Is giving your child a desktop the equivalent of taking their life away?
Is giving your child a desktop the equivalent of taking their life away?
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only if they use it to watch anime
hi op
So long as you only allow them to have GNU/Linux as their host OS they'll be okay.
Honestly yes. Happened to me.
>social media
>endless gamz
>endless music
for a cancerous society, it'll save their life most likely
for a society which isn't retarded and absurdly greedly/corrupt and doesn't allow billions of street shitting counter cultural, contrasting ideological viewing, and refusing to assimilate to even the language, immigrants into your society..
well yeah it'd be a massive waste for the childs life.
tl;dr do you have a greedy politician problem? yes? you'll save your childs life by buying them a p.c
you just wasted a life they could've enjoyed
I love my desktop, I don't know what the fuck I'd do when I have nothing to do. You can't just go out and interact with people anymore cause everyone is a cunt to eachother.
lmao Sup Forums
plus no internet access so they only have man pages to read all day.
Depends on how you supervise his use of the computer. Just giving it to him is not exactly the height of responsibility.
Must you fucking retards shit up every thread?
what case is that and why does the side panel not fit
Idk man some kids are attracted to the humbox.
Others just need a tablet and theyre good to go
It appeals to their nature in the end. its like those asian baby tests where they let them grab a pencil, a dollar, or a toy. Its not like a desktop will automatically turn you into a hikki - you were probably reclusive at the time already.
Yes. You shouldn't give a child anything that expensive.
If you want, give them an extreme rate for cleaning the house or something so they can buy it themselves.
If they don't have access to a computer unless you pay for it, setup an office in a somewhat public area of your house so they can do their homework but not spend time researching porn.
And make sure to teach them enough so they don't cry over using gnu/Linux at home and windows at school.
Read a book.
If you like technology and computers fascinate you, read about that.
Use the computer or your phone to order more books.
>giving your child a desktop
>not making him work for it and then put it together himself
You fucked up OP
What things could a child do on a desktop that are any worse than what they can do on a phone now?
I turned out well but extremely introverted. For some reason solitude is so enjoyable that anyone who is in close vicinity pisses me off.
RPGmaker hentai games
unity hentai agmes
renpi hentai games
Are there no phone hentai games that are of the same... "quality" I guess, is that the most "wrong" thing about them?
There are pros and cons.
On the one hand there’s video games, anime and porn.
On the other hand, there’s information. Pure unfiltered, uncensored information, on almost every topic. And where else can you get that? Nowhere.
Bigger screen, MORPGs, non mobile games, an actual keyboard to type on
If you don't set hard time limits and teach them to balance their time with healthy outside activities and social interaction, yes.
i dunno maybe
they're deviantart/furry tier fetish games
Not giving them desktop = they become sheep who think mass immigration is good.
no, having a child is taking your own life away.
might as well only allow them to have temple os. actually not a bad idea.
But your grandchildren will have 50 years of exhentai archive to jerk off to, they'll literally never run out of material. Before you know it, they're listening to and yelling anime memes at the breakfast table.
THIS, best post end of this thread.
>tl;dr do you have a greedy politician problem? yes? you'll save your childs life by buying them a p.c
>you just wasted a life they could've enjoyed
Yes, it is a very long acting abortion and therefore desktops are an abomination of God and anyone who owns one needs to be strung up and given 100 lashes before being stoned to death because allowing degenerates like that to live risks the rest of us upstanding morally righteous citizens being cast into hell.
This was so poorly written I'm starting to think YOU'RE the pajeet here
Is the result of who you are caused by your parent's conditioning or your inherent personality?
Can a parent's conditioning mold the personality of a person early on in life?
Don't start
If you live on a good country yes, if you live in some place like brazil, nope.
My ex thought so, and since he’s had it (6 yr old) he’s spends a lot of time on scratch which he’s school encourages and he’s homework which minimal he gets is produced in a respectable fashion instead of he’s shitty handwriting.
The “go outside and get fresh air” brigade would tell me it’s destroying he’s life but they soon shut up when their kids are fuckin derps and mine navigates the net for info like it’s nothin.
Also for vidya, gaymurs are sadistic and sad degenerate losers, pathetic excuses of humans beings
Your kid will probably end up being book smart but will have no common sense, a small or nonexistent pool of friends, and no practical life skills that the average person should by early adulthood.
Programming knowledge is worthless. Any "college level" knowledge is. Nearly any skill can be taught on the job. On the other hand without any common sense he won't even make it into entry level jobs. On top of that he won't have friends that he could have used to make connections to help him get more advanced jobs. He'll still be living with you when he's 26. Consider yourself lucky if McDonalds even bothers to hire him, it's probably the best he'll ever get. He'll never be a good worker though so he won't get the hours to be self-sufficient so you should prepare to take care of him until you die and then put some plan in place to sustain him until his death.
Welcome to parenthood.
when I only had my laptop, I was much, much more social and got more shit done.
moved to an apartment for 2nd year of college, and i'm spending more time than ever online and on Sup Forums, almost like i've regressed back to my nerdy, call if you need your phone fixed self and i absolutely hate it.
after winter break i might just sell off the machine because this is too time consuming.
don't listen to
, he's a bitter moron
I've had open access to a computer since I was very young, I have minimal problem making friends or interacting socially, that sort of skill comes from interacting socially with your parents, classmates, and the close friends you care about. Absolutely nothing to do with computer usage whatsoever.
of course if your son befriends socially awkward people with similar interests he may adopt some of their traits, encourage him to be himself.
Don't listen to this fag . He's living in a land of delusions trying to justify he's own shitty decisions. He needs to give bad advice to other people to feel better about his own failures. I am a realist. I'm not gonna sugarcoat the hard nature of reality for you to make you feel better. You need to accept the fact that the greater your sons integration with technology the more likely you set him up to fail in life.
You shouldn't give a child anything. If they didn't work to earn it, then they don't deserve it.
>little user wants a phone so he can play games and talk to his friends and always have a line to mom and dad
>dad is a cheap cunt who says "You shouldn't give a child anything. If they didn't work to earn it, then they don't deserve it."
>Little user can't pay for them because he is under 16 and cannot legally work or even see over a counter
>so little user learns to steal, since his father is a moron.
This poster is a fucking idiot with poor social skills and blames inanimate objects for his failures in life.
Competent operation of a computer and confident social aptitude are completely independent skills that are not mutually exclusive. Don't project your inability to make good decisions onto others, you gutless twat.
I honestly think getting them a basic laptop for schoolwork and a games console is the best way to go. Separates work and play much better from a young age
>This is what happens when you don't teach children the value of hardwork
I bet you even voted Hillary.
this is such a bitter way of elaborating your poorfagness
if they can afford it, why not? just because you/your parents couldn't why fuck with a kid who you'll never ever meet??
why don't you just....not spend time on the Internet and go outside?
I love staring at screens for days too but the computer does not control my body or mind.
Holy shit that's badly written
>be Sup Forumsentooman
>have kid
>buy him a pc
>no internet
>give gentoo on usb
>rtfm you lil faggot
if he wants to play games he can make them himself
>what is an allowance
Just if they learn how to use it
no. if i didnt have a computer i would have grown up to be a taxi drver or someshit.
>>This is what happens when rich people, who put value in their appearance, purchase expensive gifts for their children that do not mesh with that child's understanding of their own appearance.
A car is a bad example, it's a major investment and the color _is_ socially important. Find a kid getting mad over getting the wrong color Game Boy, or hell all those losers who show up on social media every winter and whinge that their parents got them the wrong color iPhone. I would probably be somewhat upset if I asked for something very specific and got the wrong item, but it wouldn't spur me to complain publically about it.
fyi i voted for Gary because "nuke everything from orbit" wasn't on the ballot
>getting paid less than minimum wage to be a house slave for your progenitors
or you can just teach the kid to do house chores without expecting a reward and have their back financially without spoiling them.
>color of car
>socially important
the fuck am I reading? The color of your car has literally no impact on anything ever. The only time it has any chance of negatively impacting anything is if you get it in an absurdly lurid color like bright neon green or if you get some ridiculous pattern plastered on it. Even then for most jobs it still won't matter but idk maybe if you're some rich day trader looking to make an impression it will matter but really those people would know better.
>or you can just teach the kid to do house chores without expecting a reward
You're describing communism. Not surprised, though, considering you're pro-"gibs".
You do know the majority of male children/teenagers play video games right?
Red cars attract attention
White cars look clean
Black cars blend in but scratch easily (potential expense)
The shape and color of your car say a lot about you to other people. For example, if you drive a champagne beige Camry, everyone knows you're a boring person. If you roll around in a Kia Soul, you are either elderly and unpredictable or very young and unpredictable.
Yes, these things are actually socially important, you would know that if you ever left your house.
Is life even worth living without a PC? I certainly wouldn't want to live that way. Speaking honestly, I probably would have gone mad if I wasn't born in this age where I can constantly consume new material. When I get bored, I simply have to shift to any of my other hobbies. As an actual sociopath, I think it would have been very dangerous for everyone if I had lived in an era where I wasn't constantly entertained.
true, but something about having two screens just lures me in. its also about money, i spend/spent too much money on this set up and now going out and buying drinks just feels expensive when in reality i dropped $120 on 16gb ram and $150 for another monitor
Treating your family as if it's a business and they are your employees is the reason the American nuclear family no longer exists.
Nobody wants to spend their lives with assholes.
>Treating your family as if it's a business
No, you're teaching them the value of real life. In the real world, us adults have to work to attain what we want, a completely foreign concept for a child like yourself who is accustomed to having mommy and daddy buy you shiny things so you don't throw a tantrum.
I care more about a car being in good condition and affordable. Color is a very low priority. As long as it's not really tacky I'll deal with whatever.
Also, white only looks clean if you go through a lot of effort to actually keep it clean. Drive up North for awhile in a white car during winter and watch how much brown cakes it around the tires and the bottoms of the doors. Every little scratch will show. Everything.
Black will hide that a little bit better and will stay naturally warmer if you live in a cooler climate. That's not really a social consideration though.
I'm fairly certain red only attracts attention when the offending red car is also a sports car or muscle car. I highly doubt little red shitboxes are being pulled over a statistically significant higher proportion of the time compared to any other color shitbox. In that case color is only a social consideration when paired with certain models of cars.
Contrary to what you believe I get out of the house regularly. It's painfully obvious you do not however.
He said worse
So, since you obviously don't have children or a family of any kind, what do you pay yourself to pick up your own soiled underwear and wash your dishes?
Can't wait for you to actually grow up and realize people don't appreciate being treated like garbage when they are blood relatives, you have to compromise.
>what do you pay yourself to pick up your own soiled underwear and wash your dishes?
I pay myself in pride.
>Can't wait for you to actually grow up and realize people don't appreciate being treated like garbage when they are blood relatives
I never said anything about treating them like garbage. You're putting words in my mouth, kid. I'm talking about teaching the value of hardwork and not expecting "free gibs".
>since you obviously don't have children or a family of any kind
Two kids, actually. Eldest is 24 and youngest is 23, both qualified electricians and they run their own business with multiple staff.
>I care more about a car being in good condition and affordable.
And the youtube video was of a very wealthy person who does not share your view on practicality at all, yet they were used as a baseline for the average young person's reaction to receiving a less than perfect gift.
>white only looks clean if you go through a lot of effort to actually keep it clean
People who care about their cars and social appearances tend to do this
>Black will hide that a little bit better and will stay naturally warmer if you live in a cooler climate. That's not really a social consideration though.
it also makes some cars look aggressive -- black and white Tauruses, Chargers, and Explorers are often mistaken for police.
Do you not consider the road to be a social place? Because it is. Everyone around you is (or should be) watching and judging you in order to make appropriately calculated movements. Someone driving a thrashed out old beater will be approached differently than someone in a clean, new car. Someone driving aggressively in a white car might be a cop, someone doing the same in a red car may be putting put your life in danger.
it's the time you have spent on an anonymous imageboard
If you just give them that computer and leave them on their own and never interact with the kid it will probably end up a neckbeard or trap who posts here.
In the end it's more about being present as a parent than just giving or not giving a computer to your kid you know? But this is the hard part so no one wants to talk about it much less on a Taiwanese used socks market.
>I pay myself in pride.
And yet I am called a communist for suggesting that a child can learn the same value of working for himself. You are an idiot.
>I never said anything about treating them like garbage.
And I never said anything about "free gibs". Having your child's back financially doesn't mean doling out cash, it means teaching your child how to make their own money, giving them opportunities to earn and save, but also ensuring that they don't fall into a hole they cannot get out of. Take that "allowance" and help them invest it.
>Two kids, actually.
Congrats, then. They sound successful.
A full fledged desktop? Not until he's older.
A cheap small laptop to fuck around with? Why not, as long as you educate him about how computers work in general, what they can actually do and what risks they pose.
Technology by itself is a tool, it won't ruin children. Retarded parents who drop such pieces of technology on children without properly educating them about them are.
There is no inherent personality. After all the man is the product of his environment.
Playing around with a laptop (and learning some basic coding, why not) is definitely more constructive than doing useless shit with a fucking tablet, if done correctly
>mfw every new parent nowadays buys their 6 month old child a 600$ tablet yet the problem is desktops
>Retarded parents who drop such pieces of technology on children without properly educating them about them are.
I sell computers, and many of my customers seem to be under the impression a computer is like a TV and can just be hooked up, stared at, and it will change their life somehow.
Spoken like a true cucked cultural marxist. Keep believing your delusional fairy tale about how every human being can be shaped any way you want.
Genetic heritage is just as important, maybe even more.
It's true tho, you can notice most autists posting here share some problems like you can notice most feminists have family issues. I'm not taking about genetics at all, it's obvious there are some people who have a better learning/processing capacity but it's the environment that dictates he will be capable of using this capacity or not.
jesus fucking christ go back to Sup Forums and end your life
>internet credentials
I'd put money on you being a neet and just making shit up. If what you say is true you are major outlier compared to the average demographic posting on Sup Forums. I'm gonna need to see some timestampped pics as proof or details of your sons' employment, name of the company, location, phone #, that kind of stuff. I've got the day off today, so I'll have some fun investigating a bs claim on the internet.
That doesn't explain why so many supposedly ubermench are fat neckbeards fapping to anime then while Jamal is fucking their oneitis.
Not being raised like a beta > muh viking heritage.
>still spouting the everyone on 4ch is a neckbeard meme
>falling for it
Or you can reward him for doing chores and shit
It's because they have become part of a subculture based on their assumed racial heritage that espouses staying up late posing garbage on the internet, which can turn any man, regardless of his race or nationality, into a 400lb neckbear.
You only observed people who do have these problems, not the ones who don't.
You'd be amazed at how many people have been involved with technology since they were very young and yet aren't social outcasts, at how many women had family issues yet didn't end up blood-crazed feminists.
It's the loud minority.
You literally said nothing with that post.
and you only observe the people who've overcome their inabilty to be social long enough to post on Sup Forums. That's not counting for all the lurkers.
You fucking weebs somehow think its normal to watch anime that is intended to be consumed by Japanese school children, not Japanese adults.
And mos of them aren't even Japanese.
Like I said, most. There are other issues than can lead you to the same result.
The Alt-Right is literally everything that's wrong with the technology community. Go back to Sup Forums
feeling insecure about your maturity, user?
Almost every single male normie kid plays games, it's only a problem when someone becomes a self-identified gaymer.