Look at this beauty.
How can Linux or Windows even compete?
Look at this beauty
Other urls found in this thread:
>look at me doing pretentious pointless shit and pretend bakeries use macs so they don't forget how to make bread, also I don't know what "discernible" means
since when reading a cooking book is "pretentious"?
>can't installed unverified apps
>floating windows
Nice meme.
OP raises a good point.
Regardless of what you think of Macs or apple... you can’t deny that MacOS just looks way better.
Same flavour, no price
>has never actually used a Mac
A really easy and obvious settings change lets you install unverified apps.
>macOS on a resolution below 4k
Why even bother
just because it looks good doesn't mean it works well, and it doesn't work well in the case of apple
How does it not work well?
If I put that wallpaper on my Linux, will you die?
since it happens in iBooks.app
Works better than LInux.
Epin digits of truth
It does look good but what's the point if you get less work done on it?
>Implying anyone gives a shit about Guh-NOME
> cooking book
> pretentious
You don't know what "pretentious" means.
idk fampai, those dock looks pretty ugly
Originally I was forced to use Mac at the company I worked for. At the end of my employment I bought the rMBP 15" from them.
Literally didn't think about changing my laptop once since then.
I honestly don't think macOS looks particularly nice. The hardware design is generally quite attractive, though not the white/clear plasticky aesthetic, more the silver/grey style look.
Holy shit I swear Gnome is such a piece of shit. Even de Icaza left Gnome for OS X.
poo in loo ruskie
nice resolution poorfaggot. Buy a mac or gtfo with you PooInLootosh
like this
Set the wallpaper to solid black and see how stupid you are.
Literally any os can set a background faggot.
worst girl
I'm going to say that macOS isn't all that bad, just that there are still better alternatives. It still lacks some software and hardware compatibility for sure, while Linux being a bit more complex on some issues still manages to get around shit.
brat is second best (the first being kyoko ofc)
The monospace meme needs to die.
no u
Nothing trumps the monospace meme since its the most efficient font you can use. It remains readable at small sizes and takes the least amount of space
I've been memed into using macos for a week.
here's what's to like about it:
>with space you can preview pictures/video formats that are supported
>tabs in file explorer
>column view in file explorer
>tidy settings
>moving full screen application to another workspace is good
>impressive virtualization with parallels
>search is pretty good
>option to reopen all windows you had before shutting down/restarting
>it looks nice mostly
what's shit about it:
>window switching is bullshit, alt tab in windows/linux is superior
>no snapping (spectacle is kind of ok though)
>os expects you to use touchpad/apple mouse
>dock is shit
>no calendar inside clock (menu bar)
>volume has not int value to see the level sound is set to (menu bar)
>animations take too long
>resizing windows is not smooth (dragging by the corner)
>inconsistent window types
>CAN'T disable a monitor
>no plug and play (see's chink usb wifi adapter in system information but expects you to install keks which may not work)
>according to geekbench video performance is worse by 40k (rx480) compared to windows
>no middle click scrolling (there are extensions for that but they don't feel as good)
>activity monitor is crap in comparison to task manager
middle ground:
>font rendering is nice but prefer sharper rendering that windows provide
not sure if i can take it anymore
what's shit about it extra:
>can't press elements on unfocused windows (cmd+click is inconsistent)
>his dock doesn't autohide
>fixie shitter
>track geometry but no drops
>mudguard on only one wheel for some fucking reason
>obligatory cuckold hat aka helmet
truly bicycle worth a trendy macfaggot.
>Literally everything about that picture
you can easily make linux look like that and even function like that.
Real cooks don't browse Sup Forums, you posers.
>How can Linux or Windows even compete?
By being actually usable instead of just cancer ergonomy for muh easthetisc
Just as there are no Linux shills.
dubs confirm dubs confirm
if dubs double confirm
>using a dock