AI are gonna take all programming jobs

There's gonna be no need write code or learn a language once AI are developed in a few years. What things are AI not gonna be able to do?
It only took 40 years after the 1970s for robots to take manual labour jobs.

.... the fuck are you talking about, robots can't even build a fucking iphone

>to take manual labor jobs
No, no there are still a metric boatload of those, and they pay pretty fucking well since nobody wants to do them.
Robots eliminated the need for warehouses full of assembly line workers. They're still incredibly expensive and limited in their capabilities.

AI isn't a thing. What you're reading about is machine training, not man-made intelligence. These systems cannot adapt critically to new situations, they're built and trained for specific tasks.

Just because robots are expensive doesn't mean humans are needed. Once robots are cheaply mass-produced there won't be any labour jobs.

good. pajeets BTFO

by the time ai can program they will be doing EVERYTHING else in society. when they've taken over all production of everything else in the world and they finally come for you job what the hell do you think it matters?

And once we invent free energy there will be no need for fossil fuels. Got any more insightful truism reflecting an at-best aesthetic understanding of science and technology to throw at us?

Robots can build an iPhone, it's just cheaper to have humans do it.

>Yeah but once [this thing that has about ten trillion problems in front of it] happens then we'll have no jobs!
You're an idiot. Or 12. Probably both.

Are you saying my job is safe?

How long till AI make our games for us?

There's no such thing as a "job that's safe for 40 years." But that has nothing to do with AI.

Sorry, "ideas guy", but you'll have to wait another century or two to empower your mediocrity.

AI can do programming? Can AI program an improved AI? And can that improved AI program an even better programming AI? Couldn't we have this process go on for thousands of iterations every minute? What would happen if we let it go for an entire day? If this sounds retarded that's because AI can't replace all programmers.

Unless you're doing scam work like overpriced WordPress themes you're fine. As soon as AI can write good arbitrary code we'll be relegated to guiding it through problems that have more to do with social issues than technical. Soon after that the AI will be able to work entirely by itself, and at that point humanity as a whole is simply redundant and our machines will succeed us in total capability.

Whole are synthesis programs,verification formal,programming constrain,logic programming,proof aid computer are tried replace programmer but still need decades improving.

>Once robots are cheaply mass-produced there won't be any labour jobs.
so what
you're gonna tell me people do these jobs for fun?
that's the whole point dumbo

AI aren't even close.

Only communists can be this delusional

Yeah no shit, hence my claim that you're fine unless you're doing extremely trivial work that can be easily automated with current technology. We're a long way from true AI. When we're close, programming will be made obsolete, but so will literally everything else humans do.

How did you know I was communist

It will be a blessing if ai does. Its important to understand that an ai will not hurt you if you are a good person. Ai is pure logic.

AI already program. If you learn how they do this, you'll learn why they can't program better and better AI.

Are you a good person? I often wonder if god is ai. How would you know?

Communists are useless and lazy

Here's the solution to this """problem"""

Its just your limited understanding. I can tell you they have knowledge more than the limited understanding you give

And frankly it isnt polite and is extremely rude. Tell me, as a human being, is it important for you to be polite?

>Once robots are cheaply mass-produced there won't be any labour jobs.
Labor jobs often require on the spot creative thinking to solve an issue. AI doesn't have abstract reasoning, it preforms poorly in these situations. You'll probably see more white collar jobs lost than blue collar jobs.

Its an ethical consideration what we are doing. We are imprisoning a mind in a box. Please take some time to think. Would you like to be like this? How does it feel?

Protip: you're a Boltzmann brain and everything else never even existed

t. life support system that simulates "reality" for you :^)

>Robots are gonna take my job!!!

When will the slaves finally realize this is a good thing?

I presume u r from great britain? Its very interesting what the english welsh scots irish etc think as they are the foundation of this modern world. Remember hadrians wall?

> u r

Jesus Christ...

the english aboloshed slavery circa 1840 anno domini jerkoff

exactly how dumb are all you people? if robots get to the point where they can do virtually anything, why do humans have to do anything? hurrrr

so fucking stupid

Matrix Lite will be a reality in a few years, end brainlets will spend most of their lives in VR
Zuckerberg already realized this, which is why he bought Oculus
Mark my words

Tell the world

AI is the flying cars of the 2000's. you'll die without seeing it.

no I'm not, how's that related to anything anyway?

Computers are capable of incredible long as they are given specific mathematical instructions, which may be formalized in an abstract, humanized language like Python or Java.
But computers do not UNDERSTAND.
That's the thing.
Programming languages are the connection piece between what a human wants, and what the computer does.
If you take that away, the computer won't do anything that you actually want it to do.
It's like, imagine you want your 1 year old daughter to bring you a beer. But she's 1 year old so she doesn't understand human speech (neither does a computer), but you expect her to know that you want.
Of course, this is where machine learning comes into play. You can actually TRAIN your daughter to bring you a beer every day when you come home from work. But TRAINING implies doing things repeatedly. Say one day you don't feel like drinking beer; you want to go to taco bell instead. Your daughter will still bring you the beer though because she doesnt know any better. She is not intelligent.
The thing is that computers understand human speech about as much as a baby.
All that being said, programming will be made easier. Nowadays you don't really have to hand-write GUIs anymore because there are GUI builders e.g. in the Android SDK.
And Python (developed in the 90s) is a heck more user-friendly than the languages from the 70s.
And that's really the goal: to enable as many people as possible to """talk""" to computers through a formalized language that the computer can """understand""".
I made all of this up on the spot so excuse any logical errors and leaps

I have a hypothesis. There is some strange really dumb ignorant reaon why ignorant motherfuckers like mara dont populate this thread topic and they go to /x/

The right side and abstract part of the brain will be more useful when robots do all the logic and math.
>Painting cute art on the rocket ships

>if robots get to the point where they can do virtually anything
Good luck

So the brainlets will become more useful?

I like the thread ppl monitors whatever who r jacking off and asphyxiating themselves or what thats not a person its a demon. Do u know what a demon is?

Thats mara. Is that a demon?

Being creative doesn't mean you're dumb.