Alright Sup Forums explain to me why you don't have this book?

Alright Sup Forums explain to me why you don't have this book?

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I do have it.

>not a ebook

Never heard of it. Is it any good?

>bragging about having an ebook
I doubt you got past the foreword

Blue team has guns instead.
I'm with blue team.

What is it?

It's a reference handbook for penetration testing.

I should add that it's not one that encompasses a lot but it does do what it says it does.

will it teach me how to hack wifi and monitor my neighbors' traffic?

user that's something that should just come natural. Maybe you and your dad actually needs to have a talk about penetration. Birds and the bees you know.

download link?

What is that

because I am not a fucking lamer.

looks like commie shit

It's a reference not something for teaching you something.

wowww epic post friendo. just based

thanks butthurt commie

Why do you keep implying I don't have something OP?
For faglords.

I've worked with two red teams. One had numerous copies of this book, the other had zero. The group that had this book was a bunch of larpers. they sat around for hours failing to get metasploit to work. The group that didn't have it was competent. They were harvesting credentials within the hour, and deciding how to use their acquired access to create effects. They didn't use metasploit, and they didn't exploit the latest vulnerability.
Being a high-contributing member of a quality red team means you know your shit enough to not need meme books like this. They think at a level of what they need to do to gain access and create effects, not what commands they need to type to do it.
It's like a novice programmer who actively thinks about syntax when they're creating something. They aren't on the same level as a seasoned software developer who thinks with algorithms and doesn't give syntax a single thought. It's just second nature.
Competent red teams aren't thinking about clever commands or proper configuration. That shit is grade school to them. For them owning RTFM would be similar to the average person owning a kindergarten handwriting book. Which is to say that if you own this book and think it does you any good then your skills are so far below the skills of the truly capable that you might as well be retarded.

me on every email and usenet reply

no, it's not. the book is for people who cant read man pages.

Yeah, everybody should know it from the start isn't it? Stop being too smug.

bought it when i was 14 and never opened it since

Is that the one written by user? Based author.

I have a PDF of it faggot

Okay, explain to me why I need this book and sell it to me like I've never heard of it before. Go.

if you can't perform simple unix commands without a cheat sheet, you have no business doing """penetration testing""".

change your approach, stop being a skid and git gud

Oy vey it's good for you goyim

Have you ever actually looked at the book? It doesn't teach anything. There are other books for teaching skills that are far better.

good post

IMO there are two classes of security people

1. Cert monkeys who only run kali, don't know what Debian is, don't know how to program, and buy meme books like this

2. Competent red teams composed of programmers and systems administrators with an interest in security

Our of curiosity how did the good red team get a foothold user?

the admin password was "password"

Networks and security are of zero interest to me.

maybe he does. my dad didn't teach me how to shave or drive stick either.

One of my coworkers had a copy of RTFM on his desk and didn't know what a CSRF token is.

>not scanning for all Sup Forums to enjoy and learn

it's a meme book, read an intro to linux book instead

I like "how linux works 2nd edition" by Ward

You're right. People are just born good at pentesting. Nobody has ever had to read up on it

That's the not the point user, it's that to be a competent pentester you need to understand how computers and networks work. The "security industry" is saturated with people who don't know what a process or cron job is buying books like RTFM and acting as if being able to run nmap makes them some sort of authority on security.

Rather than just complaining here is what I recommend reading instead of RTFM

Unix and linux system administration handbook
How Linux Works
TCP/IP Illustrated or Interworking with tcp ip (the Comer/Stevens debate is kinda like vim/emacs, just pick the one you like the best)
Nmap Network Scanning

Reading list above will teach you how Linux/Nmap/Networking actually works

you're going about it wrong, the ability to manipulate something should come as a natural side effect of knowing that thing well. you will always be stuck in skid hell if all your learning is result driven.

so instead of reading nth "how to hack x" tutorials, learn of the technology works from ground up.

protip: play sudoku five hours everyday

Is penetration testing when you say is going yo be just the tip?

>command examples are memes

The problem is the tools always change. You have to learn always or you will be trashed with being "natural" and accept there are people or situations where there is no up to date documentation or no documentation available at all.

yup, that's just how things are. better give up on masturbation, video games and having a social life.

best of luck.

It doubles as a ticket for a helicopter ride too...


t. faglord

You're a faggot harry

Why Sudoku in particular?

red team means OPFOR you dumbfuck Sup Forumsnigger it has nothing to do with commies

Wow that is incredibly useless. Thanks, faglord.

Me EE teacher made us do pattern recognition exercises the first week of my semester, for the most part it was Sudoku. It's a habits I've held on to and I share the belief of my teacher that mental workouts like Sudoku encourages better brain function and logic thinking.

You're from Reddit homosexual

Nice blog

penetrate my anus please~

Stop being faggots, it has a big red star on the front.

>he needs to get taught how to shave.
1) get razor
2) scrape hair off
3) cry to sleep
4) clean up blankets and pillow
5) act cool and smooth