Favorite OS, go!

Favorite OS, go!

Other urls found in this thread:


>not using Windows NT

Windows is the most powerful operating system in the world.


that only became true in 1993

So powerful it can't fully control it's own power, destroying itself simply by running.


How young are you guys?

GNU/Linux (Xubuntu distro). It just werks but it's still. A pain in the necc because of variety of reasons.
>open File manager and navigate to file to edit
>edit file
>can't save file cause root permissions and opening file manager as root poses other risks and context menu doesn't supply edit as root option
>open terminal to re-navigate to file to edit as root

Pain in the necc for unnecessary issues. Anyone know of a distro or *nix environment (not osx) that legitimately doesn't get in your way as you do your work?

For a brief time, after the death of Amiga but before the rise of NT and OSX, BeOS was the comfiest and most technologically advanced operating system.

GNU/Linux is a backdoor made by CIA niggers

Ubuntu is the GOAT!

>most technologically advanced operating system
It didn't do anything high-end systems weren't already doing for years. It just made it pretty.


it was pleb trash.

muh dick

Except it wasn't any better then other operating systems that came before it and what it was mimicking.

>Nobody has posted the objectively correct answer

there is no objectively correct answer


how many times do these folks have to reinvent the wheel

I feel bad for the immense effort that goes to waste

>implying it looked anything like that back in the day

You guys are constantly confusing desktop environments with OSs, as usual. Carry on.

>copyright 1992-94
>literary from a old webpage
Try harder.


How come?
Point out one post that's not an OS without it's native DE/WM.


ebin maymay

headless gnu/linux
>needing a gui

That's not headless retard.
That's a CLI on a framebuffer.

Wrong again, pleb.
>how embarrassing for you

this was great
I remember running a whole UNIX subsystem next to the OS

Use the terminal only cuck boi

>ugh it's putty
Sure thing and you're also a wizkid.

it's actually a photo of my vt220, modified to wide screen and overclocked for high resolution

>using a raster display instead of a character display
Let me laugh at you

why do the three AmiCucks on this board always post this garbage screenshot and jerk off to it every time? it looks fucking awful and tasteless.

They all suck though.

Plan9/Inferno with Urbit being a close second

Symbolics OpenGenera and Plan9. Everything since has been wallowing in the same muddy puddle.

>there are kiddos on this board who get triggered by this


>inb4 shitty bait

>it's always the same hipster eagerly waiting to show off his boring ass beige consumer Amigashit to anyone who will give him attention
the only triggered one here is you :^)

I used Windows before the Apple shit got popular.

Wew, I'm sure you where so hoping to hit the nail on the head with this one.
But sadly none of those are mine.

ah so you're just a white knight then, that's no fun
AIO amigas are ugly af though, at least post some nice big boxes next time if you want to make a point
still laughing at that dipshit in the first picture who probably paid out the ass for that orinoco just because it had an amiga sticker on it

>calls others white knight
>falls for obvious trigger bait specially set up for him
You're so gullible, kiddo.

>paid out the ass for that orinoco just because it had an amiga sticker on it
You could get them cheaper brand new with the Amiga sticker then a used card of the same model, because the guy selling them for the Amigas got them in bulk and cheap to begin with.
I brought plenty for my old laptops. Shows how much you know.

lol whatever makes you feel better, see you next time
sure you did`

>lol whatever makes you feel better
It was so obvious. Yet you replied to the pictures straight away.
I even wrote it out to you.

It's almost like you love sucking my dick, user.

windows 95

what got 7 year old me into computers (and eventually OS development)

>oh and, heh, os development, i guess. lol wow how embarrassing that this came up

nigga the only thing u compiled is a list of cocks uve suckd

Lol i already won it b00n

There can be only one king.
