My cousin spilled water on my MacBook air

What do i do? I already dried it off it doesn't turn on at all

1. spill acid on your cousin
2. take his wallet
3. buy a used thinkpad

I'm sure you'll get a lot of genuine and helpful replies considering Sup Forums is your personal tech support forum.

soak it up with something powdery

You're most likely fucked, there's probably still water inside it and those things are a huge pain in the ass to take apart. All you can do now is just sell it on eBay and Craigslist for someone else to buy to get some of your money back, or take it to a repair shop to replace the motherboard.

If it were me I'd just buy another one, obviously us macbook users could afford it. Unless you're one of those shitskin students who bought one with government sponsored student loans

Get a real laptop

Found your problem.

LOL you guys are assholes anyway, i guess ill take it to a repair shop see what the damage is thanks for nothing you fucken autists

Install gentoo

buy a new one, goy

>A plastic solvent
Holy kek. OP, please do this and post results.

>water on my MacBook air
Get some earth and fire so you have all the elements

You probably dried up the RAM.
Download some more, but you can't torrent RAM, you have to buy genuine Apple (tm) RAM at 8x the price.


You now have a MacBook Water

I spilled a whole cup of water on my macbook air and I put it upside down over a towel for 3 days before turning it on. I heard some sizzling that was worrying.

But 2 years later it works fine, battery life and the hard drive are still perfect. it's surprisingly durable.

buy Thinkpad you moron...


Op here i have autism now from reading all these funny maymay responses xD *holds up spork, but honestly guys get laid and definitely stop going to /s/

Thank you for an actual responses dude lol bunch of "lol maymays" spergs on g today

Point taken lol should have lurked more daddy ugh ugh fuck me zadddyyy!!!!!

Op here macbook will now fuck me in thē ass ugh ugh fuck me daddy!!!!!! Ughhh REeeeeeee ughhhhhh REEEEEeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!

I'm already tired of this relative meme. Why won't nue-Sup Forums just tell its their own machine?

Im fucken gay now after all these"maymay ;D" answers who wants to suck me up? Guys only, im in LA

My dad fucked me when i was 8

You shouldn't have tried to turn it on. Open the laptop up (you'll need a special screwdriver) and clean up as much moisture as you can, then put it upside down on a towel (like on a chair so the keyboard is facing downward) and drain out as much water as possible.. You may have shorted it out and need a new board in that case you're screwed but it may work after drying out. I spilled a coke on my rMBP and after roughly 3 days of drying (in retrospect that was too soon) it started right up. Been working for the last 1.5 years since that with no issues but I know it could quit any day due to corrosion in the circuitry.

Lol enjoy paying $500 for a motherboard for your shitbox

>he cant afford official apple repairs



>he pays for a car he cant fix himself or take to a mechanic who is cheaper than the vehicle dealership/original manufacturer

>he is forced to pay premium for the same quality OEM parts and repairs


why did i even post here lol bunch of loser faggots on this pg 13 blue board lol stupid ass austic reeeee buy le thinkpad lelelel

Want a real answer?

Sue him in small claims court for the cost of the laptop. No lawyers are required and his parents will be liable for the damages.