Why do people buy 3,000 dollar facebook machines?
Why do people buy 3,000 dollar facebook machines?
Because they can?
Because they have an apple logo on it
It's really good at that. It's not too bad at most other things (except gaming). Also it is pretty/stylish.
This and they don't run FOSS BIOS's/(U)EFI's
It's a veblen good to attract females. It shows that you are so "wealthy" you don't mind buying a "luxury" machine just to do something a $50 phone could do.
>Apple is so dedicated to Green Technology their laptops are literally powered by trees
Steve Jobs was a revolutionary.
>It's really good at that.
everything is good at that
fucking macfags
actually it confirms you're a sheep that was willing to pay the premium, because you recognize this is a prerequisite to be "in the chic".
try Safari some time.
It makes a 2 ghz core 2 duo feel like an modern i7
>ayo hol up
>wut iz sexual selection?
>wut r veblen goodz?
if you want to swim in pussy
all you need is to get a mac
girls can't resist a guy with a mac
Everything adds up.
Imagine a good looking, fit man, in a suit with a 12 year old wrecked car and a $50 android phone.
Now, imagine a good looking fir man, in a suit, with a recent, modern car, perfectly clean and the latest iPhone.
Want to take a wild guess at which one would attract females?
That's a trick question. It's the black man who can rhyme.
people like spending a shit ton of money to feel happy temporarily, luxuries are fun but only make you want more and more just to become unhappy in the end. the most expensive macbook will never make you happy, and someone who bases happiness on a computer or other useless piece of technology is doomed to forever fill an increasing void in thier lives.
it's a cult
you're arguing with the iPhone now. Wasn't the OP asking about macbooks?
What is the path to happiness, if not buying the latest iProduct on release, every time, oh wise one?
Both a macbook and an iPhone are veblen goods, I don't even like apple nor golddiggers, but stop being retarded, the same applies to an expensive car, expensive clothes, etc.
Because it's fine for what they want to use it for.
The only major that absolutely require a windows computer are engineering.
The thing is, Apple Laptops can fully function for longer periods of time than a windows.
Think about your last laptop. How long did it last before it got slow? 2? 3 years? How much did you pay for it? 1k?
Macs last atleast 5 years if you don't throw it around like a retard.
I'm a retard who has repeatedly dropped my 2013 macbook. It'll probably last more than 5 years.
of course.
The point is you're saying the only reason people buy a macbook is because they need to impress. Every other college student has a macbook though.
It mostly shows you're normal.
women don't like cucks. mac is probably a negative in their mind. sure, they'll use a mac but they expect you to be an alpha and macfags are cucks and everybody knows it. instead of a shitty laptop they'd rather see you wearing designer clothes and spending that money on your appearance outside a shitty laptop
Yeah I guess. I've never actually owned a Macbook. The only apple product I've owned was an iPhone 4 when the 5 came out.
Found out this stuff while researching about the Lenovo thinkpads, and why they cost so much. Apparently the only thing more durable and more reliable than a thinkpad on the consumer level is a macbook.
I'm still using my laptop from 2007 pal, try again.
>Every other college student has a macbook.
That means every other college student has a windows, right?
You won't get shit for having a windows unless you bring in a fucking desktop to your classes.
iFags will buy anything that the Apple tyrants release. Its almost like what the Norks try and get their people to do once they release new shit from their government.
"The dear leader has written a book, spend all of your hard earned Korean Won on a shitty book about the dear leader, just for shits n giggles!"
i've got harddrives which still function that are older than you. why would anybody but a retard replace their laptop every year or two?
My shitty Acer Desktop lasted me 9 years. My high end Asus laptop lasted me 2 and a half years.
You will always have anomalies.
They don't, thats why they buy macbooks.
I don't know anyone that buys a new macbook every year. Everyone I know either has a 3-5 year old Macbook, or a new macbook after transitioning from a windows or 3-5 year old Macbook.
Because the poor strive to imitate the wealthy. Of course they take a loan to buy their apple products so they imitate the wealthy guy with veblen goods, thing is, the behavior spreads and ends up meaning nothing.
Centuries ago, rich people showed wealth with expensive golden jewelry and they wore it in ways that it was very in-your-face.
Fast forward to now and shit poo in loo tier gypsyes do it to pretend what rich people of the past pretended and in turn, it is so common now that rich people do not need to do it to set themselves apart from peasants, in fact, it is now seen as a thing of bad taste. Same thing is happening with apple products except we haven't gotten to the point were rich people outright avoid it to not be lumped with the lower class retards.
No one actually takes out loans to buy Apple products.
Well, maybe in America, but that's peculiar culture.
macs are not for wealthy. this is a delusion macfags on Sup Forums like to say. anybody can go get a 5k mac with some monthly installments or credit card.
this is bullshit mac products don't last any longer than well built premium stuff from any other brand
How do you even see shit otuside with a fabook pro? They are glare city with glossy displays.
>before it got slow
My girlfriends macbook pro was unbearably slow, just browsing the web and using office products, it even froze trying to watch a dvd. This is a laptop she bought brand new in 2015. My 150$ acer would outperform it. I wiped it for her today, replaced the hdd with an ssd and maxed out the ram, now its pretty usable. Still not worth the 1k if you ask me, but dont bring up the crap about macs are fast and dont get viruses, they are the exact same shit as any pc just in an aluminum case and fruit on it.
>useless product
Something seems off about that.
Because they have the best build quality, nicest screens, nicest (in fact, only not-complete-trash) touchpads, and BY FAR the nicest OS.
Is this a girl(female)?
yes, image search suggests that's a hollywood actress named Kristen Stewart
Thanks! Just wanted to be sure before fapping since this is Sup Forums.
probably because there's already no discernible difference between any processors if you're fucking browsing.
enjoy bricking your computer after it can't run the latest OSX update that got force installed
It's really not that expensive.
Do you drink coffee? Then think it this way: it's only 3 cups of coffee every day for a year. That's how little it costs!
3 cups of coffee is nothing!
that's...a lot..wait are you trolling?
nice trolling dude I'm still behind 2 OSs on my MPB.
Don't you forget? It's a Unix experience.
Not some shitty Windows 10 force upgrade.
Kinda depends on the personality user, otherwise they'd do about the same
Fucking Sup Forums losers actually believe their phone choice will make girls like them
I am using one right now what do you want to tell me
I associate Mac OS with web development and media production. I guess there are some people who get macs for casual browsing or as an accessory but who cares what a tech illiterate does?
I'm kinda confused
>more durable and reliable than a thinkpad
try again, buckaroo
What's confusing? 90% of engineering software suites are exclusive to Windows.
Because consumers are fucking retarded and don't understand the concept of buying only what you need. For example a "normie" might buy a mac for basic usage (web browsing) where literally any modern computer would accomplish that task and they would not be utilizing the bundled software that comes with it (photo shop)
People ignorantly buy more than what they need.
user, engineers rarely run Linux as their main OS. They use it very often, but generally on dedicated servers, VMs, clouds - not on their desktops. For the desktop environment, Windows and MacOS are by far the most popular choices. And even when they do run Linux on desktops, they are using the most casual GUI-friendly distros.
Personal time of an engineer costs too much to waste it on desktop ricing and other questionable activities.
Fuck off win shills
A mbp makes bitches professional personal yoga teachers and food bloggers and leaching off their boyfriend
While they spend the entire day by inspiring others and going to fitness...
Try this with a windows and tell me how it worked out for you
Pajeet detected.
Only a programming babby doesn't using a tiling WM.
Pajeets work in fintech because they're SHITTY and STINKY programmers that don't know how to use the toilet.
>OS X force install
Doesn't happen
>bricked from fucked OS
Also doesn't happen. Like any other computer if the OS failed to boot you'd simply reinstall it or install something else.
Things don't cease to exist after successors come out, user.
Nice lack of arguments, user.
yeah this kind of sucks. I have a macbook from late 2008 and its last supported os is el capitan or what ever the fuck its called. After looking into it i would need to buy snow leopard first and then upgrade. After that, el capitan is only going to be supported until the end of 2018 and then im sol. Not worth it but its not to bad. I've been using the old os for awhile now and it does what i want it to do which is late night shit posting. That being said i decided to jump into ubuntu to see what is in store for me after apple completely drops support. After futzing with fan and cpu frequency issues, I finally got it running the way i want it to. So now im shitposting from baby's 1st distro.
>Because the poor strive to imitate the wealthy.
This, and also the wealthy strive to imitate the poor.
>Things don't cease to exist after successors come out, user.
Macbooks went all optical-less in like 2012 iirc.
Because they have rich parents who give them shitload of money.
Apple computers are better than anything else on the market. It's annoying as hell, bu they're still way ahead of everyone else.
They have awesome touchpads. They bought a company that innovated multitouch and incorporated it into their products (I always forget the name).
They have great screens. When everyone else had shitty, 6-bit LCD displays, Apple demanded IPS/LPS screens. When everyone else had 16:9 cheap screens, Apple demanded 16:10.
When everyone else barely had SATA, Apple had PCIe drives.
People here always bitch about how overpriced Apple machines are based on dumb, shallow specs (e.g. disk space) while ignoring the actual user experience (e.g. SATA vs PCIe speeds).
Get that reddit shit out of here
Goddamn, you guys are sad.
Not as sad as your formatting.
There is some truth to what he says. It's been a long road but I landed on Windows with a Linux VM for a work machine context. I do heavily use Linux but just not as my main host OS. Too much bullshit during real activities. Linux is excellent for precise and narrow tasks.
The reason is simple. They are rich parent's kids and juat because they never worked and never learned about how to maximalise material profit from minimal funds because they think parents will buy anything they want. And Mac is promoted as "Cool" and "Pro elite stuff" so they buy mac to think they are awesome but actually apple laughs at them how they get shitload of money by selling stuff what normally you get for 50% of price.
Actually if you start to earn money, and you have limited funds, you realize buing PC and Android phone is a better idea because you get stuff doing what iphone and mac can do but for less money.
Also you can go other way and instead of spebding 3k on medicore mac, you can buy ultimate gaming machine easily eating most advanced games
You mean paragraphs? Are you upset about *paragraphs*?
I have a Sun Ultra 5 from 1998 that's still kicking.
But can it run steam?
You posted one paragraph about Apple hardware broken up into retarded fuckery.
Man don't just plug shit into trees, that's rude.
Did you kids skip English class? Each paragraph addresses a different topic:
1) Introduction.
2) Touchpads.
3) Screens.
4) Drive technology.
5) Wrap-up.
Seriously, you guys are borderline retarded. I hope you're ESL or in early high school, otherwise your command of the English language and writing should be better.
Tech illiterate people want something that just works. They want to be able to turn on the computer, and everything just works. If something doesn't work, they take it to a store where the problem gets solved by a professional within a day, and the problem is actually solved after that.
Now can you say these things about Linux and Windows? No.
I don't think I have to say why Linux doesn't qualify.
As for Windows: there's too much choice. You could buy a 200 shekel thinkpad, you could buy a 1000 shekel dell, you could buy this or that. How would a tech illiterate know what to pick? They don't. And then you turn on the machine, but wait! You have to download and install all these updates first. It might take an hour or two. : ) you can't just use your computer whenever you want, silly. Only when it's convenient for Microshaft. And when some functionality breaks (Windows 10 is known to do this with its forced updates), good luck getting it fixed! Because the only computer repair stores in town will probably overcharge the shit out of you and still not really fix anything, because after all, the next Microshaft update will just break something again anyway! Meanwhile your Apple warranty provides you with FREE macbook repairs at your local Apple Store.
As for the price tag of 2000 shekels for a macbook: what are you, a poorfag? In the 90s, computers were a lot more expensive than that, and people still bought them
fuck off reddit
Even if we do agree on your idea of paragraphs, you still don't need to press return twice to start a new one. Keep in mind that Sup Forums has other formatting options as well such as greentext.
>SATA vs PCIe speeds
Pretty fucking irrelevant considering that NVMe drives have no discernable improvments over SATA SSDs when it comes to experience. If you have a workload that actually requires an NVMe drive, you probably aren't going to be using Apple.
For a proper paragraph, you indent the beginning. Not doing so makes it hard to read.
Unless you're using double spacing, you don't have a full blank line between paragraphs. Crack a book some time.
In general, people posting with two linebreaks are from reddit. For whatever reason, their text parser requires two linebreaks to create a single one in post.
Please don't lecture people online. It makes you look like a pompous asshole.
Included in this post is an image of the post, in case Sup Forums decides to eat the initial spacing.
>when it comes to experience
meant to say user experience
>For a proper paragraph, you indent the beginning.
I don't think that's an actual requirement. It's more of a stylistic choice for authors writing books or articles.
That picture you posted makes my autism spike up because of how fucking ugly the format is.
They love it. No worries.
That power outlet doesn't look very safe.
Greentext has jack shit to do with anything I've written, newb.
Total bullshit as evidenced by countless real world benchmarks.
More utter nonsense. Go cry in a typography class, douche.
>Greentext has jack shit to do with anything I've written
It introduces additional ways to format your clusterfuck
>real world benchmarks
what do you mean by "real world benchmarks"?
Bar graphs do show NVMe being faster but in terms of user experience, opening safari isn't going to be noticeable faster. That NVMe drive serves its purpose much better as a scratch disk for a 3d modelling rig.
Also, your formatting is a fucking piece of shit.
>enjoy bricking your computer after it can't run the latest OSX
1) doesn't happen
2) stop using a 10 year old laptop, or run lincucks on it like the rest of the poorfags with ancient pentium iii thinkpads
To be honest, people using Windows is more disgusting than people using OSX.
i got a mba recently as someone that would stick to thinkpads and its honestly a really cute machine idk, definitely not worth the tag but if you have a lot of disposable income its definitely a why not think
Serious question, why post this?
You know exactly the type of answers you'll receive from Sup Forums or do you need a reiteration?
Cause that are
1. Gay
2. Are a minority (likely black)
3. A poor person pretending to be rich
4. Are a Roastie, whomst the gods of Sup Forums would never engage in sexual intercourse with.(cause you see beautiful women with 50$ Lenovo ThinkPads everywhere)
5. People with rich parents
6. Last, but not least, they're iToddlers.
There you got the answer you wanted?
What I wrote is the exact opposite of a clusterfuck.
Any benchmark of each iterative release of the Macbooks. But hey, keep telling yourself that your SATA SSD is just as fast as a PCIe drive, poor boy. It's okay, I have a SATA drive, too. But I know what I'm missing out on.
Why do people buy $60k commuter vehicles? Why do people buy $400 knives? Why do people buy $200k houses? Why do people fly instead of taking the bus? Why do people buy filets mignon instead of ground chuck? Why do people want white women with big tits and blonde hair instead of abo females?
It's a clusterfuck of reddit spacing.
>Any benchmark of each iterative release of the Macbooks
WHAT FUCKING BENCHMARK. YOU'RE NOT SHOWING ME ANYTHING. Also, bar graphs are not "real world benchmarks."
> SATA SSD is just as fast as a PCIe drive, poor boy
Yes it is, you retard. It is if you're only using that thing as a facebook machine. That NVMe drive is literally being wasted on a laptop form-factor as the heaviest I/O that you can do a a laptop won't even max out a SATA drive, let alone an NVMe drive. Literally no difference if all you're using it for is a facebook machine.
Also, fix your fucking formatting, you newfag. You don't add another line break after a quote.