Should I buy a Japanese-layout keyboard?

Should I buy a Japanese-layout keyboard?

for what purpose


no because if you could write japanese then you'd just use jpn ime like everybody else does. i don't think a single person on Sup Forums who ever posted japanese keycaps has used them to do anything at all.


That will make your waifu real and you will become a cute loli like me, onii-chan.

just do what normal people do and change your keyboard settings


use an ime like a normal person, 12 key on your phone though

having extra modifier keys is great for tiling WMs

If anyone hear can read Japanese, can someone tell me what the thought process is behind this layout? Is there some kind of order.

I can read hiragana but they don't appear to be grouped in any meaningful way.

QWERTY on top row is (Ta Te I Su Ka n)
ASDFGH is (Chi To Shi Ha Ki Ku)

It just seems to be all over the place.

it's like qwerty it was established at some point and is far from the most efficient but people got used to it so now it's stuck.


Yes OP, is right.

Get one to become a loli and join us.

I use this bad boy I found at a flea market for $4. It's rubber dome but it doesn't feel squishy at all. I have Windows set to US keyboard layout then I can use keytweak or Autohotkey to remap the extra keys to macros.

my nigga. 12key GOAT mobile keyboard

when I look at anime keyboards are always like OP image. why?

because it's the japanese keyboard with the japanese layout the japanese people are used to type on?

fucking moron

said the guy reddit spacing

you're a reddit spacing

Are you japanese?

see you can do it

can i become a loli

Please see some Alt-Right doctors straight away, in order to get a Red Pill prescription for your yellow fever.

cut you dick off for me and put these socks on

you gotta stroke my magic wand for that.

>No (you)s for my subtle joke post
Why do I even bother?

sure op, it has the only two keys you need

Most people type in roumaji anyway, so if you're thinking of a practical purpose, then no. But if you're just going for the \A \E \S \T \H \E \T \I \C, then yes, do it.