What are you mimicking, Sup Forums?
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What are you mimicking, Sup Forums?
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Parrots are the dolphins of the air kingdom.
fuck opengl
Watching House of Cards and flirting with young feminine boys.
Where is that employed Haskell programmer?
>Parrots are the dolphins of the air kingdom.
What did she mean by this?
What is the point of this? Doing Sup Forumsdpt just leads to the search page anyway it's not like it redirects you straight to this thread so nobody is going to be affected by it.
first for taking the rust pill
picking up his welfare check
The point of what?
>using the locale API
Their own stupidy.
>not using mpc-hc
Threaded programming is a trap for the unwary. The Unix way is to use separate processes. These amateurs aren't worth my time.
Making a tetris game in java using swing, JPanel.
So far I can't move shapes. One problem I have is that I'm not sure how to handle already placed shapes. How do I tell the shape that is falling that there is another at the bottom?
>How do I tell the shape that is falling that there is another at the bottom?
Make the board a grid and save yourself the hassle.
Have a "stage" object with a grid of occupied squares, and an object for the falling shape.
Your falling shape object can query it to see if any of it's squares might overlap with occupied squares post-move before you make the change permanent.
Better C with
Better macro system
type inference
Use grid based coordinates and simply check for the one under.
>I'm mimmicking classes in C.
Structs + function pointers. It's that simple.
>What are you mimicking, Sup Forums?
I understand, thanks
That's what Rust is though.
You clearly no neither of C or rust.
Why does he carry a spare button in his ear?
In case he loses one
In case he needs to fix his boyfriends shirt.
>What are you mimicking, Sup Forums?
Someone who isn't a worthless procrastinator. And failing miserably desu
why would anyone use this abhorrent language?
const io = @import("std").io;
pub fn main() -> %void {
// If this program is run without stdout attached, exit with an error.
var stdout_file = %return io.getStdOut();
const stdout = &stdout_file.out_stream;
// If this program encounters pipe failure when printing to stdout, exit
// with an error.
%return stdout.print("Hello, world!\n");
not a language
>pub fn main
>const import
full memes
>separate processes
have fun when your pipes fail because too many file descriptors
>what is shared memory
>>what is shared memory
It's what you easily have at your disposal in multi-threading, for one