Just ordered a refurbished thinkpad T430 off eBay. Any thought on first thing I should do with it? Libreboot? Gentoo?

Just ordered a refurbished thinkpad T430 off eBay. Any thought on first thing I should do with it? Libreboot? Gentoo?

classic keyboard

use windows 10, don't uninstall adware, support proprietary software and the NSA

you can't libreboot it. only the t60/x60 and t400/x200 core2duo models are supported.

also you are a retard for buying a computer because you saw a meme of it not because you need it

>also you are a retard for buying a computer because you saw a meme of it not because you need it
The only retard here is you. Where did OP say he bought it because he saw a 'meme' of it?

because he doesnt know what to do with it and rushed to ebay after he saw all the cool haxxors on reddit.com/g/ talk about them.

i bet you faggot did the same btw.

>falling for a thinpad meme

I'm not even sorry for you

You make an awful lot of assumptions don't you. You know what they say, when you assume you make an ASS out of U and ME.

Install Void GNU/Linux. It runs great on my T430 and boots in under 7s.

how do you know he didn't need it? i bought mine for school and since i don't use it much there it also doubles as a hobby machine
>inb4 "everything is business-only, fun is degenerate" memers

Or you could not be a faggot and write a kernel yourself.

Why reinvent the wheel. Seems like a waste of tim

Because this isn't reddit.


We actually like computers here. Go back to San Francisco and write some JavaScript on your mac while talking about how you wish you were transsexual.

OK, enjoy rewriting every library in existence. Seems very productive.

To learn guitar, you don't have to play other people's songs, but sometimes it's really fun to jam to your favorites and feel how they do it. So writing said kernel isnt about being "productive" but learning more about it and actually enjoying programming.

Programming isn't meant to be fun or enjoyable, it is a means to an end.

Life isn't meant to be fun or enjoyable, it is a means to an end, that is death. Enjoy hating your life user.


msata ssd drive