
Other urls found in this thread:


tpb working fine for me, move to the land of the free

um, pirate bay is working?

works on my machine™

works on my machine




you're using the cached version

>nuKAT & 1337x
Pick one and only one

Already dead

OP is a fag.



w-what! somebody explain!

who cares about bitcoinbay

Letters incoming

rutracker was fine last night, is it still up?

1337 is working for me and I haven't used piratebay in years.

Only nyaa, extratorrent and kickass deaths affected me and nyaa technically is back already with multiple mirrors.

zooqle, torrentz2 and TPB work fine.

1337x was up all day long for me I just checked it's still on its feet

i just used tpb to get the new yung lean album. just werked

Rutracker is final base of public tracker
if Rutracker dies, all public tracker going to shit
probably not will happen

TPB works fine.

>rutracker ded
HOLY SHIT say it aint SO

bitcoin is down
torrents are down
AES is compromised


The jews realized they can't make every ISP in every country block these sites, but they CAN use their influence to make the registrars themselves drop them, effectively censoring them WORLDWIDE in one simple move. Their trial run was TheDailyStormer and lefty lemmings went along with it, not realizing they can do this to ANY site now that there's a precedent.

Fuck off Sup Forums

>using a jewish DNS
what kind of cuck r u

>it's a Sup Forums throws a tantrum thread
Just fuck off to your containment board

werks for me

>getting BUTTBLASTED about Sup Forums

Never change, underaged redditors.

jidf pls go

>hurrdurr what is the ((((ICANN))))?

>getting BUTTBLASTED about Sup Forums
>Never change, underaged redditors.
This is a technology board if you haven't noticed. You know, not free for all shitposting boards like almost all the others on this website. We can also partly thank Sup Forums for finally destroying Sup Forums.

Always used and always will, never saw it down

It's not so.

replace jews with capitalists

>user asks what's causing the takedown of domains with impunity
>I explain the precedent
>redditors go into a frenzy of autistic screeching about le evil /paul/ board

It IS technology related whether you like it or not.


Sure thing, /leftypol/. Call me when sites calling out "capitalists" are censored worldwide.

>hurrdurrr what is OpenNIC and NameCoin

works on my machine.

>muh jews!

nothing but conspiracy theories.

just use rutracker. best quality since 2004

>nothing but conspiracy theories.

Is it when they BOAST about it?
>leftypoz redditors will defend this

>tree tabs
my nigga

OP is full of shit. The Pirate Bay is up, working fast, and fully functioning.

OP probably has an ISP which censors it and forgot to check anywhere else or use Tor to reach it. Don't use Tor to actually torrent.

Just one headline proves all conspiracy theories? It probably does in your mind.

>implying it's just one

But then again, you're not arguing in good faith. You're just a lowly bootlicker of the establishment as long as it's le BASED billionaire jews.

Use DNS, not your ISP's, dumbass

works just fine.

Where can I find decent x265 rips of recent releases ?

Calling something a conspiracy theory is just a lazy way not to argue something.

You're providing screenshots of headlines, not links and sources. And when people don't take you seriously, just add more buzzwords.


what about all the jewish investors who donated to trump

how does this work?

Forget about his investors like ((((Adelson)))) and (((((Carl Icahn)))))), his entire staff is full of those hook-nosed cretins.

>Two navigation bars
Who are you trying to fool here

>In China you can have all the free speech you want
>in Cuba you can have all the free speech you want

>he doesn't know about the Phillipino shadow government




once they start to shit blood from being wallet raped every month, then they will finally understand the value of freeze peach

...unless it's an actual conspiracy theory, in which case it's an accurate way to denounce nonsense.

Why make this thread at all? None of it is true. All the sites work

>runs a secret international state
>can't even run a country

>None of it is true. All the sites work

Why you lie so much?

Yeah and now you Stormfags are here because of it. Fuck off.

>defending internet censorship

Keep sucking that banker cock, shill.

did you even read my post?

>lists sites
>doesn't know what trackers are
Get a clue!
PS Only extratorrent doesn't work cause it was shut down a long time ago.

Rutracker's servers are in the motherland aren't they? These fucking amerikikes fucking up the internet again.



This so much, it legit scared me knowing how they easily take down anything they want. What's sad is even some of Sup Forums cheered the move. Im not even Sup Forums myself nor am I white but fuck these fucking jews, if I wasn't a dirt poor spic I'd have funded it out of my own pocket. No matter how much you disagree with something remaining silent over a move like this sets a precedent for other dissent sites, and yet so many people on both sides felt it was an acceptable thing to do.

>if I wasn't a dirt poor spic I'd have funded it out of my own pocket

Funding is not the problem, Anglin always managed to get a decent chunk of donations. But what good is that money when EVERY registrar worldwide has been given orders to not allow them? TheDailyStormer has been censored HARDER than even terrorist recruiting ISIS sites for making fun of the jews, let that sink in.

If you believe that, their disinfo campaign is working.

TDS did a lot more than make fun of jews, my man. It's pretty telling that that's what you're the most sensitive about, and that and care more that jews are influencing the world and not that a small minority of people are collecting an inordinate amount of wealth. Wealth inequality and income inequality are high af, but you're upset because some of those rich people are jews? Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees.

Think for yourself, leave the echo chamber and stop gobbling up whatever you're spoonfed.

using a fucking botnet dns servers

whats the name of that extension
cannot find it on duckduckgo or startpage


Moves like this are nothing more than a means to instigate a public interest in the security of content that's accessible under the guise of politically relevant conduct and then using it as an umbrella measure to secure their wealth and continue their immeasurable collection of world power. You can attribute this solely to the corrupting bent that money and the systems it's stemmed from and itself branches into for this. It's plain and simple that this is a means for the rich to get richer while the poor have to continue spending incredible sums of money for the increasingly diminishing returns they get for it not only physically but intrinsically as inflation climbs while the human currency rapidly devalues itself.

It's plain, it's simple. It doesn't matter which constituents you place at the helm, the power vacuum is all corrupting. With that said there will always be a resistance to it and alternatives will always be borne from the smoke and ashes of the smoldering fire the scorched earth leaves behind, albeit perpetually diminishing in power. works for me here in S.Korea

From this thread I think we can safely say - whenever anyone on this board says "it's happening": it's not happening.

What's happening is Sup Forums breaking GR4. Yet again. Happens so often there's literally a published research paper on the topic.

Can we get a janitor in here to clean up this garbage?

The pirate bay works you fucking idiot.

>it's jews
It's capitalists/corporatists.


I hope all public trackers get taken down and normies stay the fuck away on their Netflix and Spotify accounts

How's the hard disk? Also. MLP top of search for Sup Forums?


Dude what, that is Via browser on stock android

fake news 1337 is up and tracking

Works for me.

This is fake news just like the Soros bullshit. Kys or go to your containment board, Sup Forumstard.

Oh lol my bad, I thought this was a second Android navigation bar

just use dht

working fine here fag

The glorious era of private trackers is upon us, public tracker normalfags can no longer ruin torrents anymore.

The jews are doing us a favor by making piracy secret club again that normalshits wont ruin. Looking forward to the future because piracy can’t be killed, it always evolves. Anyone who argues otherwise is retard who has no idea what they’re doing

Who cares about shit sitesm rarbg is up and that's all that matters.

More torrents for me I guess.

Just a matter of time until it falls as well
Don't rely on big public sites

>joining a top sekret society and socializing to pirate