Screenfetch/Neofetch thread

Post your desktops!



Richfag coming through.







Just realized that my hostname is entirely visible!!!


Just wanted to hide it for no reason but failed miserably, and now I feel stupid.

the fact that you felt the need to hide it in the first part is stupider

It's my name :|

and? you think anyone on Sup Forums can find you from a first name in a screenfetch thread?

There's a way to make it say "root" instead of your real username but I don't remember how it's done, I haven't done it.


I guess you should edit the PS1 variable.

nooo fuck you

I mean it was some quick command that you could always use for screenshots. You don't have to edit anything permanently.


woah comfy

what is OS pls

what about a boy uwu?

no ty

linux operations system

post the pic pls


ty, ur gf is rly cute

delet this right now


You mean sudo?

ur gf is quite lewd

Why do people keep making these threads when they know that these threads can't last more than 10 minutes?


this thread has been up for an hour IDIOT gtfo

You run the command as root you fucking retard

absolute baka lmao

OP is a fag
doesn't look very comfy
that's me, a pizzanigger
i should give bsd a try
uwu nice
i fucking love this
whew lad start ricing
pretty comfy openbox
>156 pkgs
how owo

The past screensfetch/desktop threads didn't last long.

tell me there's a way to have transparent windows without compton. it's buggy, unreliable and dev ignores you

why would you want transparent windows

> it's buggy, unreliable and dev ignores you
FOSS everyone

because I have a very small screen size and I want to compromise between the number of window opened and a good looking background

that's dumb

This is an older picture, but everything pretty much looks the same right now, so meh

I won't deny it

Though, now that I look at it, I guess I'm on Fedora 26 now.

anyway it's not like I want them to be totally transparent, I just want to set a fucking opacity

ben please record a video of what your friends think of your desktop

what did you do that browser


Considering manjaro instead of arch... is that so bad?

dont use either

you're considering a buggy brazilain knockoff of arch with like one guy working on it, where the only "advantage" over plain arch is the 15 minutes you save by not having to copy paste 10 commands from a wiki?

1. we'd have a hard time finding you based just on your first name
2. why would we even give a shit finding a random user from a screenfetch thread

Good to see you finally moving from that shit font you used before, Ben.

your dumb





