Why the fuck is this CPU continually getting sold out? It gets re-stocked on new-egg like 3 times a day, sometimes

Why the fuck is this CPU continually getting sold out? It gets re-stocked on new-egg like 3 times a day, sometimes.

Why the fuck are those dumb cunts clearly only stocking only so little? and then re-stocking? is it so they can continue to raise the price?

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Just buy the 8th gen i5-6000K. Its a six core for $260, best price/perf unless you went with Ryzen

I want the 8700k, i'll be doing lots of editing and so forth so the processor will be getting fucked up the ass.

And again, why is newegg fucking around?

Amazon is in stock amazon.com/Intel-BX80684I78700K-Core-i7-8700K-Processor/dp/B07598VZR8

Why the fuck are they charging over MSRP price?

Maybe because of butt coin miner soy goys.

got the 8600k, only 7% less powerful than the 8700k and cheaper

its something how everyone was hounding AMD for paper launch vega but an actual Intel paper launch goes ignored.

>paper launch
>still can buy it
shiggy diggy

maybe 7% single core performance but multicore is a different story

>Why the fuck are those dumb cunts clearly only stocking only so little? and then re-stocking? is it so they can continue to raise the price?
>Artificial scarcity for $500, Alex

You are a literal fucking retard. Buy a quad when hexas are becoming mainstream?

Get off Sup Forums

Nigga it's a 6 core

ur mums a fucking six core get owned you fucking bitfch

Its 6 core 4.3 boos with the 8600 k. Easy overclockable to 4.9 its super fast

Get the non k chip unless your pc is a work station
>hurr I play and stream dat is my work
Then a non k is more than enough stop being a retard

ITT: Faggots acting like 2 extra cores are night and day in a single threaded world

lol fag she's a 16 core her porn name is "dickripper"

maybe it's time for you to upgrade from windows for workgroups just a thought


And in 2-3 years those non hyperthreaded cores will be a huge bottleneck.
Look at the 2500k, equal to the 1600k 5 years ago.
Now upwards of 30% slower.

8400 or 8600k?

>only stocking up so little
>restocks frequently

2 extra cores is exactly what the 7700k was lacking.

8700k or buy ryzen.
Non hyperthreaded Chips are a waste of money.
