Why in the fuck aren't you using Node.js? It is by far the best language you can use in the modern day

Why in the fuck aren't you using Node.js? It is by far the best language you can use in the modern day.

>libraries for fucking everything, no need to reinvent the wheel :)
>fantastic speed but with the ease of use Node.js provides
>clean, simplistic syntax thanks to ES6 support
>fucking fantastic web development experience with express, blows everything else out of the water
>the BEST implementation of MongoDB out there

Need I say more Sup Forums? What's your excuse?

Other urls found in this thread:


>single threaded




Node.js isn't a fucking language you mongoloid faggot.

Because C/C++ and Python are everything you would ever need.

some operations are multithreaded thanks to C++

It is actually technically multi threaded, the Node.js core (which is where it actually fucking matters) runs on multiple threads and reports back to the users thread.

No thanks bud :)

It is a subset of JavaScript, which technically defines it as it's own language.

But user, they just aren't comfy and simplistic enough!


> be you
> use node.js
> get cancer from abusing a web language and thinking it has a place on servers
> die

user, V8 works wonderfully for running on servers! There are virtually zero limitations with it!

it isn't a language, it is an environment that uses libuv which is technically chrome's JS engine. So no.


Ah, you're right, my bad. We all mess up sometimes, right?

Yes, now you owe me a loli life debt.



Because I can hire a php artist for cheap and still bill it the same to the client.

t.business owner

>Large Attack surface
>Shitty poorly managed and un-audited libraries needed to do anything.
>Using js, by choice. As in, there are other options, but you're still using js for some ungodly reason.
>Inefficient to the point of being simply wasteful with cycles and memory.

at least run it on top of Chakra

Didn't run on my 64MB RAM LicheePi, therefore sucks.

Let's settle this


That poll is like voting for a US presidential candidate. They're both awful choices.

>Reinvented the wheel in one of the worst languages available (JavaScript)
>Immature, toxic community
>Awful tooling
>Community full of precocious SJW
>Constant infighting
>"Corporate support" is a joke


You can pay us back by drinking a mug full of bleach you single-threaded cockfondler.

Come on, even basic games are smaller than this.

npm ceo is a racist

Node.js is not a language you fucking moron. That's like calling a webserver a "language", fucking idiot

>It is a subset of JavaScript, which technically defines it as it's own language.

This is fucking dumb. That's like saying that numpy is a different language to Python or any imported module is a different language to Java. Are you one of those idiots who say jQuery is a different language as well?

>tfw python is slow for backend work
I need speed, is C/C++ my only option?

Javascript is cancer.

this & python is just so much better at everything OP listed

And Typescript is cancer that you can live with.

stopped reading there

klen.github.io/py-frameworks-bench/ i cant imagine the better options here are far off other languages

I tried using npm on my shitty VPS with 512mb RAM and it crashes if I don't use swap, meanwhile apt works just fine.

>It is by far the best language
>a language

do you even know what node.js you fucking lamer?

>clean, simplistic syntax
JS is a hideous and inconsistent abomination

>It is a subset of JavaScript, which technically defines it as it's own language.

no you fucking idiot, its es6 and uses the same fucking V8 engine used in chrome.


Only usable node framework is express. which can only do 250k plain text req/sec on a 40 core(80\w ht) server with 10 GE

This is why i support genocide.

In concept it's no worse than any other language that targets a VM. Pro: js vms are the most optimized of them all.
Downside: a community that's slamming face first into every lesson the programming community has learned in the past 40 years. The rest of us used to laugh at the nodetards but now we just sigh and shake our heads.
NPM is a complete failure on every level. Drop that and you've got nothing usable left.


>web tech
I don't do web, therefore I don't need it.

Don't try to run away, JS is getting into every fucking platform. Do Android or iOS apps? Enjoy your React native. Desktop? Have fun with electron. IoT? Believe me, there's JavaScript for that.

as if it something good when it's only a testimony of the idiocy of mankind

I never implied it's good, I'm just stating what's happening to this terrible industry. I've seen Android Java devs being forced to learn JavaScript to develop apps.

>Node.js shilling
Current state of Sup Forums, everyone.

>pic related
But seriously, js is sometimes ok to use, once you get the event loop and `this`. I can't really say that I dislike it.

It's shit. Use yarn, it was originally made by facebook, but it's usable at least.

The runtime environment is multithreaded but it can't really help that much, mostly used to spin off io work iirc. Node is a meme, it isn't the only platform with non blocking io and you're going to see its limits quickly so unless you're one guy running a hobby site you're going to want to switch to a more robust platform before you're even done doing work on your node based services. Well unless you're a faggot company that thinks it's okay to let people wait like 8 seconds while your site processes

>its own language

hows that personal hoe page coming?

is much faster,
is also event based,
has coroutines that run on multiple cores,
produces native, static and thus very portable binaries,
type safe

t. totally not a shill no siree

I want to make the backend for a web app with this, how can I do this?

> React Native

> Electron

> IoT?
It's a meme anyway.

Anyone who isn't retarded will write native code. We do not need quotas for mentally handicaped faggots like you.

wow kid youre smarter than every major company in the world

why isn't Sup Forums programming in java.util.*?

> what is stateless design
> what is horizontal scaling

Look how smart are you. You'll learn once you get a job.

>le memejs face



V8 is not thread safe so your code is run in a single thread.

Yeah but its clustered on 80 instances.

Then it's a case of "lol JS".

>brainlets can't into passenger

gotta love these autists out of touch with the world.

As someone whos just out of jail and has programmed a good bit in the past but its been 10 years, what should I learn to get a job or work for myself?
I have an engineering degree, but was bad boy with weed for a few years.. depression made me a crim.

Major companies just want to save on talent prices. Any web kid knows a bit of js


You can run many instances of your node app and connect them. The OS will spread the instances over different cores. If you need a real robust multithreading solution, then your project needs a different language anyway.


Crystal exists. You can now take your language and throw it off cliff or something, it's not needed anymore

>backend JShit
Go is unironically better

>It is a subset of JavaScript, which technically defines it as it's own language.
Lel get out

The creator of node.js uses go now.(Ryan Dahl)
The creator of the express framework uses go now.(TJ Holowaychuk)

Just use go.

>abandoning your own creation without having the decency to kill it off

Go is being used in production by Digital Ocean and Uber but I guess those are just dinky little startups that only handle millions upon millions of requests per day...

not to mention its also used by... google. glad to help a fellow gopher.

go is gonna be the next trendy shit in backend web dev, it's already attracting people from the javascript community and probably gonna be dumbed down over time. screencap this.

>200 mb of memory and 6 processes for a fucking text editor

Because it's based on Javascript. A well-polished turd is still a turd.

Does it support async/await yet?

but I am and it's glorious

It was like first feature

Not when I last tried it, like a year ago

This, opened a 200 line log file and Code.exe stopped responding.


this. What these
faggots do not understand is that being somehow similar to the disgusting pile of horseshit that is JS does not magically make node good because
> muh code reusability
> muh ES6
What about you stop spouting meme marketing phrases and say that node is straight out incompatible with ES6 because it subtly implements only a small subset of it? The frontend department of the company I work for literally has to write everything twice because of this shit. I mean, they're frontenders and all, but still

Also, can anyone of you explain me why the fuck node goes OOM just to """"transpile"""" a bunch of ES6 documents using the latest meme """""webpack""""" crap on my i7 8 core 16Gb t440p? I ran gentoo on it for a year, compiled literally every single piece of software I used, and never a single one leaked memory like that disgusting pig vomit. Running node.js on in a docker container set up on a VM running inside the Amazon's servers is such an inefficient way to waste money you could actually cut out the middleman and just set your dollars directly on fire.

>Running node.js on in a docker container set up on a VM running inside the Amazon's servers is such an inefficient way to waste money
makes you wonder why amazon supports node and python officially

No, thanks. I use Spring boot 2 with netty and rxjava.

Looks neat

wtf is that syntax? Also isn't Spring Boot only Spring MVC with all the extra stuff configured from start? Honestly curious since I want to learn Spring and have no idea where to start

>wtf is that syntax?
It is Kotlin.

>Also isn't Spring Boot only Spring MVC with all the extra stuff configured from start?
Yes. Spring boot is the same thing as spring MVC , but you don't need to create a fuckton of configs.

how big is your node_modules folder?

>tfw you need to buy a new hard drive to write hello world

I don't like the sintax. I don't like things like Object.keys. I don't like how a lot of errors are silent or the error message is completely unrelated to the problem (recently I had an error message on a blank line).

I prefer Python in every single way.

Js garbage stay on the web. We already have goos native languages

isn't this just a JS library? Why not use python instead?