Why are the commies on Sup Forums so against advertising?
How would you know about your precious thinkpad if they didn't market it?
>inb4 muh word of mouth
How would the person who recommended to you know about it? How would the first sale be made if no one knew the product existed?
Would you prefer to get cucked into paying an "internet license" not unlike the TV license in the UK over having advertising?
Why are the commies on Sup Forums so against advertising?
Other urls found in this thread:
>he things ads only display an image on screen
>How would the person who recommended to you know about it? How would the first sale be made if no one knew the product existed?
>what are physical stores?
When's the last time you've been outside, user?
This. it's not ads I hate, but the fact that they are botnet. Ads should just be an image on the webpage that the site owner puts up there and links to whatever thing it's advertising directly.
>physical store
>laptop with no advertising that no one knows about
>everyone walks past it and ignores it over well marketed and recognized brands
What's the argument?
>How would the person who recommended to you know about it? How would the first sale be made if no one knew the product existed?
brainlets don't realize just how all encompassing marketing is.
The thinkpad brand is built off it, it's what made them think they could do that anniversary model and why people are loyal to it here.
If there was no advertising or marketing their would be no clear way to differentiate between those products, whether it be Apple or Samsung or Lenovo they would all just be laptops.
Any actual practical difference is something you are only aware of because they advertise the specs, make press releases, appear at shows and use shelf space.
1.we fucking hate ads because they are fucking intrusive and malware ridden.
It should be nothing more than gif or image with a link but most of the time it executes javascript code that makes your pc run like shit. Also many sites now use js miners FFS
2.(on the image) opensource just wants you to provide source code you can sell products with most licenses (example gpl) gnu.org
Just pay Amazon or other major vendor to put the word best seller and show it first.
>It should be nothing more than gif or image with a link
Fuck this Web 3.0 bullshit
>sell product
>provide full source code because commie license
>someone copies source code and distributes it
>buying your product is pointless
>buy product
>pay thousands of dollars for it
>buy it specifically to gain a competitive advantage in our field
>for some reason throw it up on github for the whole world, including our competitors, to get for free
The world is more than video games, kid.
1. Most people do not know how to compile stuff and those who do also know how to pirate binaries
2.nobody can steal code from you because gpl forces the one who takes the code to also provide it
3. Aseprite and many game engines that provide code under opensource license and binaries under a shareware licence make money.
4.user why are you an asshole? Good/Worthy software should be paid for wether it is provided for free or not. But you should not force people to buy something that they will later forget they even have or delete it because they just wanted to use it once.
5. On videogames(because be honest you are from Sup Forums and you should go back): just provide the code under gpl and keep the characters/art/names licensed. People who buy games on steam dont care about licenses they just want a fun time that's why you just give em the binaries.
(because be honest we-- I mean you are from Sup Forums
People that are looking for a laptop will look it and think about if it will fit their needs.
They will look at the Specs, Ports and Formfactir and see if they want it.
What idiot decides what they want to buy based on Ads?
Get a better way to fund your shit website without ads. If we got rid of ads, all the worthless clickbait websites would disappear
>They will look at the Specs, Ports and Formfactir and see if they want it.
they need marketing to even be aware of any of that stuff.
This is not true.
99% of consumers are influenced by marketing more than anything. If you do not market in current year, your product will fail outside a niche market.
There is a difference from one who plays games once a week for an hour or 2 and does not care about "game culture". And Sup Forums.
Your entire post made it clear you're more suited for Sup Forums than here. Don't get upset about it, don't worry about it.
>claim to be well adjusted adult
>also claim to play video games for any amount of hours in a year
is where you should stay
If you come to Sup Forums, playing vidya is irrelevant because you’ll always be an unadjusted adult for coming here
>w-w-were all autists. R-right, guys? GUYS???
Nice projection.
Despite the pure baitstyle of your post, this is an interesting topic.
Don't you have enough ads in your life, OP? EVERY SINGLE ITEM in your home ( except for furniture) is boldly emblazoned with a ptoduct logo/trademark. Food, drinks, clothes, etc.,..when you leave the house you are a walking billboard
If you live anywhere near a populated area, there are countless signs directing you towards purchasing something.
Then you visit an anonymous technology-focused imageboard amd it's become nothing more than autists screeching about certain brands of phones, processors, videocards, and operating systems.
Don't you appreciate a lull in the storm? Some quiet amidst the constant product-hawking?
Sup Forums did the marketing
>He’s a well adjusted normalfag
Why are you here? Fuck off back to twitter or something
if they made even a minimal effort to make ads less annoying i wouldnt have even thought to block them in the first place but opening a page and having an ad pop up rivht as i start reading is rediculous
If i was going to make a thread there it would probably be about open handhelds and it would probably be saged because of muh AAA console,muh pc comments or an emulation thread that would be saged by idiots who dont know how markets work. I really just play old games dos,genesis,snes,old japanese pc games.Just the things i grew up with. I am not some hardcore retard.
> Adults arent allowed to have fun
Are you and underage? I used to think like that when i was a teenage "anarchist" who thought capitalism was what ruined the world.
It's not even about being an autist. People come to this imageboard because they are passionate about their hobbies or just want to talk shit(which is good from time to time btw).
If having a hobby that tou are passionate for is autistic then GET OUT OF MY AUTISTIC SITE, you are the cancer that makes this website suck,nobody will miss you you are not welcome here
Protip: when you've become the ball in "kick the autistic," the least helpful thing you could do is reply and make it more appealing to make you mad.
>inb4 not mad h-haha
not that guy but whats wrong with gaming in your downtime?
From looking at several catalogs and triangulating on what I need.
Then looking for that technology second hand.
Seriously, whenever I see an ad for something, I try to remember not to buy that item so as to counteract the marketing.
We are the 1% of people who are tech-enlightened. If they don't have what I want, well they can sit down and cry for all I care.
How weak willed are you? What, do you want to drink a coke every time you see someone with one in hand?
Then you should be able to understand, if not appreciate, some-people's autist-like stance against brand-whoring (not the user you are currently shit-flinging with, btw).
How did you get "weak-willed" out of any of that tl:dr? I just don't need or want ads encumbering 99.9% of my waking day.
I browse the Internet for entertainment, education & discourse. Obtrusive JavaSyphillis-ridden ads and non-stop shilling aren't my thing.
The fact that you even notice those billboards is concerning. It means they get in your head and you remember them. Try not looking at ads or teach your brain to dump them?
I noticed them because they are there, in my surroundings. I don't willfully stare at them every day. I mentioned them to make a point.
Now apply t
normal web-browsing on a desktop to that. Are you O.K. with billboards plastered over everything you are trying to see or read, some of which may contain malicious code if you attempt to close them?
>giant ad fills your screen
>try not looking at them
>scroll down
>ad follows me
>tfw can't view webpages now, because when i block ads i'm commie and when i look at them i let them get into my head
Definitely not okay, that's why I run ad and script blockers to the point half my sites barely work. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance sounds like.
Exactly. It's gotten to the point where helping someone with their computer or phone is painful:
>Why is every wrbpage so damn bright? Why is Youtube showing me ads? Why does Facebook/wAmazon/whatever look like a digital version of the ad-insert in the Sunday paper?
>tfw some website has comments section with people complaining about ads
>Huh, how bad could it be
>turn off ad blocker
>quickly turn on ad blocker
>How would you know about your precious thinkpad if they didn't market it?
Go to computer store, ask what they have.
Go to online store and see what they have.
Read the news about technology.
>How would the person who recommended to you know about it? How would the first sale be made if no one knew the product existed?
Say I didn't even know computers existed, I could do my job without one and nobody I knew used computers. We don't have to go that far back to get to this point.
Say only universities knew about computers and what they could be used for, wouldn't it play out the exact same way?
It would take a while to get popular, and when it got popular, most people used it as a toy until people could figure out that it could be useful for a ton of other things.
Or do you credit all that to advertisement?
>Would you prefer to get cucked into paying an "internet license" not unlike the TV license in the UK over having advertising?
Who would pay and for what?
The TV license pays a broadcasting company to make content. Back when people watched TV, they needed a local station. If all the people paid into it, they could make content independent of any political party and make sure there were at least some content for the people of the country.
I don't see anything wrong with making the same deal for the internet if it means they would make content worth paying for.
A better model however would be to just have a paywall for each site that needs it.
I don't mind paying for netflix if it means I can watch movies and star trek.
I don't mind paying for a news site if it gives good quality analysis of the local news.
Obviously most sites shouldn't need to, stores should make money off the things they sell, organizations should pay for their own site etc.
If the sites are too expensive, they will starve themselves and nobody will pay for it.
Another option is to make it available for free and then ask for donations through patreon or similar.
I'm confused when people comment on that sort of thing until I disable my ad-blocker or whatever CSS I'm using..then I reload and see something that looks like a Windows 95 IE screenshot. JFC, even Bonzi Buddy wasn't as bad.