Ask a technofetishist who can hear WiFi anything

Ask a technofetishist who can hear WiFi anything.

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Yeah, I have a bit of tinnitus too.

Find it weird that the effects people report from being hypersensitive to WiFi are exactly the same as stress?

>hear WiFi

>a drug dealer never consumes
>a lot of drug dealers in my country are addicted to cocaine

Big lol.

What does wifi sound like?

People have reported their tinnitus goes away when they go away from radio (that's what WiFi is
That'd be to be expected, frankly
It's a meme, calm your tisms
High frequency shit, saw waves I guess. Maybe square waves.

>How does a signal wavelength sound.

A1, played super slowly.

the point is that many tech billionaires don't consume the products they sell
many even go out of their way to keep their kids from becoming tech addicts totally dependent on smartphones, they go to special boarding schools with no computers anywhere to be found

People also get medicated with antipsychotics to control delusions.

I turn off my modem at night so that I can sleep better
It can strike a chord I guess
I hate that modems must put out a hugely powerful signal to cover an entire household with one box. The result is painful.
Do you remember talking about running in that one thread? You posted a pic of yourself.

Nope, I was probably off my meds. I spent all of my SSI money on coke and I don't have anyone to talk to so I'm gonna manically shitpost on Sup Forums about how I can hear light that isn't visible.

>hear WiFi
You can as well, user?

I can also taste the difference between various mineral waters. I can't process the signal, obviously. Useless trip.

Link to post where you talk about that?
It'd not be so awful if there was a very much quieter signal broadcast in each room and if the network were passive, only broadcasting when data is needed to be exchanged.

Do you really want me to pretend that you didn't know that entire post was satire?

I noticed during Jeopardy which the family there'd be a sharp noise before people would speak.
You're an idiot. You've posted here for too long. Sometimes you have interesting knowledge or opinions. WiFi isn't light and it's audible (by OP).
Satire also isn't isolated. You were being facetious if anything.
Sup Forums is satire. you being useless as per your habitual being isn't satire just bc you assert it to be.

Got distracted by the wifi in the middle of explaining my familiar situation my bad. I got adopted... Sad story, shouldn't have brought it up.

Stay sharp

Radio waves are electromagnetic radiation (light) and those used in wifi in the 5Ghz range do not impart enough energy to cause a synapse to fire let alone move a hair, they do not penetrate your dermis.

Your utter lack of even a passing understanding of these basic concepts allows you to fuel your delusion.

>tfw there are people who can't SSH into their brain

>he has to SSH into his own brain
I bet your brain OS uses a fucking GUI and not a CLI

Bruh I perceive WiFi
I don't know why you're telling me I'm wrong and calling me delusional. Sound is from 80 Hz into 15 KHz. WiFi is in GHz and visible light is in THz.

>I don't know why you're telling me I'm wrong and calling me delusional.
Because its obvious from this blatantly delusional statement that you specifically want people to tell you that you are delusional else you wouldn't act delusional.

If you really were schizophrenic and believed that you could hear wifi you would keep it to yourself because you know people would judge you, but instead your some dipshit exhibitionist retard.

WiFi is audible because its pressure is constant

Did you come up with a list of really stupid shit to say or are you just ad libbing?

If you knew anything about WiFi you'd know that the networks constantly announce their presence in the most popular mode

I didn't have to craft any packets to find those networks

Nice complete lack of a sensible rebuttal retard

You're not hearing "wifi", but probably the coil whine from your shitty router/computer

>Guys I know about coil whine am I Sup Forums?

He was talking about tinnitus dumbfuck.

I can't hear WiFi but I can hear LTE.

I'm the only one who mentioned tinnitus ITT
OP sound like a schizo tinfoil retard

LTE is at -90 dBm so it's at the noise floor I think. Tho I've gone on a run under a Verizon cell tower and I could feel it.
I'm OP
Tinnitus is an invention in the medical field when people go to their doctors talking about the small noise they hear when it's basically quiet.

>I'm OP
I know
Can you hear magnets and light, too?

Sound is transmitted through physical things. Usually (what we're used to), that's air. Can also be water, or a solid. It's a longitudinal wave, an oscillation of matter. You can think of a "packet" of this oscillation as a thing known as a "phonon"

Light is transmitted as an oscillation of energy, basically, and is a transverse wave. It travels as a photon. I trust you're familiar with that. Particle of light and all that jazz.

A photon and a phonon are completely different things. If you think of the air around you as a "field", phonons are analogous to photons traveling through the electromagnetic field. Sound and light are analogous things, but the analogies don't apply to perception. You can't hear light itself, which is why we have eyes. You see it. You can't see phonons, and you can't hear photons

Magnets aren't a particular frequency of light per se

>He think's dB's are measure exclusive to sound.

End it.

>You can't see phonons, and you can't hear photons
You can indirectly if you have synesthesia

THat's not how it works nigger.
Synestisia is senses mixing not enabling any new shit you can't see or feel.

String theory is more interesting to me than modelling light after packets. Air is a mass of highly energized particles imho.
Naturally. How do you measure that pressure which is not there to be measured? It's logarithmic in when not quantitative (pure mathematics or what have you)

Discrete mathematics? Iunno. I think the medium is transitional ultimately. Sound is just em pressure that excites the cochlea.

Thread theme
What is this Reddit? Nobody called me a faggot. Guess I'll just make way with all these (You)'s,
Thanks for playing.

ẃhat about the smell

are you larping?

>Non-ionizing high frequency radiation
>Lol guiz i can hearz it!!!

No shit, but it enables your senses to extend to things you wouldn't sense with them

Stop responding to attention whores.

>High frequency shit, saw waves I guess. Maybe square waves.
You just need to hear samples once to be able to tell the difference.


>Tinnitus is an invention in the medical field when people go to their doctors talking about the small noise they hear when it's basically quiet.
>everyones tinnitus is the same
Fucking moron


The tinnitus is just noise