Terry is a manlet edition
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But unlike you he's not a virgin
More like "OP is jealous of Terry's devine intellect edition"
terrys hair is JUSTing edittion
What a fucking loon
would smash
5'9" - 6'3" is optimal, outside this range is sub-optimal
The six inches of godliness.
>Has written an entire OS from scratch without any Gnu code
>Has written his own compiler and a variant of C
>Has killed a CIA nigger
Why don't you share some of the cool things you've done user?
Terry Is the reason I never stream anything i do when asked
how could anyone even compete?
i feel bad for terry-kun
some autist on Sup Forums sent him a mini drumset that is literally the sole reason his life is now in shambles
Thug life
fucking glow in the dark cock space reptoids.
Within 6 months he went from comfy live streams, drinking shasta, peacefully reading a book in his neighborhood to drinking beer, attacking his parents, living in a van, smoking cigarettes, going to prison, breaking is collar bone and shagging a 60 year old meth head
>mini drumset
didn't he get real drums too? is the noise why he's now in a van? what happened to drum?
terry is live
shit like that happens with schizophrenia
>tfw you're living the comfy life on NEETbux
nah, it's the drinking that resulted in the downward spiral. i don't know what inspired him to start drinking though.
dude that is poverty level, why the fuck do you think he lives in a van?
Way more money than me.
Maybe I should have become a schizophrenic murderer who makes a shitty amiga like OS.
Poverty line is $12,060 a year
He gets $1.7k NEETbux each month = $20k
it's 1.4k a month.
t. poorfag in denial
What I want to know is, how are his disability benefits so high? I only get 500 a month.
Does anybody know where his court date will be?
I wanna attend
>how are his disability benefits so high?
Have you not seen how fucked up Terry is? The person who evaluated him was probably surprised he wasn't in an asylum.
You get more if you paid into it at some point. My dad gets 2400.
according to terry, today at 8AM. according to everyone else including the court, yesterday at 8AM.
What happens if you pay back the 500 you get for like a couple years?
Will you start receiving 1000?
does that mean they're looking for him now?
not actively, i think. but if he comes in contact with the law, they'll take him in. so any moment now.
The fucking Dianna trolls
he's in CA right? i'm sure the poverty line is higher there
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not bring us to the time of trial, but rescue us from the evil one.
channel8 owner helped raise Terry's bail.
Where can I watch the video of him telling the police that he's on a mission from God?
Calm down soyboy
what about his meds and shit
reminder that terry abuses animals and fucked a hobo proustite without protection because the police thought it would be funny.
In heaven there is no beer. That's why he drinks it here.
You think he's medicated, the way he's been acting?
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
yeah, ha ha, alcoholism.
>tfw Terry is richer than me
whats the story on animal abuse?
he's said to have stepped on his bird. although no one saw him do it. to be fair, it was a very annoying bird.
He is in Arizona.
He abused that dog too.
He is in Nevada, now.
Well, actually right now, he went with his Dad to the courthouse on the mistaken belief that his initial appearance was today, when it was actually yesterday, and there is a bench warrant issued for his arrest.
>He abused that dog too.
The god is with the dog.
He gets raped.
By whom?
So did Terry get arrested again?>
he could have just, let it fucking go, or gave it away
He's back, and he's raging.
yeah he was getting wasted
wasn't good .. isn't good for anyone
mebbe if he cuts that out they'll let him go home
he said re: 'maggie' re: drink .. she drank & he didn't 'because he has to watch it' .. he is aware of the problem. His old parents couldn't handle having him around and drunk. He was slamming it (& he is on meds)
shit. he's on the run again?
he argued with his dad?
The animal abuse is kicking the family dog because he was angry with his father, which is also why his parents through him out.
The screeching bird died of "natural" causes after Terry neglected to feed it. In his defence, it was very old and would probably have died of old age even if he had fed it.
>abandoning your son because of some faggot dog
the absolute state of amerimutts
uncomfirmed reports he got $700 fine which his dad paid & probation which means he gets 60-90 days in jail 'if he gets a traffic ticket' (re: templeos.org). He shoulda been @ court yesterday .. oversight. Was there today. He's been raging about ivanka trump, almost blew blood vessel
>bird died
i heard like 5 different stories of that bird dying. i'm beginning to think nothing ever happened. and nobody knows why he got thrown out. terry tards gossiping like old women. partly terry's fault for never explaining anything.
>kicking the family dog because he was angry with his father
uhh no
>which is also why his parents through him out
no it isn't
>The screeching bird died of "natural" causes after Terry neglected to feed it
he stomped on it dude, why are you making shit up
No one can blame his parents for finally having enough. The country's healthcare system is to blame. Terry should obviously have been institutionalised, not living at home with his parents.
That's correct. Even Terry claims different stories at this point, but he's schizo so you can't really blame him for not recalling stuff correctly.
The truth about his second bird will be never known, from one stream to the next the bird was gone, his room was clean and Terry talked a bit about killing that bird. It could be all an elaborate ruse.
>he stomped on it dude, why are you making shit up
I think he was talking about the first bird that was coughing up blood.
this is a misconception. people with schizophrenia have rights, you can't just throw them in a nut house just because they don't want meds or are acting weird. there has to be plausible, substantial danger to the person or society.
I was talking about voluntarily institutionalised though. Terry isn't in a hospital because his parents are piss poor.
He voluntarily put his dick into that.... thing
He fucked a man?
Basically, we're not sure. That thing calls itself "Margie" so it's presumably female, but voice is deep as fuck and I can't really tell.
It's a polar opposite of a 50 year old male virgin: a 50 year old extremely worn out crack whore.
She even snubbed him from climaxing. Imagine how sexually frustrated he must be.
How is 5'11 bad? I'm 5'6.
its not, its a meme propagated by eternal dyels
lanklets BTFO
>tfw 5'11 masterrace
You guys are the shortest on the continent anyway, probably because of centuries of shitty diet and smog.
Enjoy ur ugly brexit roasties