NVIDIA Launches 388.31 Drivers For Battlefront II, Bring Up To 53% Performance Boost In Destiny 2


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b-b-but muh DOOM lol

into the trash it goes

I can't see GTX 1060 there, OP.


where is Battlefront II benchmark after update?

What was wrong with the game?

Nothing really?
Everyone was just testing GPUs without Nvidia having proper drivers. And they improved Destiny performance by a fuckton

That's a DX11 game, right?

Where's the regular 1070 benchmarks?

Wait few days

Show us benchmarks for Maxlel.
>inb4 gimped

They only fixed the DOF = Highest FPS bug. You're not going to get 30 FPS more unless you were using DOF on Highest from before already.

Destiny 2?
It's on windows 7 so I'd say DX11.

So when Nvidia cards get better after an update it is because Nvidia was intentionally gimping them, but when AMD does it is because the age like fine wine.

Could you point out where anybody said that Nvidia were "gimping" any card in this thread, my dear retarded shill? There was a bug when setting the highest DoF level in Destiny 2 on Nvidia cards. This driver fixed it and returned performance to what it should have been. The end.

>So when Nvidia cards get better after an update it is because Nvidia was intentionally gimping them
The 10xx series is too new for gimping. I want to see benchmarks for the 9xx series before and after drivers.

Nvidia gimps older cards

9xx series is almost identical to 10xx architecturally, at least as far as DX11 is concerned.

Cool, another bunch of special cases fixing developer fuck-ups. Nothing special.

AMD and Nvidia BTFO

>a 10 year old OS is majority despite countless attempts by M$ for a """free""" update to W10

where's the 1070?
>inb4 gimp to BUY 1070TI

oy vey!! the 1070 is already outdated and discontinued, buy the Ti instead.

>build new pc with 1060
>works great and notice October 30ths new update
>all hell breaks lose
Now my computer won't full start then the screen goes black but the tower is still on
I've installed a new operating system and the problem comes back up and I'm at a loss. And it all started when I downloaded the new update

>max settings
>not high

Why the fuck would you want high?
Because you know Vega is tripped up by higher settings?

What update? Sounds like a personal issue

I like how they didn't even bother with a GTX 1060 at 4k.

Fuck them.

Why use a 1060 at 4K? It's a card clearly designed for 1080P...

The October 31st or 30th one I don't recall but their was only the one
I've only found like two other people who had the same issue and none of us knew what to do. I'm troubleshooting but it's slow going since I've been busy as of late with college

>Benchmarking a 1080p budget GPU at 4k
Dude what?

game tanks frames at max because of some setting with any card
and where is the 1070 on that chart

You are stupid

I don't know, don't ask me I didn't make it

The elite has moved on to Win10 / Vivaldi
Only the pleb uses Win 7 and fireshit

Isn't majority of first world running windows 10 while its third world who run windows 7?

Feeling super comfy w/ quantum currently ..
Feels good man

I would tell you to go back to Sup Forums, but they would rip you three new assholes for supporting those EA cancers.

Actually, go back to Sup Forums.

Gs taste in video games is absolutely garbage

No, the distribution it's almost equal with a slight skewer of W10 in the third world
Actual third world it's still on Win XP or skipped Win 7, the first world still has most of it's corporate computers on Win 7 since it would be plain retarded to use Win 10

BRs love free shit, even if it's bad.
There is even a saying that if's free, you should get it even if its an injection to the forehead.

>Actual third world it's still on Win XP or skipped Win 7
>t. never been to a third world country
Alright let me tell you something about those filthy third worlders. They love everything """new""" and they pirate everything possible. They use W10, and if they are not using it then they are still looking for ways to upgrade to it for the sole reason that it is "new".

>what is medium settings?

>1070 doesnt exist anymore now 1070ti is out
Fuck my shit up


injeção na testa nem é tão ruim

I think it's interesting how close the 1070Ti and 1080 are given the memory bandwidth difference.