Seems friendly enough.
Seems friendly enough.
welp, this is the pet robot doggo that I could excited about.
Not that meme toy that was shilled years ago.
fuck where do i buy one
>mount a camera
>mount a small drone
>mount nerf guns
With a robotic arm, it would make for a great hunting dog.
>Go get the duck, boy!
Come back when it has a turret.
>Seems friendly enough.
That's how they get you. Make them look cute, funny and innocent to gain the public's approval and then send them to war zones with proprietary explosive botnet vests and anti-personnel spying mines dispensers.
for the nu-numale that can't deal with a dirty, stinky real dog
Not even a ludite. Absolutely fucking terrifying. Kill it with fire.
OwO be verry afraid
>war zones
And after that they go home and start doing the same they did there, to eliminate dissent and make goys behave themselves while the jew finishes enslaving people. Isn't that great?
I seriously can't understand how people are ok with this, guess the fabricated West vs East narrative is working. "It's for killing terrorists" they think, terrorists that exist thanks to you know who. The idea of weapons being used against the domestic populace seems alien to so many, despite it already happening through Google/NSA.
What would the drone be for?
the robotic dog in the OP is actually developed by one of google's companys and yes they have military contracts.
Google is the most evil entity of our age.
Neat that they're improving the energy efficiency, I guess. That WAS one of the big obvious problems of their first bulky releases. Doesn't quite have that same "Wow!" factor, though.
I wanna fuck it
Alphabet sold Boston Dynamics to some Japanese company IIRC.
>Not even a ludite
If you need a disclaimer, it means you actually are.
Pedal robotics aren't the future so Jewgle dumped BD.
good job little dogg-o
>dog sexbots will come first before human sexbots
i can live with that, maybe 3d printed wolf skin will be available
>If you do not automatically approve of ANY AND ALL technologies, without any objections, you're a Luddite.
Fuck off m8.