This is V. A. Shiva Ayyadurai, the undisputed inventor of e-mail.
Say something nice about him, Sup Forums
This is V. A. Shiva Ayyadurai, the undisputed inventor of e-mail.
Say something nice about him, Sup Forums
I'm not impressed, it's only a matter of time history gets rewritten to be more diverse and inclusive. Whites are on their last stand, they either revert and purge or disappear.
His claims have already been debunked
He's a human bean.
It took me two seconds of searching to find that his claim is very much disputed.
How so?
Quick rundown on claims and debunk?
He is a very smart boy.
Hes shit, same with email and his skin.
>tfw Biden created the internet
Apparently, he claimed to have invented email at age 14 when people were sending each other messages over ARPANET with the from/to/cc/about headers for over a decade prior.
Righto, and I invented web scrapers because I did that one thing where I made a python script which grepped for image links in webpages and auto-downloaded them.
>whitey in denial
The guy also posts on the trump subreddit and frequents infowars. He's nuts and just wants to put his name out there
I really don't care what his ethnicity or nationality is. He's a liar.
He looks too young to have been capable of that.
Hes married to the (((Nanny)))
Pajeets are incapable of doing anything other than asking for Bob and Vagene and shitting on Streets.
I think pajeets these on Sup Forums are making threads inorder to glorify themselves.and none of their claims are true.
>being a racist
>using ubuntu, made by african programmers who revolutioned the linux world
whites can't into logic
i was just at some tech conference earlier this week when some (Indian nonetheless) guy tried to claim he was involved in:
the creation of the iPad
the creation of the first camereaphone
the creation of the first AI chatbot
the creation of the first augmented reality glasses
and quite a few more but I cannot remember them all
i'm just like what is with this guy? seeing this thread though, now it makes a lot of sense. he was one of those guys who's like "global citizen" yadda yadda, you know, one of the types who gets paid to wear a turban and say the right leftist buzzwords in front of captive audiences
All modern technology is stolen from ancient Egyptian KANGZ anyway.
>south africans are from the Netherlands
OP here, source? Why are you disparaging this proud man?
>Yeah absolutely.Pajeet's government is paying them to spread Pajeetness on Sup Forums
Can you prove that no blacks were ever involved in ubuntu?
How can you seriously be that racist against Indians?
Step 1: Open wikipedia article about him
Step 2: Read opening paragraph
Step 3: Click on the little number next to whatever claim you want to read more about
Step 4: Go to the source page it brings you to at the bottom of the wiki article.
>one black happens to be employed at the company, hypothetically, in a coding position
even if that bombastic claim were true, it is still bombastic, because ubuntu is simply a collection of packages, all written by white men across the globe, based on the linux kernel, overwhelmingly written by white men, some asians, even fewer latinos, and finally one to ten token black people.
Pajeets are piece of shits
the "spiritual wellness advisor" from Silicon Valley comes to mind
>overwhelmingly written by white men
>"token" black people
So much coping, a white guy put in the money and hired blacks to run the project because, you know, he was in AFRICA
>b-but boers
A minority. Even stallman had a black girlfriend, there are pics of it. Get the fuck back to
He has epic street shitting skills
he looks cool, glad I'm not a racist
What world do you live in ?
In the Modern Western World of White Guilt and Literal Cuckoldry which is longform for Hell.
It's a world in which, at a young age, you are taken up as a hostage to the education system and are taught that your kind is everything wrong with the world, that your forefathers are the cause of every single war out there, that you are descended from rapists, killers, maniacs, slavetraders, women beaters and crazy people.
But luckily, they provide the path of cleansing so you can atone for your sins. You must always help in any way, shape or form you can those who are not of your same kind, you must belittle your own kind in defense of non-whites no matter what it takes. You must also despise "masculinity" lest you are a walking remembrance of what your ancestors were. And as for atoning your wrongdoings with females, you must be a subservient husband, no matter if your partner cheats on you. Also you must raise the child your partner deems fit, no matter if the kid isn't yours, for she knows better and you must atone.
Dare you enter Hell and become an adept of its new religion?
Isn't that kind of like saying the first person who put a camera in a phone invented the camera?
but he's Sup Forums lite
More like saying that because you created a phone called an iphone you claim to have invented the phone.
>inventor of email
>spends time shilling for his own cause instead of doing anything productive ever
Sounds like totally not a charlatan at all!
He's brown.
Thus not actually Shiva, as Shiva is blue, and have multiple arms.
Shit, you're right
Just remnants of when indians were ruled by the highest caste comprised of (indo)european invaders. They brought religion with them and over time it became modified. Buddha's ascendency was probably from the high caste since he had blue eyes (as the writings say).
What happened with all of this? You might ask. The same that's going to happen to america and western europe soon.
Isn't this the guy that did the holohoax?
Were they actually blue though?
No, that was probably modified by the settlers since there's no blue people or gods in other indoeuropean paganisms.
The inventor of protocol POOP3
Suck my dick
>you massive homo cunt
>Pajeet spotted
>how much are getting paid to propogate pajeet agenda on Sup Forums?
like 0.0000005 cents
Indians most racist country on the earth
>No wonder they all are divided and are migrating like cockroaches on steroids.
For shiggles, go on kijiji and look at apartment postings in Brampton Ontario. Half of them say shit like "Women only, must be vegetarian, must speak Hindi, no alcohol allowed" and shit like that.
faggots dont eat beef
Like so many Pajeets
You are lying to yourself Tyrone. you shouldn't even be able to share the same rights as white men, since they have made everything you use in your life. You have never contributed to any stage of human evolution whatsoever, therefore you should not be allowed to have the same benefits. you are one stage up of ape evolution, you are, technically, a monkey that happens to be able to communicate on a socium level, not a human. Every time you wake up to see another day remember that you are able to live your life because you live with a mercy of white men kind enough to give you a chance of your miniscule chance in prosperity.
>Indians most racist country on the earth
And they have a serious inferiority complex too
You can't prove a negative, but I guess your nigger brain can't comprehend the logic of falsifiability.
Can you prove that only blacks were ever involved in ubuntu?
I hate to break this to you, but most Indians are racist against other Indians. They know how much of a piece of shit they are, culturally.
If Indians are racist against each other then we should also be
>no arguments
>racist blabber
Whitey mad cuz microdick
Oof. I thought North Korea was hell, nope, its White America.
18 cm micropenis, ok nigger. My penis size has higher value than your whole race IQ combined.
People on Sup Forums called my baits bad and stupid and then they seriously reply to this. FUCK YOU.
Actually, I'd believe it. Their entire culture is based on a religious caste system that still exists today. Pretty much culturally normal racism, which is the opposite of what is true in most places, where discrimination is frowned upon.
Spam collaborator.
>Everyone who doesn't like having diversity memes force fed to them 24 hours a day is from Pol
Shit man why don't you try Reddit it's probably more to your tastes.
>to all the whites out there
Lets kill each pajeet in our country and then lets see if any of these pajeets have to talk against us
We will fuck their entire country in the ass
Discrimination in their country is encouraged not frowned upon.
he looks younger than email
Your kind deserve it. You're such arrogant pieces of shit it's no wonder your treated and made cucks. Here you have a thread about random Pajeet making some news and it instantly triggers your white inferiority complex into a full blown WE WUZ KANGZ mode denying the existence of the accomplishments any one whose skin and facial features don't comply to the Caucasian ethnotype.
>waaaawaaaa da joos
Good. Thank the Jews for whatever is the shit they do to get you mad. You people are such nasty, arrogant, self-entitled crumbudgeons who are treat everyone like shit both past and present like in this thread you deserve 100% all the anti-white racism that comes your way. Cool
he is a faggot.Faggots tend to look young
>work in European tech company with two indian dev teams
>hire 2nd generation indian immigrant as HR manager, because trying to cope with culture difference
>she phones around and finds out that in one of the teams, around a third of the devs are from lower castes
>within two days of employment, her very first recommendation is to halve their wages
>completely legal, still above minimum wage requirements for "offshore" workers
>only one of the devs quit, the remaining 15-20 stays and take it like obedient little pajeets
Gotta love their obedience. No wonder the brits were able to rule them for so long and why they continue to struggle with massive inferiority complexes today.
>all that rant
>just to point out the fact that your skin color will always rival that of excrements
Just wait till the pendulum swings the other way, you'll see the Great White Race in action again and instantly understand why it's unique.
yeah thats what happens when one sect of people have been devoid of their opinions for so long.
Pajeets deserve whatever will come their way.
If you want to kill anyone race,kill pajeets.Even black people are way more cool than them.
Pajeets suck
>just you wait
>muh MAGA
>t. angry chinese chink who lost his job to a pajeet
It was actually Al Gore
here comes a pajeet.Will ask for bob and vagene.
Monkey dick mfs
I thought medieval arabs invented email??
pajeets claim to have done everything in the world
>fuk u Pajeet. Just wait till great white warrior!
more proof that whites are the new global Jews
It's better to have your skin color like excrement than to be hated by literally every other race on the earth for being an absolute global parasite on the face of the earth.
pajeets drink and bath in cow piss and read his religious books and claim that those religious books have more knowledge than 21st centuary
pajeet spotted
pajeet now concerned about himself getting nuked
Right, this never happens.
That fucking emoji is like a batsignal for mental illness
Lmao, 99% of non-cave-age technological stuff was invented by whites, you didn't do shit and you call US parasites? Holy fuck shitskin, the delusion.
>caring about being hated by inferior lifeforms
lmao, that must be why females of every other race always try to go for whites, mostly in asian countries but also in shitskinlands.
>Just wait till great white warrior!
Well, take into account how we dominated the entire world for thousands of years and how we haven't been defeated by any other race or culture, and it starts to make more sense, doesn't it?
>implying whiteys don't do that
Yes. I am proud to be a Pajeet & a good honest man who contribute to the world in whatever little work there is for me to do in life. It's better than being a crumbudgeon NEET who needless treat random people like shit like you people do.
go and get yourself checked by nearest mental doc immediately
>white people drink cow piss
Only for sexual pleasure.
>good and honest
proud pajeet => proud to shit on the streets and spread hatred and discrimination among his own people.
Well played pajeets