I'm fucking proud to be Indian. You guys all like to make Indians the punching bag here for literally no reason and its fucking stupid. There is nothing wrong with being Indian, you just found a funny sounding word and memed it into an insult. There are many other races besides Indians that you could make fun of. I'm not thin skinned I'm just saying its absurd that you focus on one. Make fun of other races besides Indian. I'm sick of this shit.
I'm fucking proud to be Indian...
its just bants dude get over it indians can actually be pretty cool
rajeesh plz
>Goes to Sup Forums
>Announces being an Indian
I know this is bait so here's your (you) but come on, this is boring.
Good for you but this is the internet, every race and nationality is insulted; no one is special
This is not fucking bate you crackers. No one actually does this shit in your picture and no one actually is paid to shill. Its literally completely fucking made up because you are racists uncreative assholes that flock to the first funny sounding word you find
Cool it down you pradesh
only shitty code monkeys hate indians because the cheap indians took their jobs. hell even i as webdev am not threatened at all by the indian cheap labour.
Hello Andreet
Don’t you have more iPhone threads to shit up?
This is an anime basket weaving forum
come on bro they are just pulling our legs. we gotta be cool.
Giv bob and vagene
Bitch lagana
How is this related to technology, pajeet?
i honestly can't take seriously "people" that wipe their asses with their hands after shitting on the street. sorry.
Shut the fuck up you Dravidian looking Ganges bathing Hindu subhuman
who wipes your ass then? your mom?
Because everyone says what you just said in this board
Thanks for proving my point
This is what you call a false flag. Everyone knows real Indians use the designated shitting internet (which, surprisingly, is not Sup Forums).
There's literally nothing to be proud about being an Indian.
So you're complaining on Sup Forums that people are calling you names? back to facebook faggot.
This, fpbp
>malaysian indian colleague
>went to india
>holee shit
>no pun intended.
>no really place is dirty and people piss and shit anywhere they like.
i suggest you leave the place and get cultured.
Is that a new pasta? Neat.
What's with Indians and that faggoty hairstyle? I've been seeing it a lot lately.
Tell your people to learn some basic hygiene then.
I had to line my nostrils with vapor rub when I had to work with Indian visa workers because apparently they don't know what deodorant is
why does their flag look like an anus
Indians smell like shit, have terrible sanitation practices, are given preferential visa treatment (in us) and have no interest in adapting or integrating their culture.
They are also physically disgusting - short, pubic like head hair (if they haven’t balded), creepy mustache, and they all wear flip flops with gross feet.
They are liars and scam artists. They also act and look like sexual predators.
Deport pajeet.
What does a data enter smell like?
It's not just India. If you look at any suburb that's dominated by Indians (some parts of London, New Jersey, etc.), they're all filthy.
These people are just disgusting.
>wahhh people made fun of me online
You mean like they do to Chinese, Russians, Americans, and literally fucking everyone else? Fuck off you little bitch cunt currynigger.
I thought I was on Sup Forums for a moment.
>Cries about people being racist
>Uses crackers in his first sentence
Be careful when you step out of the door Rajesh I paid some kids to leave some stinky ones just for you.
Shouldn't you be commenting on images of women in Facebook right now?
I was positive towards Indians until I had one as a roommate in Grad School.
The guy fucking insisted on making Curry every single day in an apartment where the windows couldn't be opened, didn't clean the dishes, put shit stained toilet paper in the bin next to the toilet instead of flushing it down, played loud indian music in the corridor at 2 AM, and all kinds of things I couldn't stand.
I still try to be unbiased, but that one interaction has sort of permanently scarred me.
Youre a fucking idiot. Sup Forums went to shit a LONG TIME AGO because people here do nothing but spam memes to forward their agenda.
You have MS and Apple shills constantly starting threads to advertise their products (which is against the rules but mods ok it)
/dpt/ went to shit with C++ shilling like its the only language to use
There are threads that are pure shit posting that have nothing to do with technology and are just lowlifes spewing shit
seriously fuck off OP, Sup Forums has all gone to shit, the fact that you are baawing about memes is just too stupid
good on you OP
im indian, and i hate myself.