Sup Forums browser bread

It's time, lads

Other urls found in this thread:

Firefox quantum has been released yesterday.
Firefox is now faster than Chrome.

why firefox can't into RAM?

been using it since beta and its pretty good
also, this is the first step in their optimization with the new RUST engine (fuck Gecko)

Why can't Firefox into sandboxing?

add qutebrowser

using waterfox

>firefox meme derivative

But it can.

Can we stop with Firefox? There's eleven (11) threads about it on Sup Forums right now

It's not faster

Still better than the countless apple threads that appear whenever apple releases something.

Can't afford an iPhone X?

> It uses demo web applications to simulate user actions such as adding to-do items.
>user actions

I can but I already have a phone.

You know you would post that image everywhere if it showed firefox with a favorable score.

It's just as bad

I am surprised by the lack of safarifags

they deep themselves superior of these earthly polls

Please don't post that innocent cutie along with consumerist posts.

this clearly shows Mozilla should hear user's feedback, slimdown firefox, and cut with the obligatory installed plugins like pocked and shit

>no Uzbl or suckless surf
voted for Safari

Just did speedo2.0 with my firefox quantum.

Seems plenty fast to me.

How does it compare to Chrome in the other 3 tests?

Also for accurate benchmarks results in Firefox Nightly you need to set JSGC_DISABLE_POISONING=1 (this can be done by adding it to the start of the executable path, e.g. JSGC_DISABLE_POISONING=1 /usr/bin/firefox) and then go to about:config and set javascript.options.asyncstack to false. If you're on Linux make sure layers.acceleration.force-enabled is set to true to enable hardware acceleration.

You must be a retard if you think browser benchmarks across different hardware setups are comparable... run the benchmark in Chrome/Chromium and you'll get a higher score

>It's fast for me
Sucks to be you.

Stay mad chromefag.

the sad thing is, as much as I hate SJW nuMozilla... this place is Googlecentral
fuck you, guys

Their website is less sjw now.

well, that is an improvement



the robots are waking up now user, relax


OP here
I knew it
pls elaborate

I don't know what's worse, Googlel or nuZilla

This single test you posted means absolutely nothing unless you compare it on other browsers. test iridium/chromium/chrome ON THE SAME MACHINE and you'll get a better score. This was done on an old laptop, of course a desktop computer would get better scores overall.
Firefox doesn't win on this benchmark, but you can stay delusional.

There's still a nigger drawn on the page.

Chrome always wins, baby
You can't compete with Chrome. I can't have Firefox or any of its derivatives on my smartphone when I'm picking up some chicks. How am I supposed to get some hunnies with a Firefox? It’s like,
>Yo baby, look at my Firefox!
You know what they say to me? They fuckinng laugh. When I show them my Chrome, hunnies get all over it. Get all the hunnies with a Google Chrome

Vivaldi = Opera
Therefore, Opera has 17 votes = 9%.


Vivaldi = opera = yandex = brave = chrome
So chrome has 97 votes by that logic.

>Sup Forums data mine bread
it's that time again, lads

t. Edge dev

why do you lie on the internet

respect the elders you nigger

testing the meme now

I want off

Here's my results. Still prefer Firefox for other reasons though.

>chrome winning by a large margin
Freetards utterly and absolutely B T F O.

It would be fairer to compare Chromium to Nightly though, both are bleeding edge.

5/5 god-tier and comfy

waterfox and w3m

aa.... aaa....
Nutella getting fired as we speak

Nutella needs to be removed but not because of Edge.

muh botnet this muh botnet that
the g in Sup Forums stands for google, right?

Fuck you. Chrome is the only decent browser unless you're on OSX

I am sure they are reading this now, thanks to your browser
fuck google, and fuck the sanfran fags

>not using brave and feeling safe behind all the CantTrackThis.exe

>Chrome winning
I-Its just people trolling, r-right?

don't miss out that autists here are using meme derivatives like waterfox or seamonkey

wheres waterfox you cunt?

Who would've thought people prefer a browser that doesn't lag when you scroll through a page with a few gifs?

>firefox meme derivatives

I am finding it highly enjoyable, tbhonest

Yeah, I'm only using it "ironically" :^)

getting into more sane numbers

I need netrunner NOW!

>the freetards have engaged the bots

>google chrome has caught up to firefox since the last poll
>last poll took place before quantum came out
This board used to stand for something.

Sup Forums has been a fucking joke for years now. Filled to the brink with normalfags and marketing shills.

take into account that FF derivatives are into another category

You realize that makes it even worse?

no. why?

>no pale meme
>no waterfoxy
not worth my time

>Firefox meme derivatives
that is the answer for you

This list is biased, and probably has bots shilling a browser.

captcha is on

>look guys, Firefox is 56.04 fast!
this is a meaningless number without a comparison to other browsers on your hardware

ungoogled chromium is still faster and uses less RAM and CPU (at least in my local tests). Also FF just became decent again yesterday after like 3 years. If anything Im surprised FF did so well in that poll.

not if you want to distinguish between them

>there are people on Sup Forums who use botnet willingly

the shill team at M$ is working over at Sup Forums on the xbonex launch

I use ff quantum and waterfox, ill switch off firefox if waterfox goes with quantum also

delusion is string in this one

Even all the derivatives combined don't even come close to Chrome.

what are you smoking?

>chrome meme derivatives

It's not a derivative, it's the base of chrome. Chrome is a meme derivative of chromium. And Brave, Vivaldi, Opera and Yandex are meme derivatives as well.

I want these corporate shills to leave.

oh, you are the guy counting everything as chrome
now I understand, sorry

I just entered the thread. Everything I said is true and whoever made the poll is retarded.

My firefox got 67 and my chrome 65. Do you really care that much about what browsers other people use?

i thought you were this guy:

at least mine is pretty

>All the people in this thread not using best browser.
Anons, I...

>not meme chrome derivative

The shitty site doesn't work with https everywhere

Step aside peasants, Cyberfox coming through

waterfox friend
yay !!

I use w3m right now will move to links once I figure out how to set up external browseres like w3m.

I usually fetch web pages from other sites by sending mail to a program (see that fetches them, much like wget, and then mails them back to me. Then I look at them using a web browser, unless it is easy to see the text in the HTML page directly. I usually try lynx first, then a graphical browser if the page needs it (using konqueror, which won't fetch from other sites in such a situation).

I occasionally also browse unrelated sites using IceCat via Tor. Except for rare cases, I do not identify myself to them. I think that is enough to prevent my browsing from being connected with me. IceCat blocks tracking tags and most fingerprinting methods.

>stallman ITT