Why i should install more extensions like uBlock?

why i should install more extensions like uBlock?
some people has scriptmonkey or whatever is called. what's the purpose?

ublock origin + https everywhere is fine
anything else is autistic level ricing that losers on here like wasting time on to make themselves feel cool

>anything else is autistic level ricing that losers on here like wasting time on to make themselves feel cool
You're here too, idiot.

>some people has scriptmonkey or whatever is called
What are you trying to say?

uBlock + UMatrix are my must haves along with lastpass.

What's the purpose of uMatrix?

not him but you can disable js with uMatrix

noscript+ublock. that's all I need

Uh, to block ads?
What are you asking?

ublock doesn't block those shitty ads on twitch streams

You're probably not using ublock origin

Not him but I'm using UBO and I get Twitch ads too

select more 3rd party filters in ubo settings.

you most likely dont go on twitch often
twitch started to inject ads into the video player itself so it makes it impossible to block

because they are part of the stream probably
no adblocker can block that

This is all you'll ever need. Anything else is pure autism

ubo blocks youtube ads fine so I don't see how that makes a difference

all you need is ubo, greasemonkey, decentraleyes.

>I don't see how that makes a difference
because you are tech illiterate and dont understand that twitch injects ads in the actual stream. to block the injected ad you would block the entire stream. youtubes ads are seperate from the actual video. except some people are putting ads in their videos now.

I don't go on twitch at all, I do watch tv shows on websites that do pause the video to play ads, and UBO blocks those ads just fine.

Because those ads are implemented differently

I use twitch all the time and ublock works for me. I never see ads.
Maybe make sure your filters are up to date

>when facebook moms go on Sup Forums

this never happened to me, the channel owner is the one doing that, i know IGN does that.

not using streamlink