So since Libre Office doesn't want her, can we make Libbie the new Sup Forums's mascot?
So since Libre Office doesn't want her, can we make Libbie the new Sup Forums's mascot?
anything to stop konqiposter
she will be Calligra new mascot, mark my words
now there will be a crossover
Christ, the others one are logos and not mascots.
What the fuck is wrong with TDF ?
It's time to stop.
Yes! Libbie is so much better than Maki.
Furry trash
I want to fuck libbie
I want to FUCK that triangle!
Well i have great idea, but well the problem is my programming skills are bad and rusty. Also my draving abilities are 5 years old level and my graphic program abilites are better for troll photoedits than legit good animating.
So i hope Sup Forums will listen and all great programmers and artist here will rally to do it.
Listen, you remember clippy? That memorable ms office assistant? Or bonzi buddy. Or any of these assistants? This is what inspired my idea.
So the idea is is to turn libbie into unoficial libre office assistant addon. Give her many, many animations, maybe tyson tan will be interested with cooperation. Connect to help pack also will be nice to implement some option to interact with libbie asistant, like headpats or awnsering for special commands.
I'd prefer a version of her as a desktop stripper
Konqi wants to further development on Qt!
Konqi dislikes imposters although he does want to do this!
>can we make Libbie the new Sup Forums's mascot?
Oh god yes fork her and rename her GNUbbie.
/tech/ claimed her.
yes please
I like gentoo man but even that's gotta go
no they didn't,they're just having shitloads of threads about her because they actually give a shit
user, i...
as long as we get more porn of her I'm fine
Can we get drawfags on the porn production here?
I dont know, using some weird imageboard software probably wasnt the best choice
So each one makes their own Libbie fork, if you're so worried about cucking them
>one user
>two answers
That's one cute cape, I agree
FOSS niggers confirmed for having shit taste
Lewd the penguin now!
Konqi hugging his crying imouto Libbie to komfort her when?
Fuck off kemofag
Konqi and Libbie are both brother and sister, since Tyson Tan made both of them
it's shit
Can't we get some other furry artist to draw shit for us? Someone who draws thicc hips?
pretty cool
Best girl comforting cute mascot. Thanks drawfriends
fuck off cunt
is she touching her tits?
>wanting inferior artists
I bet you love shadman
I second that motion
Katie and Kiki also there, too.
she has to beat Maki first
She's got my vote.
Liar, you couldn't even vote for her
Penguin BTFO
shhh, don't mention it or we might have to acknowledge we missed it and offer some sort of apology
oh fuck off
Finish the raping please
Could pass off as a Kremlin from donkey Kong. Why did we trade it up for pedo furbait?
I mean as a board mascot you nonce.
Not a bad idea tbqh. To bad I'm absolute shit at Graphical Programming, but you're definitely onto something and I like it.
Do they not realize everyone is mad about libbie and some of the others not winning
I mean the owl is only half of it. All the other ones that won are shit. And the final winner will be shit.
We have Richard stalman though
yeah but he's a old fat man with a one liner and only we know about him
let's draw him as an cute anime
>implying it's possible
>only we know about him
Why is that a problem, its a mascot for US, so only WE need to identify him
Stallman thinks that we're inane
>implying it isn't
kek, this fucking shit is in lead* now
Because this board wants to draw him as their fursona or replace him with one
See bottom panel
I put legs on some of the birds
With that face I almost thought it was the real deal
I unironically like that idea.
What is going on with the shapes in her back? I assume the green thing is the tail, what's the white thing? Judging by the fact there is a hood, is it a cape?
that's halal
does she have tail?
You can't even get a svastika right
But you're on a FOSS board user
I'm pretty sure she does
>no wink
Oh come on.
if PTSD penguin get disqualified who will win the one with less negative points?
Hummingbird. We should petition to have our goddess be voted in
Mmm...I'd love to fuck her in that big round ass of hers...
I'm working on this one, still pretty rough though
You're creepy.
Welcome to Sup Forums, furaffinity
I don't know if people on furaffinity say "I'd love to fuck her in this big round ass of hers"
We're trolling, no one expects to fap on a Libreoffice mascot, do we?
Y'know, it says a lot about Libbie's appeal when she's the only mascot in this contest to have garnered such an obsessive cult of followers. I don't see anyone threatening to DDoS Libre Office's servers or run down their staff members with a car over one of the 10,000 variations of an owl not getting voted through.
This level of fanaticism could be working FOR Libre Office, instead of against them.
I already have earlier today. But if user keeps producing more ill have a fap before bedtime
>no one expects to fap on a Libreoffice mascot, do we?
Who's throwing a fit besides a small fraction of Sup Forums
I'd love to fuck her...just fuck her right in her delicate pussy...
Where do you think you are?
i fap to whatever i find sexy...and oh man libbie...
just fucking her would make my life complete...ahh
just imagine her being in real life or me being in her world and me fucking her and kissing her and showing it off to the other people in that world that i'm with her....fuckkkk..'re trying way too hard now
Oh look, a pedo weeb is falseflagging
If Libbie was picked, I would non ironically use Libre Office exclusively instead of MS Office. I imagine the amount of people turned off because "chinese cartoon mascot" is fewer than the ones who want to be on the other side of the copy machine.
Shut the fuck up if I enjoy something doesn't mean you can take that away
This. Since those Librecucks obviously aren't going to be putting her up to good use, it'd be pretty cool to see something so cute being kept alive in our hearts and desktops desu