The Chrome Killer
The Chrome Killer
its a damn browse use whatever works for you
Senpai pls go away. I just upgraded 32-bit FFq to 64-bit one and it's fuckin glitches also spellcheck is not working.
Wtf, mozilla?
are.. are they using as a benchmark?
it still exist?
So I have Chrome and FF Quantum open with the same number of pages. Both doing nothing, FF constantly has a fluctuating CPU usage of 2%-20% whereas Chrome is staying below 1%, mostly at .2%.
Both running youtube videos, Chrome is using ~9% at 1080p60 whereas FFQ is using ~24% for the same video.
Both are about the same memory usage at 1.7GB. I have 18 pages open on both including Gmail, youtube and The Chan.
So far, it isn't really faster but it IS using more resources. Pretty eh, as usual, but it is just a beta so we shall see.
But FF is not reporting your key strokes to NSA and (((their))) own server. De-google yourself.
How about you de-cliqz yourself.
Sure they aren't. : ^ )
So here they are at idle, both have the exact same pages open. I do not know why FF reports 6 and Chrome 31 but eh.
And here they are both playing 720p60 videos side by side. Notice how high the CPU utilization is for FFQ vs Chrome, as well as my fans started to spin up.
I also tried this with Edge but it was ridiculous at ~3GB usage and ~40% CPU usage as well as made my fans spin up.
r/Firefox is full complains.
Here's FFQ playing a 720p60 video by itself with high usage and fan spinning
Here's Chrome playing the same 720p60 video with no fans being spun up.
You'll notice that FFQ is still using more resources and CPU cycles even though it's now in the background.
Here's Chrome doing that same 720p60 video while running off battery since I'm on a laptop. Alienware 13 r3.
Average usage is lower and there's no loss in performance, I have it set to max CPU speed of 50% and the GPU is set to Maximum Battery, should be running off the HD630 but it might be running on the 1060, which is also set to max batt.
Same story here but for FFQ.
Notice it isn't restricting anything at all, although there's no perceptible performance loss here either.
And finally, after some minutes have passed, here's where we are at for memory usage.
lol mozilla diversity hires are top programmers xD
This looks fake. We have no way to verify that this is the same video or tabs. Anyways, enjoy your botnet.
The video was
Can't cuck the tuck!
Anyways, yeah, I get that you... don't want to believe me, I'm just showing you what I'm experiencing.
Nice argument. Now go back to Sup Forums and stay there.
I have 11 legacy add-ons, on a scale of 1-10 how fucked am I
What does anything have to do with Sup Forums, this was independent browser testing...
$10 you've got a bitcoin miner installed on Firefox. This is after running for 10 hours.
That's nightly, I'm using Quantum Beta.
I do not have anything installed on FF, I have not used FF before and so this is a fresh install.
11/11-legacy-addons-not-working-anymore fucked
You're lying chrome shill
The Virgin Browser?
Now please post a screenshot of all the background processes that chrome is running.
Misread the watermark as "webpajeet" and chuckled a bit
I'm getting similar results, except that Chrome can't reproduce 720p60 on my potato without dropping lots of frame, something that doesn't happen with Waterfox.
Is there any chrome:flag to fix that or something?
What's the best browser?
>no overlay scrollbars
>chrome has overlay scrollbars built in
Super fucked. Either avoid the update or use ESR.
>using windows task manager to benchmark memory usage
man please blow yourself up
() here.
browser.cache.disk.capacity;0 reduces by half the CPU Usage. From 35-40% it was reduced to 15-20%, it still eats like 300MB of RAM on my end, compared to Chrome who's eating like 35-40MB though.
Am I already using Quantum if I'm running FF Nightly?
You can't use google sites as benchmarks because chrome is optimized for them.
Well shit, Sup Forums X got FUCKED
shouldn't nightly be on 59 by now? You've been using quantum for like 2 months.
>He thinks his system is off the grid
Just because you're using ff or compile your own shitty web browser from some autist on GitHub doesn't mean the NSA can't see everything you're doing. They saw every keystroke of your last comment and knew that you were scratching the underside of your enormous man-titty halfway through typing it because they analyzed the waveform of the audio file that was generated during their surveillance.
>implying I'm not behind 7 proxies
Sucks to be you, normie.
Admirable response, faggot
I "anonymised" myself well.
It's not about "oh hey, (((they))) auto-surveillaning me, I better kill myself" It's about not giving what they want. And it's obivious that they don't care if I fap to trap porn at sundays and futa on random times. Who to fuck can use this information, seriously? Ads? I use adblocker. Nothing to make profit of it.
Selling my entire life to shady dudes? Do you really think it's me? Or some paranoid's persona for fooling (((Them))). You'll never know, user.
Using Firefox for privacy is like using Mcaffee for security against viruses
i sure do hope you're being an idiot on purpose
He is correct. What are you rambling about?
you can clearly see thanks to W10's recent update that Chrome is using gpu video decoding while Firefox is not.
Same 4 tabs open in both.
Do you actually think your placebo hipster version of firefox or chrome has better privacy than the actual browsers? Why would you think that? All these obscure browser devs are much more likely to fuck you over than big companies, because they don't have to worry about class action lawsuits.
FF doesn't have one process per tab, it sets a max number os processes based on your max ram, but you can manually set in about:config
That's pretty much the same here, don't know why FF has such higher gpu use
I tried to look up at bugzilla and shit, but couldn't find a single clue
shit should be the same (as mpc/mpv).
also, shit has better numbers with EDGE, so I'm guessing is their hwaccel implementation
Englando comprende, pajeet?
He metaphorically said that using firefox by itself won't protect one's privacy. Who said anything about using some shady forks of popular browsers?
...ok? Where did I mention other browsers?
>don't know why FF has such higher gpu use
the whole pitch surrounding Quantum is that it's supposed to take advantage of more modern CPU and use GPU acceleration where it can.
>He metaphorically said that using firefox by itself won't protect one's privacy.
His implication by comparing it to McAffee was that it actually compromises your privacy moreso than other browsers, which is wrong and simply stupid.
I tried it on speedtest, it runs slower than Edge and barely even half as fast as Chromium. Insta-dropped.
>that it actually compromises your privacy moreso than other browsers
>moreso than other browsers
are you fucking retarded?
how did you draw this conclusion?
what is your dosage of methamphetamine?
What do people even mean when they talk about browser speed? I literally see no difference between Chrome and FF when browsing Sup Forums, youtube etc. The bottleneck is always the site itself, never the browser.
I didn't imply that at all but ok, have fun understanding me better than myself nigga
The only thing I miss from Chrome is the ability to switch profiles. I have one profile for regular use and one for porn use, with porn bookmarks and logins. I know there's a profile switcher in Firefox, but it sucks.
you can just have two installs of firefox and have the profiles be in different folders if you're really afraid of mommy seeing your pornies.
Make me proud.
Chrome shills in full force.
How fucking dare you
Nothing will ever beat chrome data collection
This makes me want to try an alternative to both Firefox and Chrome.
SJWs browser for males that hates themself
Palemoon or Iridium for the ultra hip status
FF54 64 bit here
like 10 tabs open, one is youtube music playing
shitton of userscripts and addons
I don't know what you niggas are doing really
Why is the CPU usage so goddamn high?
20% idle, constantly fluctuating 60-90% watching a twitch stream.
Before Quantum, 0% idle and 25% watching the same twitch stream.
I used that version. It was slow as fuck compared to chrome, especially with like 20+ tabs open. It was hitching when switching to an old tab. Never had that problem since I switched to Chrome, except I had some crashing problems for a small period. All fixed now though.
I had this problem too. Not sure what caused it I tried disabling all addons and still had this. I did a reinstall and all is back to normal.
He/She is one of the firefox's furry shill, no point in explaining benchmarks or test results. He closed his eyes and ears very well for not listening any bad review of ff
I guess I'll try reinstalling then.
> Butthurt Furry shill.
>letting others go on with their lives
Meanwhile, in the rest of this Mozilla-made comparison
both running with the same tabs and video on same settings everything. i feel conflicted
not if you have logged in with a google account into chrome. chrome is more convenient for work. at home pale meme is good enough.
and with what codec is streaming, you stupid nigger. VP9, or h264?? fucking retarded monkey. You're running vp9 on firefox, but your stupid old crap doesn't have hardware acceleration for it.
How about you post the other ones were FF57 was ahead? Oh no wait, that would hurt business, google shill.
And yet I didn't see you complaining at all about OP cherry picking one instance out of the video where Firefox won. But as soon as someone does the same thing for Chrome, you're mad about it.
Makes me wonder who's really the shill.
They're both VP9. What the hell are you on about?
One they need to fix asap, is this.
I didn't even know still existed
Why do people even care about ram usage?
Who here switched to /ESR/
so this is a comparison between a beta version of firefox and the stable version of chrome, made by the company that develops firefox, and firefox still only "won" on about half the pages?
does mozilla really consider this a victory? The tests weren't even run multiple times and averaged. this test is garbage and could have as much to do with network quality or available hardware resources than the browser, and even with all that unscientificness to give them the opportunity to easily bias the test towards their browser, it still was just barely comparable?
>Chrome killer
I've been using FF57 for five minutes and I've already found that it has broken Sup Forums's settings, they are no longer saved across tabs. What the fuck I hate Mozilla.
>using were instead of where
>being a brainlet
>using firecucks
ahah nice meme friend!