The state of apple

>the state of apple

Other urls found in this thread:

it looks like the plus sign stays highlighted so its like

1 + (turn on addition) 2 (turn off additional additions)3

so 1+23

very counter intuitive

>the state of apple


>t. iSoyboy

>lagPhone cucks will defend this

Why did applel rip off a 50 year old shit design?

>the absolute state of lagOS


How many times have you been banned today iCuck?

>o-oh no I got btfo

>pretty animations got in the way of making an actual functioning calculator
Their priorities aren't quite straight.

>owns a soyboy fruit phone that can't 1+2+3
>claiming someone else is btfo


>just learned a new word browsing Sup Forums, better use it as a defence because I have no functioning arguments

Go away sergey, we aren’t falling for your Samsung shill tactics

1 +2 +3 = 24

How will iCucks ever recover?

>headphone jack

>he doesn't know how to use a fucking calculator app
The plus sign clearly stays highlighted, how retarded are you

>the line is 2+2=4-1=3
>andloo can’t even repurpose a joke right

So fucking fake.

iSoyboys have defended this.

>the state of Sup Forums

It was a real bug, it’s been fixed in iOS 11.2, unfortunately iOS 11.2 is in beta

t. i5s owner

lagOS is a perpetual beta.

>cant type i
>cant 1+2+3
What CAN your phones do, icucks

>screw up basic functionality of something a first-year CS major could write and is used every day
Sure makes me have faith in the rest of the software.

My phone types i and I perfectly well.
My calculator app also works fine.

I use mine for snapchat, Instagram, iMessage, YouTube and web browsing personally


>I use mine for snapchat, Instagram, iMessage

I use it for those exact things.

Can show you if you’d like.

iSoyboy BTFO

>a well functioning member of society with friends is now a soyboy

Fair enough mate.

>snapchat, Instagram, iMessage
>a well functioning member of society

so fucking cringeworthy

Funnily enough that’s what normal people use.

Go out and meet people and ask them.

Or just use a search engine to look it up.


Wtf is this soyboy meme?

Xiaomi calculator Superior

Sup Forums found out that cuck didn’t actually upset anyone, so they think soyboy will

Fucking dumb meme you've got going, OP. Don't like iPhones personally but you're the real ass ITT

Buy Galaxy best phone. Samsung good tech company buy good phone

Hah I love Sup Forums now

I never understood why you people started calling iPhone users "soyboy" until my co-worker pulled out a bottle of soylent while browsing on his iPhone. When I asked why he didn't just go get a fast food meal like most of us he responded by saying "I'm resisting capitalism". I almost burst out laughing in front of him.

Sup Forums is usually dead wrong about most thing but this is JUST. I don't even.

Already got cash ready for S9 with it arrives.

that and pic related drinks soylent which further proves iPhone users literally have more money than brains

Hmm the evidence doesn’t agree with you

What took you so long to post your stale spam?

I havent experienced this behavior on my X

>green line and notch

Fucking kek.

The damage is already done, soyboy.

holy kek, I just noticed that

I saw that sorry tattooed boy somewhere else

And you think “iToddlers btfo” isn’t stale?

It’s certainly not a refutation either.

>all these lagdroid faggots posting on their botnet pajeet phones that only get official support for 6 months before they get axed and fucked in the ass with a million backdoors

That's agreeable soyboy but just ride this one out, this is only the beginning.

Do you know how I know your feelings have been hurt?

>t. assblasted iSoyboy

>t. poorfag pajeet who works at Pizza Hut with a cracked S4 mini that can't even open any apps

That guy is a fucking tool, but Soylent is pretty good. Fast food is painful alternative to a healthy meal

>healthy meal

Are for real right now?

Dam soyboy, is a mere meme really making you this flustered? How about you go sit down to a nice bowl of soylent, huh? That should cheer you up.

>the amount of iSoyboy anal devastation ITT

why is iSoyboy a thing? How is soy related to apples at all or am I missing something entirely

Do you have an argument? Soylent is nutritionally superior to most meals. It's 400 calories, enough to satisfy actual hunger(not gluttony), and it tastes like cheerio milk. It's easy to digest and eliminate. Dunno how that doesn't qualify as healthy. You'd be getting less nutrition from a salad, not to mention a burger or taco

I can't imagine this is a problem for anything but the most failure specimen. Do you know how much you you would need to consume to significantly alter your hormones? Do you realize how shitty your biology would have to be in the first place?

gynecomastia is usually caused by a combination of problem sources. So eating lots of soy products and taking a drug that has off-target estrogenic effects AND having decreased testosterone/androgen production would lead to that kind of outcome

Useless piece of garbage as usually

Soylent is banned in Canada :)

1+23 = 24

> Apple
> Straight
See there's your problem right there

it started with this: And then people realising he used this: And finally a culmination of these things asserting males behaving like females (see traps).

Anyway looks like the iSoyboys have dug their grave with iPhone owners like pic related becoming extremely common.

You've literally just described the perfect soyboy. He probably wears a dress and puts on makeup.

Okay, and a heart condition + certain medications + eating burgers all day will kill you 20 years early. Soy is generally safe. Beef is generally safe.

Do you use it for anything you couldn't do on your last iPhone?

jesus christ, do they give you free soylent for your posts?

My last phone was a Huawei P8

I'm just kinda floored about the misinformation campaign you guys have adopted to make iPhone users look worse than they are. I can't imagine being such a product whore as to lie to myself and others about the nutrition of foods.

Please do your makeup and kill yourself

>he doesn't have an iPhone X

I'm actually embarrassed for you.

Yeah okay iFaggot. You're exactly the kind of weak-willed bitch that would accept the newest iPhone as a gift from your mom and switch tracks real fast. Product whore

Well something is turning normal human adult males into pansies and guess what they drink every day? I think developing breasts are one of the least worst problems they have right now.

How did your parents react when they saw your developing breasts?

First off, this pic is misleading when it says "earlier this month" because it's referencing October not November - this bug has been present and unfixed for weeks now.
Secondly, saying it's about animations is bullshit - while it's true the bug is caused by the phone not registering the second + input, other simple calculations don't have the same problem. THIS IS WHY IT'S TAKING SO LONG TO FIX. If it was just the input lag it would get fixed and patched almost immediately, but Apple can't figure out the true cause and they're shitting themselves.
Lastly, defending Apple on this is like defending a murder cos the murderer said sorry and handed himself in. The issue is that this was allowed to happen in the first place. It never would have happened when Jobs was still around and you fucking know it.
t. Current Apple store employee who after years of loyal devotion has finally had the spell broken but a string of indefensible fuckups.

It literally works fine on iOS 11.2 beta 3 mate

LISTEN YOU RETARDED ANIMALS: soylent is poisoning people (ie not woman). Stay away from it.

Starbucks and many cafes have started to serve soylent drinks. Soon the soyim will do anything their soylent overlords tell them to which includes homocide and arson.

That calculation is right though - most modern calculators perform the previous function again if you hit = again. He divided 2500 by 50, to get 50, then divided by 50 again to get 1. I'm all for shitting on Apple for being overpriced hot garbage, but vids like this just show you're an idiot.


>a bug in the software that's gonna be fixed soon somehow invalidates a pretty damn good, albeit overpriced device
grasping at fucking straws, why are most android owners on Sup Forums so insecure?
t. someone who bought Xperia Z3C on release and will use it until it breaks (which probably won't happen anytime soon due to how solid the phone is)

Im holding a 5s now that works fine after 4 years.

Needs a battery replacement though.

Pointing out flaws doesn't make people insecure. Please, don't be a soyboy.

THIS. How can you expect anyone with a brain to have any trust in Apple products when they keep managing to fuck up basic functionality?
I would love someone to produce a timeline of all the times over the last 5 years or so macfags have had to defend the indefensible - I'm not even active on this 'scene' and I can think of the maps fiasco, removal of the headphone jack, the following dongle fiasco, the notch, this..... I'm sure there are tons more. Would be great for trying to wake up the brainwashed normies who still think they're paying for quality.

They're not even normies at this point. Just soyboys who pretend like their lives matter.

Unless being a soyim now makes you a "normie". If so I want off this ride.

This is called marketing, and it's the only thing Apple have ever been any good at.

It is a flaw, sure, but both Android and iOS had a shitton of really gamebreaking bugs over the years, so i'm not advocating for either of them.
I just don't see the point of losing shit over something like this

>last five years
Kek, Apple's incompetence goes back farther than five years.

im on the latest (beta) and the plus toggles back when i press another number

>update fiasco
>toast overlay vulnerability
>google, Moto, HTC removing headphone jack
>Lollipop memory leak that took 3 versions to fix
>marshmallow doze not working properly
>cloak and dagger
>hundreds of apps taken down for mining user data off play store

At least be fucking objective and realise both platforms are as shit as each other.

>too quick maths for apple

So why go for iphone x?

I don’t own an iPhone X and never claimed I did.

You are confusing me for someone else.

> beta
You using your mental gymnastics to ignore everything else there?