower, manpower that could be used to, oh, I dunno, DO SOMETHING TO ACTUALLY IMPROVE THE BORWSING EXPERIENCE.
Boo fucking hoo, your animated SuperSexyHentai dickgirl new tab extension stopped working. Oh no! What’s, that? Your shitty outdated, slow, buggy awful Sup Forums X extension went kaput? WHO GIVES A FUCK. Just use the embedded extension like any normal non-autistic person. No one cares that Stylish won’t let you use futa dick as a scroll bar image anymore.
And you same idiots are the ones who come here bitching that Firefox was using 12GB of memory and 120% CPU time because your plethora of shit, unnecessary extensions were eating up 98% of that.
Fucking pathetic. Go fuck yourself. If your extensions were decent the developer would have already updated them. They’ve had 4 YEARS to migrate to the new WebExtension platform. Get over it.
>no Bazzacuda anymore
Time to embrace the botnet I guess.
Unironically this
I love the new firefox
lmao this on the dot
You faggots are fucking pathetic. Pathetic.
You seriously expect Mozilla to keep supporting shit, old legacy (read: vulnerable) insecure XPCOM/XUL extensions forever? Christ, you’re retarded, literally retarded. If you don’t give a shit about your security then just go back to Firefox 56. Hell, go back to Firefox 3! It doesn’t matter, right?
Legacy extensions were KILLING Firefox like cancer. Every fucking FF release had to be vetted against thousands of popular, shitty add-ons. It took time, it took resources, it took manpower, manpower that could be used to, oh, I dunno, DO SOMETHING TO ACTUALLY IMPROVE THE BORWSING EXPERIENCE.
Boo fucking hoo, your animated SuperSexyHentai dickgirl new tab extension stopped working. Oh no! What’s, that? Your shitty outdated, slow, buggy awful Sup Forums X extension went kaput? WHO GIVES A FUCK. Just use the embedded extension like any normal non-autistic person. No one cares that Stylish won’t let you use futa dick as a scroll bar image anymore.
And you same idiots are the ones who come here bitching that Firefox was using 12GB of memory and 120% CPU time because your plethora of shit, unnecessary extensions were eating up 98% of that.
Fucking pathetic. Go fuck yourself. If your extensions were decent the developer would have already updated them. They’ve had 4 YEARS to migrate to the new WebExtension platform. Get over it.
I'm liking it.
But no caret mode for QtWebEngine (yet?) makes me sad.
At least they fixed the sluggish searchbar autocomplete.
Firefox > IceCat > Iridium > Firefox nightly > not using a browser > anything else
Can't have newtab open a local file competently. Otherwise I like it.
The guy who implemented caret mode for QtWebKit started working on it this week, so it's hopefully coming soon: github.com
Firefox Developer Edition.