The best Windows

The best Windows

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It runs slower and is worse than Windows 8.1
Why should I use it?

>you wont get pic related
>10 year old operating system
>it still spies on you
>it doesn't have functional notifications
windows 7 is just for people who are too lazy to install classic shell and use the GPO to turn off bullshit like auto updates and windows defender.


I actually find classic shell to be fucking amazing.
>I can make my own themes
>My own links in the system row
>I can make links and drives work like popup menus although it sucks for slower or shutdown drives
This is probably why I didn't go back to win7

Windows 8.1 is faster, less bloated, more stable, and looks better.
You can use classic shell to get rid of the tablet bullshit and bring back the old start menu.
Really don't see any reason to use 7 over 8.1

You can turn it all of, is that so?

user, I don't give a shit about operating system spying. I value performance, convenience, and productivity over that.
and I know some retard is gonna go: "durr give me ur SSN and bank info if u don't care"

no fucking Windows is less bloated than its predecessor

Hartyhar, soon it will die.
t. Winfag


I'm not switching until it does, Blackbeard-sama

>Automatically arrange windows
I fucking hate that shit. I disable it on every computer I come across.


8.1. has cool features like streaming to tv. runs faster and on more modern hardware than 7 does. gets more software and security updates.

where do i buy this



Let's see.
No x64 support.
Abandonware since 2003.
Didn't make it to kernel 5.0
A shitload of unavailable features and lack of support from many vendors.
The best windows os is xp, there's no match. There are even military applications built around xp. It rules the embedded world(atms, rocket launchers, e.t.c.) and is not going to be replaced easily.
In fact xp are supported till '19.
You may like 2000 more, because you have an emotional bond to it, but win xp is way better.
MS played even the dx10 card to make ppl leave xp and they stayed with it.

I don't care about getting spied either but I'm not switching.
>programming exam
>have 2 hours to solve 5 problems
>they are difficult as shit
>girl on my side turns on her laptop
>"wait till we set up your new updates :^)"
>it takes one hour and half to finish that bullshit
>she fails the exam and starts crying

notice how collection began for facebook literally the same year it went mainstream. that ain't no coincidence. Also notice how myspace is absent from that chart. really gets the nurons firing.

The best-looking Windows, at the very least.

>won't run on Threadripper without massive workarounds
>no native UEFI support
>no native USB 3.1 Gen 1 or Gen 2 support
>no native NVMe support
No thanks. I prefer OSes that just work, like Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.

how do i make windows 10 look more asthetically pleasing and comfy? have to use it for work and don't like the interface

>the best worst


You're full of bullshit. There's native UEFI support in the SP1 iso. NVMe support has been added via an update and the USB3 drivers are provided by the MB manufacturer anyway and should be uswed over the native ones regardless of Windows version. Same goes for many other drivers.

>won't run on Threadripper
Last time I checked, Threadripper was an x86 CPU. Win7 runs fine on any modern x86 CPUs.