/dt/ distro thread

Tell what you use, recommend or ask. I open Sup Forums and it were like 3 threads about choosing a distro, keep in 1 thread.

Want more recommendations? distrowatch.com/
Want to try a random distro? distrowatch.com/random.php

My picks are:
PCLinux, if you are new or don't want to be bothered and get to work right away.
Devuan, for general purpose and servers.
Gentoo, if you are not stupid you should be OK.

Other urls found in this thread:



For starting, yes, is a good distro.

Is this the new what distro do you use thread?

Those are all shit, use TENS instead

Yes, and not trying to be mean but is probably another thread to filter. Keeping it in 1 thread is good for everybody anyway.

Do you actually use that?

Newfag, kill yourself

>Tell what you use, recommend or ask. I open Sup Forums and it were like 3 threads about choosing a distro, keep in 1 thread.
go back to r eddit where you belong

The only distro that comes with a specially patched version of Firefox that has thumbnail preview in the file picker - openSUSE

Any distro without systemd is fine.

I begin with Ubuntu a few years ago. Try it OpenSuse because green is my favorite color and so far it's good. One month of OpenSuse though.

I also tried it before KDE Neon, Debian, PCBSD, Manjaro and DesktopBSD. On VM, I tried a lot more though.

tl;dr: If you are new to linux, Ubuntu, then try whatever you want or stay in Ubuntu.

what really? I have to try that. Also their Chromium version has a package to play Netflix.

Yes, and I encourage all users of Sup Forums to use the official distro of the Air Force and NSA


This has a preview too, user. But if that's your main reason for using a distro, you have nigger aids

Gentoo: if and only if you wanna learn about Linux based OSes, starting with a very barebone one, and building it brick by brick with great documentation; not meant to actually be used (only sperging autists would do that)

Fedora: for no-hassle workstations- bleeding edge without reinventing the wheel in its own corner, important packages in rolling release, ~6 months between releases, each release supported for ~13 months, many repos, no sjw bullshit

CentOS: for no-hassle servers- FOSS version of RedHat, released every few years, supported for 10 fucking years

any distro without systemd is archaic shit

enjoy your basement


Of course I'm serious, it was securely compiled by two factions of the US Government, so you know it's secure because they don't want those pesky chinks and Russians stealing data
So you can feel secure using this OS for sharing your loli collections, buying drugs, selling personal info, you know stuff that needs to be secure
You can trust it, hell it even says Trusted in it's name!


is fedora xfce worth switching to?


>Fedora: for no-hassle workstations
That is not my experience with Fedora.

ZorinOS lite

siwtched to it about 4 years ago
because fed up with Debian having turned to shit due to many devs being hired by ubuntu without helping debian much in exchange, and the energy that remained mostly being used for sjw drama about inclusiveness and sheeeit on mailing lists

thus went through 9 versions of it
not a bad thing ever happened
so seeing as it's quite a lot of luck to be had, I guess you must be doing something wrong

>he has to manually select each image to see a preview

I want a linux distro that just werks for compiling my own software. Like weird early-stage projects that other people have worked on. Manjaro gave me trouble.

Any suggestions?

>Any suggestions?
no distro will help you more than another in such a case
you obviously are the problem
best thing to it is none other than you can fix it

Wasn't Void fetching from github?

Trisquel GNOME.

I want to switch to a less buggy OS that doesn't have dinosaur packages. Which freedom-respecting distro should I hop to? I am considering Debian but I am not sure if it is safe as long as I don't go out of my to download proprietary software.

Manjaro, Mint, Ubuntu are all out of question since they have binary blobs in the kernel.

If you don't like binary blobs in the kernel then why are you considering Debian? If you want to be bleeding edge with no kernel blobs then try Hyperbola or install another bleeding edge distro and compile the kernel yourself.

>he has to install a new distro to see thumbnails in his browser's file manager

Because as far as I know is Debian is fully free and doesn't include any non-free blobs.
>Previous releases of Debian included nonfree blobs with Linux, the kernel. With the release of Debian 6.0 (“squeeze”) in February 2011, these blobs have been moved out of the main distribution to separate packages in the nonfree repository.

even your fucking CPU has a firmware...

Gentoo has a special Firefox ebuild in pg_overlay that contains the kde USE flag, which enables the use of KDialog as a file picker.

what about manjaro


Well there is no way to avoid that, is there...

What is the difference between Parabola and Hyperbola? Even their wiki pages are identical.

Currently running Ubuntu on my T420. Been thinking about switching back to Solus.

Debian can't work on my machine, no matter how hard I tried.

Don't worry about it son, GNU/Linus Torvalds doesn't like Debian either.

Well yeah, but I like the simplicity of Debian. Less bloat than Ubuntu/other spin-offs.

inb4 install gentoo/arch

That sounds like a you problem, not a me problem.

what there's no way to do is be an actually 100% dedicated autist as to firmwares, and still use a computer
if there was, OpenBSD guys would be all over it, but even they do distribute firmwares

but wait, there's kind of a solution only requiring either hyprocrisy, or tech illiteracy
you can first render many devices unable to work by removing their firmware files
then play pretend the shitload of other non-OS loaded firmwares your non-free hardware runs on don't exist
I guess that's what gnutarding autists do

No shit, sherlock.

Whats wrong with debian? Never used it as desktop OS but its pretty comfy for servers.

Heh, I just compiled the GTK3 patch to prove you wrong, fuck nugget.
>doesn't work with firejail
Into the trash it goes.

According to Stallman/FSF, because it offers offical support on their servers and their wiki for non-free software, it's no good.

>doesn't work with firejail

what a shame you went to all that effort

GNU/Linus Torvalds said it's too complicated to install.

yaourt -S gtk3-patched-filechooser-icon-view --noconfirm
>brainlet thinks this is difficult so he switches OS completely
Makes sense.

- doesn't release often enough
- not supported for long enough
- wrongly autistic about included software
- not enough devs because lots got hired by ubuntu which doesn't help debian back
- remaining debian people more interested in mailing list inclusive sjw drama than building a distro
- thus not even good enough

for obvious solution, particularly for servers, which Debian is not even good at anymore

I fixed it for anyone who cares. Just add this to your firejail command:

obviously remove my failed //code] tag

I am conflicted, because a while ago I did use linux for quite some time but everytime I distro hop I stop with Manjaro. But everyone tells me Manjaro is shite. I just have less trouble with it.

wtf is wrong with you kek

>everyone tells me Manjaro is shite.

i wonder why...

I'm not sure what your picture is supposed to convey

Unless this a default I don't see a problem, any idiot could make this look.

this is default Manjaro LXQt

opensuse (including fedora and others) are so dependent on systemd that it's literally impossible to replace it

with ubuntu distros you actually can


>archaic shit
Red Hat pls.

To be fair Gentoo has runit in the repos and sysvinit is whats used to start OpenRC so their graphic is a little biased.

I'd also recommend Puppy Linux. Especially running in Xvesa mode.

1. No it's not
2. LXQt community spin, not an official one

is a community spin*

wow this is a pretty good OS user

Are you actually using it? Holy shit lol, ur fucked mate

mmm...muh memeOS...

Why doesn't debian just derk like Fedora?

Slackware vs OpenBSD vs. haiku

Anyone able to inform me pros and cons?

Kevin pls

I recommend Solus as a good option for anyone who wants to graduate from debian-based distros. It's a pretty interesting project to be a part of at the moment, I like seeing it all come together. And no, I'm not kevin, he's an underage faggot who tries to get girlfriends on r/teenagers.

CloverOS with Window Maker

Agreed, Solus is maximum comfy. I can't go back to Ubuntu.


thanks you

Is Solus botnet free? It looks really good.

No it uses systemd.