Is this real?

Is this real?

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RSA 2048 is fine.


Not interested in watching the same explanation targeted towards laymen with big pockets for the nth time. Just give me performance metrics. :|

Last 15 minutes some jap comes up and talks about the product

just watch it at x5 speed

He stated 'It is not quantum computing but based on quantum computing' or words to that effect. It takes parts of quantum theory and applies it to current technology to create a CPU that can handle difficult workloads (AI etc). It will require very specific and technically challenging programming to work. The output may even be more difficult to understand and know if it is actually correct and not just spewing out garbage. Aloso. The idea of a more secure internet based on this technology I find rather sinister (DRM built on this anyone?). He states it will be uncopiable.

So in what way is that any better than D-Wave, which already has a huge head start?

Probably the fact that Fujitus is a large company whereas D-Wave are just a shitty startup. Fujitus have the ability to actually put this product out there. They would not make these claims lightly either wheras D-Wave are always chasing backers so are more likely to spew hyperbole..


probably lower power consumption

Does it need to be cooled to nearly absolute zero?

Probably not, the whole gig seems to be that its conventional but with an architecture mimicking how quantum systems work


But can it play Crysis?

... or for that matter GLQuake without the need for a GPU?

so does this chip quantum compute me a new gta 6 ? because if it cant then what the fuck are they even selling this?

I doubt they'll ever let civilians get their hands on actual quantum computers. Bankers, information brokers, the military, and spies need your shit decrypted and theirs unreadable.

>portfolio optimization
so the rich will get richer 17000x faster now?

>we made a processor chip.
>it might utter garbage that spews out random numbers regardless the input
>it might the most awesome advancement in computation since the transistor itself.

yeah, they went full on heisenberg there.

no, it means that you install crysis and gta, load both instances and end up playing civ vi instead.

Will it be able to simulate a gf?

people are too lazy to optimize for parallel computing and they're expecting code monkeys to unironically meander through the traps of quantum mechanics compounding probabilities...

So this is a CISC thing for very speficic problems, somewhat like ASIC.

yeah, but it may have a penis.

and she'll be prone to violent mood swings...

Only if you can reduce it to combinatorial problem.

Just like real life!

More on that:

If it can solve the travelling salesman problem 17,000x faster isn't that only really going to be useful for a handful of extra nodes?

I think the longer an article spends explaining what quantum computing is the less it has to say overall. There was literally nothing they said during this entire presentation that wouldn't also apply to a GPU.

As far as I could tell this was a new architecture that's good for combinatorial problems. They can add it to the pile of other new architectures.

>not using RSA 4096