/hpg/ - Headphone General

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chiru.no/?browse=vgm-cd/compilation/The Idolmaster/! --THE iDOLM@STER Music (Lossless)-- !/

what is the second best headphone behind the ma900?

Post your setups boys

Poorly sealed MA900s

Why do you try so hard to shill this headphone when it measures poorly?

You only need to hear it to know how god-tier they sound. But of course graph readers wouldn't understand

they sound great, post your setup schlomo
pic related

In other words, you're justifying your purchase. Gotcha.

why would I need to justify something I got for $150 when I have a $999 piece of gear right next to it? they sound great regardless of price :)

In other words, you do not own any headphones. Gotcha

Aren't we all? Some are just easier to justify than others; MA900 related. Now post headphones, user!

Nice. What amp or dac do you use

$20 dac, ican se for amp. going for the bottlehead crack when it goes on sale just because it'll be fun to build

Makes you wonder why people bash the LCD-2 and yet praise this poorly measured crap. SBAF shill is my guess.

$20 dac? interesting. I hooked up my fulla 2 and my modi to my magni to see if there was any differences between the dacs. To me the modi genuinely sounds better. It's only a slight difference but the obvious thing was female voices on a particular track sounded harsher on the fulla and less natural sounding. I can't prove it with muh graphs but I don't give a shit, they both serve different purposes for me anyway. I'm guessing you think all dacs are the same as long as it's decent? not mocking, just curious.

the lcd-2 is a $999 msrp headphone that sounds like it is worth $300-500 considering the sennheisers have better tonality. of course people are going to bash on the lcd-2. the ma900 is a discontinued headphone that doesn't need an amp and doesn't improve with one due to the circuitry involved. it's the exact opposite of something that SBAF or headfi would shill because there's no way to make money from shilling it.

you're really fucking reaching aren't you?

>I'm guessing you think all dacs are the same as long as it's decent? not mocking, just curious.
no, I have no opinion on whether dacs sound the same or not. I don't own audiophile dacs because they don't measure well, it has nothing to do with whether they sound different or not


You do realise that not only the ZMF is more expensive than the LCD-2, it also measures more poorly and has poor QC right?

Only SBAF autists can be this stupid.

>and has poor QC right?
you are full of shit as usual, also lifetime warranty.
>it also measures more poorly
it's a dark colored headphone with cup reverb and amazing tonality, it sounds and measures exactly how I want it to.

Is anything less than neutral poor measuring?


How's that Woo amp perform for ya?

I was looking at that one, the WA2 and the WA7 fireflies.

I like the chains hanging from the headphones, there's something perverted about that. Still, the microphonics probably suck. I'd help her eat that pocky.
Idol trash here.
What's your setup like, user?

Precious Grain.

Fair enough. It's clearly the least important part that's for sure. Though everyone should at least have a cheap dac for a clean source without noise etc.

I just got the Sennheiser HD650, it's my first headset above $50.

Everyone I see talk about them mentions getting an amp... but if my desktop makes them loud enough for me to comfortably listen to them, do I really need an amp?

/hpg/ = SBAF lite.

>You only need to hear it to know how god-tier they sound

>$20 dac? interesting. I hooked up my fulla 2 and my modi to my magni to see if there was any differences between the dacs. To me the modi genuinely sounds better.

Nice gear :)

6xx + schitt boys holding it down f.am

For the HD600/650 yes, you really should have an amp.

Even if it's loud enough, you likely aren't providing enough current to really give you the proper bass response they could offer.

Please go read one last graph then kill yourself

You do not need an amp. It's a high impedance headphone that's reasonably sensitive.

Your onboard sound card can power them transparently making the HD650 the bottleneck.

/hpg/ is graph reader galore

>/hpg/ = SBAF lite.
no it's not, the majority of us here don't shill dacs or tubes/amps, and those of us that do say YMMV

>proper bass response

While they do a decent job not sounding like shit without an amp (in no small part due to somewhat low sensitivity keeping the volume and thus power needs low, and the high impedance preventing impedance mismatch issues), they do absolutely benefit from one.
Furthermore, they're well known to scale well with amps, they sound different plugged to different amps and so on. How much of this is myth, I won't get into.
I suggest the Schiit Magni 3, as it holds insane good value vs money, and power aplenty.

what sort of fantasy world do you live in?

Literally EVERYONE with any sort of authority in headphones recommends getting an amp for the HD600/650.

You don't need some stupid expensive $200+ amp, but you SHOULD be amping them. Cheap amps would be the Monoprice desktop amp or similar.

>Only a few volts are needed to make a high impedance headphone painstakingly loud - especially in the midrange and treble ranges. But, unless you hate bass, it's important that your amp provide the proper amount of current to ensure your headphones’ voice coil moves enough (or has enough displacement) to produce deep bass too! The secret to fast, detailed and well-controlled bass is lots of current, not voltage. So what this comes down to is this… it’s not about how much raw power you have, it’s about how much of the right kind of power you have that matters.


>explains why it doesn't need an amp
>says it needs an amp

Elaborate on why it needs an amp so we can all have a laugh.

hello /hpg/

Recently I got an HTC Vive as a gift but the buds that go along with it are garbage and its annoying to fuck around with windows settings every time I want to use it.

I know wireless headsets are notoriously shit, but I'm willing to make the sacrifice for convenience. Been looking at the Astro A50 but theres none in stock near me.

Budget is about £200 any suggestions would be appreciated.

>I suggest the Schiit Magni 3, as it holds insane good value vs money, and power aplenty.
more and more reviewers are coming out saying it's a warm amp and that surely it will measure not neutral. that being said: bottlehead crack hype, buy one with me when it goes on sale

The HD650 needs at LEAST ~30mW and many people would want more, to hit 120 dB you need almost 170mW of power.

No built-in sound card is going to output that kind of power.

user do you ever get tired of people making fun of you?

>to hit 120 dB you need almost 170mW of power.
Not just 170mW, but 170mW into 600ohm impedance (as the impedance in HD6xx is about that high on its peak against the frequency spectrum).
Absolutely need an amp to get anywhere near that at such load impedances.

I own an htc Vive and I find that spinfits and comply tips fix the earbuds. If you want something either earhooks the tfz series 2 are a good choice.

>people arguing about current and doesn't know that voltage is more important for high impedance loads

sasuga sbaf-lite

>If you want something either earhooks the tfz series 2 are a good choice.
tfz's don't actually need earhooks, you can just slide up the thing on the wire and the tension keeps them on

>not knowing power != current, but actually includes voltage
sasuga plebbit.

tbf I just compared the dacs again and I'm pretty certain they sound the same. They seemed a tiny bit different when I tested them yesterday. Dacs are a meme then it seems, besides having a clean source. There's literally no point in buying the modi as a dac when the fulla 2 exists. unless you want the modi for different aesthetic reasons like having a stack etc.

sell and put the money towards an auteur, it's said to be an upgrade to the hd600 in everyway. considering I own an atticus and all the things I've heard about them are true I'm inclined to believe the same about the auteur.

but it measures worse

I love it. I was considering those too but in the end I chose the 6-SE since I wanted an amp that had the power to drive almost anything.

>anything not an hd600 measures worse than an hd600

I know nothing about it besides the fact that it's really expensive? not sure if I like the poo in loo aesthetic either desu. I fucking love my 600s anyway.

sighted listening tests are unreliable

i'd like to add that A/Bing two DACs that measure transparently, there WILL be differences on how it's perceived due to preconceived notions but that's our brain fucking with us

Sennheiser hd 598 se/sr vs hd 579 vs hd 599
which is the better headphone?

>I know nothing about it besides the fact that it's really expensive?
time to fill that gap then user

What headphone should I buy instead of pre-ordering the LCD-2C?

Or should I just go ahead with the $599 pre-order? The price is going to go up to $799 retail once they start selling them normally.

They're all the same driver. Just different padding, accessories, and closed/open.

Agreed. For a start one dac is louder than the other so my test wasn't really fair from the get go. The modi 2 is absolutely pointless when the fulla exists. Even if you own another amp you might as well get another amp+dac combo. Or just buy a really cheap dac if they're good enough, but I wouldn't know.


>there WILL be differences on how it's perceived due to preconceived notions
The audiophile community in one sentence.

People buy gear that performs worse or equally to their previously owned stuff and gloat about it.

So should I just go for the cheapest of the bunch?

>People buy gear that performs worse or equally
I buy gear that performs better with more pleasant tuning and then trigger graph readers who believe they can fully understand what something sounds like just from a frequency graph

No, you should go with the one you prefer.

If you want more bass, get the closed back.
If you want wider soundstage, get an open back.
If you want specific accessories get the one with them.


I'm pretty sure I didn't quote your post. Why reply to me? Did I trigger you?

>write post
>get unexpected reply
>gets btfo

Nice damage control, kiddo.

let me guess, next you'll tell me the ma900 sounds and measures like shit

>being this triggered
Holy shit, you sure got touchy. Go back to enjoying your placebos.

>it was schizo user
called it

>everyone who I disagree with is schizo user
Ok kid.

literally dogshit

What is the second best headphone behind the HD600?

your posts are hilariously obvious

Kek. Post your headphones, user

Too late, not that you would have been correcto anyway

Fact: getting rid of /hpg/'s most notorious trolls (CG, schizo user and the zmfshill) will make this place 1000 times better. Maybe idol trash too, his avatar posting is borderline shitposting.


>Fact: getting rid of /hpg/'s most notorious trolls (CG, schizo user and the zmfshill)
stop being triggered schizo user :) post your headphones

Just go to the discord, it's a lot more comfy.

Who are cg and schizo? I'm not here during the week.

CG is a troll who has been here for years, shills HD600 and MA900. Schizo is someone who isn't a shill it seems, he just shitposts against stuff he doesn't like such as MA900.

CG is the boogieman he tries to conjure up because he was bored. schizo user and CG are most likely the same person and the person you are replying to is also most likely him. he false flags a lot

who's the best /hpg/ and why is it chiru.no?

Everybody who makes posts that people don't like. Why debate when you can lazily fall back on ad hominem?

This guide is not up-to-date, he's also the infamous footfag.

lmao fair enough. This place is fucked now. It was fun at first.

That's a funny way to spell shijou.moe/imas-radio/

CG stands for comfygrados, has a specific style of shitposting involving falseflags, shilling, and starting brand wars.

Schizo user likes to make samefag accusations, shills headphones he doesn't own, and shitposts against other peoples gear.

They could be the same person though, who knows.

chiru.no/?browse=vgm-cd/compilation/The Idolmaster/! --THE iDOLM@STER Music (Lossless)-- !/

>he's still literally posting a list of things that trigger him
>on Sup Forums
Nobody will ever choose to exploit this because there are no sociopaths on Sup Forums.

I find it amusing how he tries to put the K7XX on the same league as Beats.

Aware. If you hear idol trash on chiru.no, I've likely requested it.
I tend to do that while I'm supposedly working.

>being this new
>not knowing the CG FAQ was in the OP for years because CG shitposted and falseflagged so hard that it made threads terrible

We're heading down that road again...

>he put a list of things that trigger him in the OP
>on Sup Forums
Next level autism.

it's horribly outdated, none of the ma900 owners are CG

Amusing how he changes his punctuation to make it seem like a different person is responding.

All part of the fun, user!

That beer mug is tinny and veiled with poor durability and no bass, like STAX headphones.

post pictures + timestamp of your measurement rig

I personally find it too wet sounding

>a $300 headphone is the peak of headphone fidelity

The state of your hobby lmao.