Is there a browser which doesn't suck cocks?

Chrome uses too much ram and firefox maxes out CPU to unacceptable degrees. Linux btw

vivaldi, brave and opera look beautiful as hell but may be too hardware intensive for your system

(post specs)

good lightweight web browsers
midori (my choice)

vivaldi is a solid choice.

>(post specs)
4.4ghz quad core cpu and 16gb ram

>having more than 56KB of RAM

He fell for the meme, goys. XD

this is a joke right?

Ungoogled Chromium

you really shouldn't be worrying about browser hardware usage with those specs, user

i'm with on vivaldi as a solid browser all around but i personally use midori

No. I usually have quite a few tabs open and some of the sites are really resource-intensive.

I'll try it I guess..

>Chrome uses too much ram and firefox maxes out CPU to unacceptable degrees. Linux btw
All blink/webkit-based browser use lotsa ram due to how they manage child processes. So Chrome/Chromium/Vivaldi/Opera will be same shit.

And firefox is just slow, cpu-hogging shit.

The answer is - get more ram and use fast blink-based shit

>still using chrome
Enjoy your botnet.

Suckless surf with suckless tabbed, works great for me

>Ungoogled Chromium
>Last Windows build from June
I mean I'm using it as secondary to Firefucks, but this shit is getting silly, glad I didn't make it my main.

In before gnutards yelling just build it yourself, I'm not a developer and haven't got time for figuring that shit out. Also:

>Building ungoogled-chromium
>These instructions are out-of-date
kek. Is Ungoogled for Windows kill?

>using windows
go back to r/v/ u faggot

I was gonna tell you fuck off faggot but then I noticed OP specified loonix so my bad, but you're a faggot anyway.

If anyone can answer about the Windows builds since I asked already that'd be grand though.

install gentoo

Ok, but you wipe your keyboard from those cheetos crumbs and grease first.

>>Last Windows build from June

>webrender is still a broken piece of garbage
>DOM servo component is nowhere to be seen
>spidermonkey is an aging piece of shit
At least we have multithreaded CSS painting... And we all have the satisfaction of knowing a trans fixed all the non neutral occurences in the code...

Well shit, this seems to actually be really nice so far. Thank you user.

Firefox uses way more RAM and CPU than Chrome.

Maybe on windows, but I've found on linux that chrome tabs balloon in ram use over time whereas in firefox they remain relatively stable.


To be completely frank, browsers are garbage nowadays. The point isn't to make it as low ressource intensive as it could, but retarded crap like VR. I mean what in the fuck, who gives a shit about VR except the dozen retards who bought a motion sickness device ?

So Blink is the future we're getting? The future we're stuck with?

Wasn't the Presto source leaked?

Ungoogled-chromium, Iridium browser, Inox browser.

Don't remind me. It still hurts.

Yandex Browser is the best browser out there right now. Highly underrated.

Cool browser, but too slow.


>Yandex Browser
>The browser checks webpage security with the Yandex security system and checks downloaded files with Kaspersky anti-virus.
So.. Russian government datamining operation? No thanks senpai

Why couldn't the Vivaldi guys build something similar to Presto? Isn't one of the main reasons they got disgruntled because Opera dumped it for Blink? Why the fuck is Vivaldi using Blink then?

just upgrade your RAM

It was the work of 15 years, and probably the property of opera software rather than the devs themselves. It was either starting all over again, or just take an adaptable free rendering engine and build around it.
Loss of presto was a tragedy. And the worst thing of all is that it was only because of users. Presto was such a fine piece of software, too bad nobody ever bothered complying to standards.

I have a bit of a browser fetish and I cannot recommend Mozilla due to the SJWness and the fact Soros is involved. I cannot recommend Chrome or Chromium due to google botnet and massive SJW faggotry.

There are 3 options: Qupzilla (7/10), Vivaldi (7/10) or Kinza (10/10). If you stick with Firefox, even Quantum, you are dead to me. Actually you're more dead if you upgrade to Quantum. Stick with 54LTS or whatever garbage debian uses.

What about Pale Moon?
What about Safari?
What about Microsoft Edge?

>Random bursts of high CPU usage
>Randomly uses shitton of RAM
I just don't get it.

>What about Pale Moon?
No. Though waterfox is fine.
>What about Safari?
Not available on Linux or Windows so I don't consider it, but it's a solid 7/10.
>What about Microsoft Edge?
Not even Maxthon devs use Maxthon.
Needs more polishing. Though to be fair, yeah this is a 4th option.


What's so good about Kinza? Are you a weeb?

4 words:


>trusting windows

Piss off

He's right though

Why is firefox font rendering so weird?

Sure smells like vivaldi shilling itt.


What's wrong with vivaldi ?



16GB RAM is more than enough, so you shouldn't be having problems of overused RAM usage. Try Chromium and Vivaldi.

What will the Russian government do to you?
Why scared?


What are your thoughts on Opera?

install qutebrowser

don't know. using it right now and it's solid.

>maxes out CPU to unacceptable degrees

What does this even mean?

What about this one?

Been wondering the same thing...

>all these vivaldi shills itt
I hope you at least getting paid and not doing this for free

Comodo's Icedragon was way more efficient than base firefox for me

however, despite being open source, it comes from a fairly prominent internet security company and I've never heard of its code being audited

there are lots of lightweight browsers if you dont care about extensions

Pretty comfy browser desu. Give it a try.

only usable version of chrome

still sucks like all chrome derivatives

Browsers are fine. The web got mental by building flash and the javascript heavy sites. The early browsers were built to parse simple html etc. It's whole another world when compared to pre 2000s.

>Is there a browser which doesn't suck cocks?

Which one of those browsers have been confirmed to suck cock?
How would one initiate a cock sucking from a browser?
Is there any wetness?

i dont know
installed palemoon and forgot about browser problems time ago.

ungoogled-chromium is based on it without the dumb branding

kinda slow, it uses a shitton of ram and proprietary. Pretty neat though, I'd use it if I weren't a ramlet