Is 5s the i5 2500k of phones?


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The iPhone 5s and Nexus 5 are two of the best phones ever made. I own both and I'm extremely satisfied with them.

The 5S is a legendary phone.
I remember when I bought the Galaxy S5 instead of the 5S back in spring 2014.

One of the greatest mistakes of my life

Literally does everything I need it to lads

>16 GB
I would die

Get the SE poorfags, it’s the same phone except better in every way.

I use Google Photos to back up important photos.
All my local music is converted from FLAC to 128kbps M4A
I only really use social apps hence my small application count, and I use Red Music for YouTube/background playback.

I thought I’d die switching from an Android with an SD card slot but I’m surprised how well I am doing.

no the 4s is

For real though, get the SE 128GB. Same body as the 5s, innards of the 6s.

2500k is deprecated yes.

I was gonna pick up the 8.
Is this not a good idea?

I’m sure it’s good too. I just wanted a nice smol phone so I can reach the whole screen with one hand.

I would agree with you guys before iOS 11.

I'm thinking about buying SE for christmas and giving my iPhone 7 to mom but I'm not sure if I should wait for SE 2


At least it has a headphone jack?

I love the overall appeal of the SE. Shape, size, power. The fact that it has a headphone jack. I say this as an Android user since the original Droid days too.

I just don't like how restricted IOS is and overall lack of utility of iPhone. Not to mention the price premium on storage. If they made a 128GB SE that didn't cost an arm and a leg, I'd be on it like white on rice. That, or a standard capacity iPhone SE, but with the ability to add additional storage.

>using clouds

That's iphone 5

So sad I'm going to put my 5S down at the end of the month because of the 5t. She served me well.


fellow estonian

I'd probably still be using it if I didn't lose it.

What you see in that GIF is iOS 5 or earlier. It doesn't apply in the modern day. Apply yourself.

>doxes your fingertips

Browsing this thread on an iPhone 5, shit still runs good.

I wanna upgrade to one of the new 64bit phones; anyone know a place that sells them with jailbreakable iOS?

But user, Fingerprint data isn't even sent to Apple.

Good for you :ˆ)
Enjoy your security, you insecure fuck.


S-sorry. I'm actually so obsessed I still use phones that came out when GSM was popularized.

Samsung has more reported instances of consumer dissatisfaction with lag than Apple. LAGDROID more like it.

Well the 8 is like $550 more money.

More like Lagwizz.



Wrong. As a person who has owned both I can say that 901f or 906s + LineageOS destroys 5S on all levels.

no it's the nexus 6

So almost considering going the iphone route since most android phones seem to suck right now in at least one way and I'm too indecisive to pick any given one.

Security is also a concern, wondering how much better that is on IOS.

What was the biggest adjustment you had to make moving to IOS? Will it play nice with my linux desktop if i want to move files? Any gotchas to be aware of (will they try to rope me into the Apple ecosystem)?


Motorola Moto G5 is superior.

yeah, there is no moving files about on ios..

I don't even like Apple but yes. It's amazing how well it performs (well at least the one my dad got, it's still on iOS 7).

>still on iOS 7

It literally lags on everything, even on the launcher.


It is. Hold on a second

>m-m-muh updates!!!

You can't have it both ways iToddler.

8.3 actually


Well, he just don't care.

That's any Motorola Moto G.

The 5S was the first smart phone to use ARMv8 so yeah, I guess you could compare it to something like Sandy bridge.


De macaco? Uma delícia.

It's the 4S


Also I still use a 920 D0 at 4GHz today. Nothing better's come out in nearly ten years.

i have owned them all

just a reminder ken rockwell did measurements and the iphone 6 had the best DAC performance, the lightning adapter on the 7 actually measured a bit poorer

>Apple has more smart people and more resources than any other audio company on the planet, so as we see when it comes to audio engineering, the iPhone easily outdoes many so-called "audiophile" products.

>For enjoying music, you will probably get poorer performance if you waste your time and money with outboard DACs or headphone amplifiers; the iPhone already has the best there is.

>Why do commercial audio magazines tout external DACs and amplifiers? Because that what their advertisers are trying to sell!

also iphone 4/5/se win the aesthtics but i prefer the 6 ergoomics and modern guts. After that apple lost me as a customer.

also if you want the BEST AUDIO QUALITY on iOS check an app called "CANOPENER" it can play 24 bit flac and has the best eq, crossfeed and dither modes on iOS. [pic related]

What is the New Nexus 5? I think it's time I replace mine

no. 2500k is still a perfectly usable daily driver in this day and age. with ios 11 the bare minimum now is an iphone 6s. ios 11 on even a 6 is a lagfest.

6s on 9.3.3 jailbroken. Just replaced the battery. After 2 years. Best phone ever.

any apple product is hilariously underpowered for the generation it was made in

you silly goose, op.

>needs jailbreak to make this shit usable

Piss off, ifags!

My ipad is still on 8.1 and my i6 is on 10.2. Jailbreak is a blessing user.

>tfw my lineage chinkshit runs better than any iShit
Feels good to be superior

iOS11 runs great on my SE

5s user here, hoping to upgrade to an SE if they boost the specs to those on the A10/A11. The iPhone 6 was a mistake.

if the SE comes with iOS 10 then get that
iOS 11 is the worst thing to come to apple, and the 8 ships with it
my phone was lagging on it pretty badly

t. iphone 7+ applefag

I bought one of those for my roommate when his phone broke. It was $120 at walmart or something like that. Decent phone.

but the SE has 6s specs

the 6 was a mistake tho


>t. filed for personal bankruptcy in 2014

I'm not saying that the A9 is a bad processor, but I don't want to buy one now if a version with the A10 launches in a couple of months.

What a sexy phone. Apple's last great iPhone triumph was the 4 design

stop bullying the autistic kid

iphone 5 is faster on ios11 than 10, faggot

the se is better then the 5s, but the 5s is great.