Why aren't you using the best monospaced font?

Why aren't you using the best monospaced font?

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That's not Inconsolata


That's not Fixed.

Ubuntu mono is awesome indeed.

Because ultimately it really don't matter

i actually hate monospace for coding i just use arial

b-b-bu arghh uiwfbhniowhbnf93n4u34uhb39ubnwognb9ubnhwg

>stacking else ifs on brackets
>two character indentation
>code execution in the inner scope is on the exact same column as the else statement
You know at some point you have to actually use your eyes and not just go off muscle memory.

Because Misc Fixed Regular is better.

Because I actually have work to do which renders me unable to give a fuck about fonts

Looks like dogshit compared to Iosevka. Plus it's just a DejaVu Sans Mono ripoff.

I just use variable width these days much more readable and the supposed "oh no I am a retard and confused | for l" problems don't actually happen

what font?

I prefer hack over DejavVu Sans Mono because of the fatter underscores, parenthesis spacing, and lack of serif that looks like an underline on the i's.

what kind of font is it? Looks great. Everything I want in a programming font.

Thats not terminus

>black background

Do you read books with black backgrounds and white text bitch?

Do you write your essays with a black background bitch?

Black backgrounds are pretentious cunt shit. Stop it.


get fucked faggot.

>Do you read books with black backgrounds and white text bitch?
actually i do (on my phone). great contrast and no eye strain.

you bad motherfucker


roboto mono masterrace

There exists no fonts called that

I enjoy my vision, thanks.

>not using the fetch api in 2017 - 1+ 1
I like the colour scheme though

If my books emitted light, then I would.

This is super autistic but I can't use Hack because of how ugly the question and exclamation marks are.

>current year university
>not allowed to use anything not explicitly mentioned in course curriculum, and only after it has been mentioned in the exercises
sure is fun being specifically drilled to not do any research of our own and work in the least efficient way possible

Event system is superior in every way. Eventually you will come to the conclusion yourself.

>This is super autistic

Come on now, we're talking about fonts. Join the club

natsci autist here, how do I make my fortran project look like this in codeblocks?

Nigga where do you go?

>anything other than Inconsolata-dz

I'm already using terminus

>I failed to searx for "hack font"

> Inconsolata-dz
> not -g

Better than staring at a lightbulb and trying to read the text on it.

Cool, I use tabs too. Spaces piss me off ---- why should I have to put up with someone else's preferred tabwidth when we could use tabs and have things automatically look the way we want them?

No one has mentioned Luxi Mono which means you're all morons.

But I am.


Which font is that?

Sorry guys but the best for coding is Comic Sans.

What font is that? I love the way the 'f' looks

But I am.


>not coding in OCR-A
What are you, a brainlet?

What's your opinion on Noto Mono guys? I think is great.

It would be great if it had a dashed 0

sf mono :^)

It's not bad, but I like monofur. nambiguous, works at many sizes, antialiased and not.

I use noto when I need a terminal visually distinguished from the rest.

>sans serif
>not using superior times new roman

>he doesn't use Iosevka in the stylistic set 07

pacaur -S ttf-iosevka{,-term}-ss07

This actually doesn't look too bad for a tall font. But I hate tall fonts.

And what's up with the Portuguese sample?
The ü has been extinguished a while ago, there's no â in the word zangão, and those weird brackets don't exist.

monofur is the comic sans of programming fonts, it looks fucking retarded

>Those braces

>eram palavras do Português

I am using MonteCarlo

This thread feels like that scene from American psycho where they show their presentation cards

Why aren't you using a less shitty language?

On Windows, what's the point

It looks alright, apart from the tails on ijt. And it is too wide on my smol screen.

'proggy clean'

I seem to be using it already

better xample .. my proggyclean
i like this font

FixedSys is best.

PragmataPro only, don't be ridiculous

>a conjoined with the m
a shit

Envy Code R